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Dr report for certificate

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The Daughter of a friend of mine is applying for a SG cert and plod has told her that she WILL have to pay for a doctors ok cert to apply.    Anyone know what the latest is on this nonsense.  Apparently some / most plod forces are now insisting on a Drs report for ALL SG or FAC applications or renewals.  I'm reading conflicting information on this.  If you have no medical condition of concern >>> such as Anger management, Depression or any other type of problem where there is a likelihood of you going La La then you don't need to report any condition.   Some sources are saying don't pay the doctors and they then don't reply to plod, who if no return information is forthcoming proceed with the application as normal.   Some Doctors are charging a LOT of money for this, some are charging and not replying to plods request anyway .  Rip off.  Who knows anything ?

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Hang on there  chaps. This was started to ask if anyone knew the latest news regarding this.  Where has this figure of eighty pounds come from ?  There is no set figure.  Some are charging nothing oth

Dependent on licensing authority. A growing number of forces will absolutely flat out refuse to issue or renew without an explicit doctors report.

I must have missed the post where greyman said it was funny you lost family members . Can someone quote it for me so i can see 

  On 28/12/2019 at 16:49, Meece said:

Some sources are saying don't pay the doctors and they then don't reply to plod, who if no return information is forthcoming proceed with the application as normal.


Dependent on licensing authority. A growing number of forces will absolutely flat out refuse to issue or renew without an explicit doctors report.

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  On 28/12/2019 at 17:05, blackmaggie said:

i think its manatory with alot of forces now and no return of medical records  they wont proceed with the application full stop you could always ask basc for advice but im sure that is how it is 


Quote ......"could always ask basc for advice. "  ????????..

Yesterday was the first that I  had heard about it.  As usual basic will be as much use as a choclate fire gaurd. It's the same as the length of time it took to get certificates renewed.  They used to come out with a load of drivel about how they were having meaningful discussion with plod. Basic should be taken to trading standards for misselling.  I stopped being a member a long time ago. What anyone is a member for is beyond me.  Four crap magazine's a year and insurance cover for eighty quid. I'd cocoa.  Go to ccc3 and you can get better insurance for about thirty quid. That makes those four crap magazine's about £12 each. Their a joke at our expense. If they had any clout or influence we'd still be hunting with dogs ect. I went on the marches in London ect. I might have well spent the money on cartridges or a woman. In fact it would have been a lot more benificial.

edit. ..Thanks for the reply anyway. 

Edited by Meece
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  On 28/12/2019 at 19:34, Meece said:

Quote ......"could always ask basc for advice. "  ????????..

Yesterday was the first that I  had heard about it.  As usual basic will be as much use as a choclate fire gaurd. It's the same as the length of time it took to get certificates renewed.  They used to come out with a load of drivel about how they were having meaningful discussion with plod. Basic should be taken to trading standards for misselling.  I stopped being a member a long time ago. What anyone is a member for is beyond me.  Four crap magazine's a year and insurance cover for eighty quid. I'd cocoa.  Go to ccc3 and you can get better insurance for about thirty quid. That makes those four crap magazine's about £12 each. Their a joke at our expense. If they had any clout or influence we'd still be hunting with dogs ect. I went on the marches in London ect. I might have well spent the money on cartridges or a woman. In fact it would have been a lot more benificial.

edit. ..Thanks for the reply anyway. 


everything you say about BASC I agree mate......I was a member for a good while and called upon them to help me with a few issues I had with a firearm variation and to be truthful they were of no use whatso ever and didn't want to get involved or offer any info and the very little info they did give me was of no use.....so I cancelled the membership after that.....all your paying for is bullshit and glossy magazines...…..

all the best

jay  ? 

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  On 28/12/2019 at 19:34, Meece said:

Quote ......"could always ask basc for advice. "  ????????..

Yesterday was the first that I  had heard about it.  As usual basic will be as much use as a choclate fire gaurd. It's the same as the length of time it took to get certificates renewed.  They used to come out with a load of drivel about how they were having meaningful discussion with plod. Basic should be taken to trading standards for misselling.  I stopped being a member a long time ago. What anyone is a member for is beyond me.  Four crap magazine's a year and insurance cover for eighty quid. I'd cocoa.  Go to ccc3 and you can get better insurance for about thirty quid. That makes those four crap magazine's about £12 each. Their a joke at our expense. If they had any clout or influence we'd still be hunting with dogs ect. I went on the marches in London ect. I might have well spent the money on cartridges or a woman. In fact it would have been a lot more benificial.

edit. ..Thanks for the reply anyway. 


Basc sold out hunting and believed labour's lies about never attacking shooting. 

The CA do an amazing amount behind the scenes, without them we wouldn't be hunting now. They will always defend you if you have permission on the land. 

Anyway....its a good idea that license holders get a doctors report in my opinion, but that IS just my opinion. Doctors charge for wagon drivers licence reports and private injections for foreign holidays so I don't see an issue. Its piss easy really to get a shotgun license, your unlikely to get refused, its a simple process. Suck it up and pay the £80

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  On 28/12/2019 at 19:45, blackmaggie said:

feck me that hit a raw nerve it was only a suggestion calm down old lad 


Oh it did. I wasn't having a go at you,  It's when basic are mentioned it is like a red rag to me. Anyone who is a member is being sold very very short. Because the majority are sheep they have a lot of members and they present themselves as the voice of shooters but they don't rip the plod and make merry he'll with the politicians.  It's like this because plod isn't pulled up to heel they make it up as they go along and keep making it more difficult and expensive to get into shooting. I do club target shooting along with clays game shoting and centerfire.  Years ago if a lad or an interested person rocked up on club night they would generally be shown the range and given a few rounds at a target under supervision.  Not now,  it could be a couple of months sledding around to get started with a club gun.  The costs are high. Therefore the through flow is almost non existent. All I see is basic being a self serving non effective outfit which is not fit for purpose.  I don't want to see nutters with guns and I  don't mind paying but it should be plod that pays. They want the information. It's not like a lorry driver that is using the licence to earn from it.  In the meanwhile basic will flounder around and some will leave shooting because of it as happened when plod insisted that gun cabinets be installed.  Good idea that it is,  there is no requirement in law to have to have a cabinet. I've never thought that it should be anything to do with plod.  Driving a car isn't and look how many fatalities and serious situations there are with cars. Still. This young woman is a solicitor so she might have her own ideas about this.

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  On 28/12/2019 at 23:08, Meece said:

Oh it did. I wasn't having a go at you,  It's when basic are mentioned it is like a red rag to me. Anyone who is a member is being sold very very short. Because the majority are sheep they have a lot of members and they present themselves as the voice of shooters but they don't rip the plod and make merry he'll with the politicians.  It's like this because plod isn't pulled up to heel they make it up as they go along and keep making it more difficult and expensive to get into shooting. I do club target shooting along with clays game shoting and centerfire.  Years ago if a lad or an interested person rocked up on club night they would generally be shown the range and given a few rounds at a target under supervision.  Not now,  it could be a couple of months sledding around to get started with a club gun.  The costs are high. Therefore the through flow is almost non existent. All I see is basic being a self serving non effective outfit which is not fit for purpose.  I don't want to see nutters with guns and I  don't mind paying but it should be plod that pays. They want the information. It's not like a lorry driver that is using the licence to earn from it.  In the meanwhile basic will flounder around and some will leave shooting because of it as happened when plod insisted that gun cabinets be installed.  Good idea that it is,  there is no requirement in law to have to have a cabinet. I've never thought that it should be anything to do with plod.  Driving a car isn't and look how many fatalities and serious situations there are with cars. Still. This young woman is a solicitor so she might have her own ideas about this.


i know were your coming from i know a lad who son teaches young shots etc gets sent on courses and helps at  game fairs they get put up in fancy hotels free meals free shooting on big fancy shoots plus payment and one of the main ones thats there is ducan thomas police wildlife officer for lancs he has a shoot [were he teaches kids occasionally i think on there] i bet basc have something to do with paying something and its in a area thats red hot now i wonder why that is i talk with a few shooters and when chris packham stuck it up them a good few said they were fit for purpose and werent renewing i hope your mates daughter get sorted meece 

Edited by blackmaggie
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  On 29/12/2019 at 07:41, maxhardcore said:

A solicitor or not she could have drink ' drug ' anger ' mental issues that would put the public at risk if she held a shotgun cert .

Like everyone else she should be paying the £80 quid or whatever it is to make sure she is as safe as safe can be to be issued with a SG cert.

And If she or anyone else has anything whatsoever on their medical records or police background check that says possible risk then they should not be issued with a cert for a water pistol never mind a Shotgun.


Why should she pay f**k all to do with her health it’s the police passing the book and making rules up as they go along 

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  On 29/12/2019 at 07:49, maxhardcore said:

I know a bit more about this than most and why police are asking doctors if applicants are medically sound and believe me it's £80 quid worth paying to keep every family out there safe from some potential Nut job that can destroy lives in s instant.

If she's sound of mind ect she has nothing to worry about .

If she's a Solicitor she can afford the £80 quid so what's she complaining about ?


So pay £80 all ok pay £80 and still go nuts come out get real it’s f**k all to do with your health it’s away to remove tickets Easier and pass the Blame on to someone else after the f**k up last time 

max come on tell us what you know as you know a bit more then the rest of us as per your comment 

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  On 29/12/2019 at 08:09, maxhardcore said:

If the Police and Doctors work together it should cut down if not stop those who should be no where near guns owning them Legaly which cuts down massively on potential deaths and massacres where Shorguns are the tool of choice .

anyone complaining about keeping people safe over £80 and a doctors cert shouldn't be having a licence imo .

More so a solicitor ' she should know better ?


Talking rubbish as alway sir all that dose is stop law abiding people not criminals.

police and doctors working together doctors want nothing to do with this as been proven when doctors don’t sign paperwork so We have to move Surgery’s And Cost more £££££

 if it’s about safety the police should pay and ban all knifes 

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  On 29/12/2019 at 08:18, maxhardcore said:

I know why the law was tightened and who fought to get it tightened very well.

And if you had to loose 3 members of your family to someone who legally owned a shotgun when he never should of been near a gun you would pay the £80 for a doctors cert with no qualms.

Its fook all at the end of the day and anyone whinging about it throws up a red flag imo 


You throw a red flag every time you type or is that white 


£80 or not will not stop it happening just making money

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when I renewed my FAC by the time I got the doc's report photos and paid the renewal fee it cost me £107 my tickets don't run together so its going to cost me again when my SGC is due but that's my problem they are making it harder to get these certificates which may be a good thing.

if its costing eighty quid for a doctors note they are having one over on you

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