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1 hour ago, downsouth said:

If you're going to start using Dex(Azium)on a dog thats put in a long hard shift then you seriously need to start thinking about adding fluids via i.v as you will being drying out a dog even more that could already be seriously dehydrated.

I agree with you 100% on that! Can def dehydrate the dog and you should bag it, no doubt. 

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The only downfall with penicillin is too readily available therefore used too much by those who should know better .No antibiotic should be used as a prevention to an infection ,only treatment for fir

There is a big difference in a nip on the nose and a good hiding, easy clean up the odd bite,different when it's a lot more serious, I always have the dogs at heart and if I think they need more than

9 times out of 10 if a dogs is cleaned properly and given the correct aftercare there is no need to be giving any type of antibiotic.Seen too many lads reaching for the needle and probably doing more

5 hours ago, dillydog said:

Why would you let any infection take a foothold  ?

Surely it's better to save any infection from ever taking place ?

My vet once told me that even under surgical conditions flesh just sometimes wants to die back. I've beat myself up plenty enough times over the infections I've personally seen to know better mate, and that's with veterinary care.

Save an infection from taking place by cleaning, antibiotics are only for use when infection is there and won’t shift. No poodles here, had hard dogs, as hard as any. Antibiotics aren’t a painkiller, and if you clean the wound and rinsed of infection they’re of no use are they. 

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I think some lads assume that antibiotics aid in recovery time of a wound. If there’s no infection present they’re not doing anything but harm. And I’d be the first to say, if I see infection I will get the dogs antibiotics but I’d rather prevent with cleaning than rely on them.

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1 hour ago, rob284 said:

Save an infection from taking place by cleaning, antibiotics are only for use when infection is there and won’t shift. No poodles here, had hard dogs, as hard as any. Antibiotics aren’t a painkiller, and if you clean the wound and rinsed of infection they’re of no use are they. 

Unless you've got a God like touch mate any infection will have started once teeth meet flesh, any open wounds will have soil and bacteria in them, no amount of cleaning will stop what's coming.  For obvious reasons I won't go into it but we'll have to agree to disagree. 

Edited by dillydog
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5 hours ago, Wideboy said:

Exactly, infection starts fairly quick and is normally instant. Some great men able to clean every grain of sand or dirt out of wounds. 

Instant ? nothing great about it, Maybe that’s where your coming unstuck, hence relying on antibiotics. I wouldn’t leave anything in a wound after a dig, that’s why they don’t get infected. One day they may do and I’ll be the first to use them, but I’d never use them as a preventative measure because that is misusing them, eventually rendering them useless.

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There is a big difference in a nip on the nose and a good hiding, easy clean up the odd bite,different when it's a lot more serious, I always have the dogs at heart and if I think they need more than a clean up then they get it. When a terrier has been to ground for a long period of time well infection has already got in and all the cleaning in the world won't stop it,it has to be stopped from the inside out, but everyone to their own, I'm not going to tell anyone how to do things. 

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On 09/01/2020 at 20:20, rob284 said:

Save an infection from taking place by cleaning, antibiotics are only for use when infection is there and won’t shift. No poodles here, had hard dogs, as hard as any. Antibiotics aren’t a painkiller, and if you clean the wound and rinsed of infection they’re of no use are they. 

Spot on rob, give wounds a good hard scrub, get some sort of spray on whatever suits everyone uses different stuff, I use terramycin keep clean and keep an eye on, jab only when infection starts as it’s the same as humans, the more you use the less effective it becomes then you can be in the shit. If infection does start I give a jab of pen&strep and it comes right. Just my opinion and very rarely have any infection or issues. 

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