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Mind you, the new life story of General Bernard Montgomery looks like it could be a winner ? 
Don’t know how that actor did it but the resemblance is uncanny !

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I have to say, this attempt to ram normalisation down my throat every time I switch on the telly boils my piss. Every f***ing programme has some darkie cast in a role they have no business being

I remember telling people years ago that theres a war against the white man and most people said i was talking bollocks so im glad other people are starting to notice it as well....make no mistake abo

I don't believe in it either.  I do believe in been a good person, look after and provide for my family, and help anyone who asks for it. I don't need a religion to tell me to do that.

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  On 28/12/2019 at 13:29, poxon said:

How true is this religion is bull shit mate 


Not true, greatest fairytale ever told. Sure the bible is sold under the fiction section. 

The bible was written by men of influence, wealth and power to control the people, and keep women as second rate citizens. It has done more harm to mankind than it has good.

If money is the root of evil, why is the church passing around the collection plate every Sunday at mass. The amount of people that died because of religion and the bible is crazy. 

Also Christmas is a pagan celebration that the church stole and used for their own use, like Easter. 

Atb j 

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What people,  don't realise is when the bible was written, people still belived in magic, witchcraft and the supernatural. The people who wrote the bible had to compete with this, that's one reason why it's so fanciful, it needed it's own supernatural hero. The blind were and are easily led.

Why do people go to church every Sunday to be told that your all sinners, and your going to hell. And in the next breath God forgives all and welcomes all to heaven  if you say sorry. It seems they can't make up their minds and want to please everyone. 

Atb j 


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  On 28/12/2019 at 18:04, jetro said:

Not true, greatest fairytale ever told. Sure the bible is sold under the fiction section. 

The bible was written by men of influence, wealth and power to control the people, and keep women as second rate citizens. It has done more harm to mankind than it has good.

If money is the root of evil, why is the church passing around the collection plate every Sunday at mass. The amount of people that died because of religion and the bible is crazy. 

Also Christmas is a pagan celebration that the church stole and used for their own use, like Easter. 

Atb j 


I’m not religious what so ever mate ??I celebrate having time off work ?to spend time with family an see family members that I don’t get to see through out the year an more time for getting out with the dogs Because normally I’m busy being a good slave working to have my pants pulled Down with taxes ? religion= biggest con told to man 

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  On 28/12/2019 at 18:42, poxon said:

I’m not religious what so ever mate ??I celebrate having time off work ?to spend time with family an see family members that I don’t get to see through out the year an more time for getting out with the dogs Because normally I’m busy being a good slave working to have my pants pulled Down with taxes ? religion= biggest con told to man 


I don't believe in it either. 

I do believe in been a good person, look after and provide for my family, and help anyone who asks for it.

I don't need a religion to tell me to do that.

Atb j 

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I remember telling people years ago that theres a war against the white man and most people said i was talking bollocks so im glad other people are starting to notice it as well....make no mistake about it television is no longer an industry of entertainment its a department of propaganda and social engineering to distort and warp peoples perception of reality.....in America today non whites account for the majority of the nations newborns......only once the quality of life has gone significantly down will people start to actually care that they are being replaced in their homelands....same here,mixed race marriages make up only 8% of total marriages yet mixed race couples appear on the majority of tv adverts.

Also what is this theme of white men constantly portrayed as alcohol/drug addicts who lose their way only to be saved by the wise,stoic black man.....this ridiculous contradiction of London life where instead of streets full of black men stabbing and robbing each other while whitey is out at work we now have black scientists and investment bankers working hard while the white man stands in the background with a leaf blower or pushing a broom !.....and then we have the silly black tart on Sky Sports the other day doing the football punditry with Jeff Stelling who could barely string a sentence together.

Even on this thread we,ve now got the smug little atheists doing the Christmas ritual of bashing Christianity yet i bet my bollocks they dont dare say anything about Islam or Judaism.....seems to me that society wont be happy until white Christian children are forced to accept that their civilizational inheritance has been stolen from them !!

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 28/12/2019 at 22:08, gnasher16 said:

I remember telling people years ago that theres a war against the white man and most people said i was talking bollocks so im glad other people are starting to notice it as well....make no mistake about it television is no longer an industry of entertainment its a department of propaganda and social engineering to distort and warp peoples perception of reality.....in America today non whites account for the majority of the nations newborns......only once the quality of life has gone significantly down will people start to actually care that they are being replaced in their homelands....same here,mixed race marriages make up only 8% of total marriages yet mixed race couples appear on the majority of tv adverts.

Also what is this theme of white men constantly portrayed as alcohol/drug addicts who lose their way only to be saved by the wise,stoic black man.....this ridiculous contradiction of London life where instead of streets full of black men stabbing and robbing each other while whitey is out at work we now have black scientists and investment bankers working hard while the white man stands in the background with a leaf blower or pushing a broom !.....and then we have the silly black tart on Sky Sports the other day doing the football punditry with Jeff Stelling who could barely string a sentence together.

Even on this thread we,ve now got the smug little atheists doing the Christmas ritual of bashing Christianity yet i bet my bollocks they dont dare say anything about Islam or Judaism.....seems to me that society wont be happy until white Christian children are forced to accept that their civilizational inheritance has been stolen from them !!


All religions are the same gnasher. There's not one better than the other, sence they all think their right.

To be an atheist is to believe in nothing, which I'm not. I do believe in some thing, just not Christianity, Islam ect ect.

Hope you and yours had a great Christmas. 

Atb j 


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I have had loads of long winded debates on here on the subject of faith.

People confuse faith and the church, they slag the church in order to mock faith.....which shows a basic lack of understanding of the thing they are trying to mock.

Anyway, ill just say this.......I watched a documentary on birds of paradise the other night.

Nobody in this world it going to tell me that a creatures like that happened purely by accident.......it just defies logic when you see such intricate and complicated design.

Intelligent design is everywhere in the animal and plant kingdom......you want proof of something bigger out there?

Well, there it is right in front of your faces every single day of your life.


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  On 28/12/2019 at 22:39, WILF said:

I have had loads of long winded debates on here on the subject of faith.

People confuse faith and the church, they slag the church in order to mock faith.....which shows a basic lack of understanding of the thing they are trying to mock.

Anyway, ill just say this.......I watched a documentary on birds of paradise the other night.

Nobody in this world it going to tell me that a creatures like that happened purely by accident.......it just defies logic when you see such intricate and complicated design.

Intelligent design is everywhere in the animal and plant kingdom......you want proof of something bigger out there?

Well, there it is right in front of your faces every single day of your life.



So, what do you believe in wilf?

Not looking for a debate, just curious about what you actually believe in

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  On 28/12/2019 at 22:39, WILF said:

I have had loads of long winded debates on here on the subject of faith.

People confuse faith and the church, they slag the church in order to mock faith.....which shows a basic lack of understanding of the thing they are trying to mock.

Anyway, ill just say this.......I watched a documentary on birds of paradise the other night.

Nobody in this world it going to tell me that a creatures like that happened purely by accident.......it just defies logic when you see such intricate and complicated design.

Intelligent design is everywhere in the animal and plant kingdom......you want proof of something bigger out there?

Well, there it is right in front of your faces every single day of your life.



By that do you mean nature ?.

Atb j 

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