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Is it ever going to stop raining

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Last winter was a dry one,very hot and dry summer,it's just mother nature balancing things up and topping up the water table...:victory:..

Mind you am out in a forest on foot tomorrow as the open ground is to wet to get about on on the mule...

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Got soaked through to my new Xmas bundys earlier...... Had to get out..... The fever was setting in??  

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went this morning to follow a shoot we was to follow after they had beaten each wood and check any earths after hearing of one fox on the line shot i didnt hope for much but dug a brace under a old banking we then checked a few places that had been kind to us in the past and result we got a mark on both the only down side was my mates bitch walking other than that there was a very good shot on board who took phesants and ducks at a fair height and speed most wouldnt i would quess and some good work from the gun dogs 

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  On 26/12/2019 at 19:23, Ted Newgent said:

I really dont miss the continuous rain back there

it drove me mad nowt worse than rain

if its any consolation its -8c here clear blue sunny skies


Clear blue here as well Ted but +19 ...? ..

sorry lads I’ll get me coat ....errr I’ll just leave,  it’s to warm for a coat ...?


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No such thing as bad weather just bad choice of cloths, ,Though I must admit it is getting a bit monotonous now, went out for a wander last week on some high ground as all the levels are flooded and the amount of deer in the woods was mental, we are forecast 3/4 dry days now,, son left at 4am to go fishing for 3 days and I,m about to put on my new Chrimbo boots and seal skin socks and take the dogs out for a paddle, don’t no how many of you ever wear them but a pair of decent gaiters over your boots make a huge difference when the grounds wet, ✌️✌️

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  On 27/12/2019 at 08:48, Greyman said:

No such thing as bad weather just bad choice of cloths, ,Though I must admit it is getting a bit monotonous now, went out for a wander last week on some high ground as all the levels are flooded and the amount of deer in the woods was mental, we are forecast 3/4 dry days now,, son left at 4am to go fishing for 3 days and I,m about to put on my new Chrimbo boots and seal skin socks and take the dogs out for a paddle, don’t no how many of you ever wear them but a pair of decent gaiters over your boots make a huge difference when the grounds wet, ✌️✌️


I gave my gaiters to my eldest when he went beating last year ? nothing worse going through crop field when it’s wet .

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Do you reckon many rabbits are drowning in this weather? Or just moving around living rough etc as so many holes are flooded and ground is relentlessly wet. Poor old coney already up against it with RVHD2 now poor buggers burrows been turned into rivers! Every time I go out ferrets always coming out wet through and covered in mud that’s if they can even go down the holes! 

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  On 27/12/2019 at 09:54, Bobtheferret said:

Do you reckon many rabbits are drowning in this weather? Or just moving around living rough etc as so many holes are flooded and ground is relentlessly wet. Poor old coney already up against it with RVHD2 now poor buggers burrows been turned into rivers! Every time I go out ferrets always coming out wet through and covered in mud that’s if they can even go down the holes! 


I don't know about them drowning Bob but they defiantly move with this wet weather. Seem to like the woods and the short grass in the horse paddocks. Having said that there is a hedge we do every year that holds rabbits that has standing water both side of the hedge, last year it was near the top of my welly's. Christ know how deep it is this year, my mate says there is rabbits in it though.

Cheers Arry

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Round my way we have a lot of flat reclaimed land sadly we don’t have many bunny,s left around here so I tend to leave them be but when we had loads and  all the ditch,s and dykes were full of water you could  have some great fun with a couple of dogs working the hedges and a runner each side,  the squirrels seem less bothered by rain more by the temperature just been out for a splash and  put 3/4 squirrels up ???

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We had a situation in France where I live where the two 100 hectare lakes were closed for fishing due to the drought and the rivers were unfishable due to floods. Thankfully the rain in Spain stopped last week and it is wall to wall sunshine here now. Mullet fishing tomorrow. 

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  On 27/12/2019 at 16:22, Greyman said:

Same as that, deer and squirrels are mostly what I see, put one rabbit up last week on the same walk put out 5 roe a couple of pheasants and lost count of the squirrels I treed, ✌️


Not many squirrels about here atm, the odd pheasant but plenty of muntjac, badger and fox here! 
my cocker moved the biggest munty I’ve ever seen here today.

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