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some pic of lamping last night

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nice one :thumbs: have you always used the red filter while lamping and do you find any difference with the dogs when using it compared to the clear light?

i use the red filter cause it gets haunted around hear and i let the dog git to the rabbit and then go to the cler light i find i can git a better runs like that and the rabbits dont run son as the light go s on and iv made the filtre fix to the lamp so it dont keep fooling on the ground you got to docter aney think thes days and find a way around aney probelems that come your way

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some pic rabbit my dogs had last night thay had 10 so thay have feed ther sellf for the week

nice one mate :clapper: we'll have to go out one night old times sake :thumbs:

let me no when you want to go out im allways up for it will make a change to go out with someone else cos im all ways on my own chave
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