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john cowen

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hi all i have seen the name john cowen mentioned a few times when there has been a post about lakelands was just wondering if he was just a breeder or is he a real terrierman with a good working strain of terrier that he still works with

Hi lakieman.

I am sure with a name as you use and living not a million miles from john cowen that you have never come across john or heard of him without seeing postings on here but possibly because he does not take visitors and he does not need to say anything about is dogs or terrier work hes done it all being one of the founders of the fell and moorland and a great hunt terrier man

He as had the ones who come uninvited in the dark without paying so that is why does not like visitors and yes to you inquiry He as is own stain of working lakelands and they are true workers many very hard and yes he is a real terrier man none better asked any of the real cumbrian terrier men .

I also sent you a pm just to say that I read where you where intersted in a lakeland from a mike1 and I just asked if it was not the same one you called pete the dog pedller which I am sure after all the negatives this guy as had I would have thought that he should not be aloud to sell anything on this site .

Lakieman if you want a proper chat phone me anytime to talk dogs no bullshit .

If you have a look on the lakeland thread there is two photos of two direct bred john cowen lakelands which are mine.

yours in sport



or email me on pigeonparker@hotmail.com

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