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Before they built on it

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I can particularly relate to the last few posts regarding pit yards and railway embankments. These pics were taken earlier this year after a little snow fall. Regularly hunted this place , line went f

Somewhat ironically the house that I live in is almost on the exact spot where I first seen a rabbit hunted. Within about a 200m radius. I would love to be able to say that I built a house is some rur

I can't complain as it keeps me in work, people need somewhere to live ?... Around my way they seem to build on old factory ground and on what I would call flood plains..... I wouldn't personally buy

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  On 20/12/2019 at 23:46, darbo said:

This was a decent place for rabbits also ok for squirrels pheasants pigeon and the odd duck.


place i go is built up on a industrial estate you can take unlimited mallard and teal with a air rifle and its just a big puddle with a load of reeds round it best time is at dusk took loads with a air gun there a good few pockets of rabbits but there better ferrreted from under site safes and rubble piles etc 


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  On 20/12/2019 at 21:15, darbo said:

A pic of a section of the land now. It was all green belt land.



Doncaster???.... drove past that the other day....

next village to me there building a shed load of houses....1500 I think....I used to catch rabbits and hares on there ....real shame

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I work in the building trade I can’t complain to much as it pays my bills but what is a killer is when your working on houses sat on land that was yours you had run dogs on for years my old town were I used to live at last count had 17 active building sites on I used to be able to go out at dusk an get back at dawn an give a dog a decent nights work these days with the amount of development it’s cut all the land up in to sections were as beforehand it was just field after field after ungated fields all farms an land was interlinked an joined now it’s a case of get to a spot by vehicle dump the vehicle get round a bit of ground then drive to the next spot 

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  On 21/12/2019 at 11:59, baker boy said:

And worse its going to get mate


Definitely mate it’ll get worse like dan as said though you have to get your self about a lot of land won’t be built on or can’t be built on I’m always on the look out for spots to drop on for a shine being freelance most of the time I keep eyes peeled for potential spots There’s always potential if you look at public rights of way foot paths find we’re they are scope the land we’re they a joint to on day time walks for potential see we’re they go then hit them at night 

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