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Before they built on it

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To be honest I’m being a hypocrite here as I work in construction. New build office developments have always been a mainstay of the industry. The constant hunger for these always amazes and puzzles me. Many times we start on a new one when I know for a fact that previous finished projects in the same area are not fully occupied and sometimes still empty.

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I can particularly relate to the last few posts regarding pit yards and railway embankments. These pics were taken earlier this year after a little snow fall. Regularly hunted this place , line went f

Somewhat ironically the house that I live in is almost on the exact spot where I first seen a rabbit hunted. Within about a 200m radius. I would love to be able to say that I built a house is some rur

I can't complain as it keeps me in work, people need somewhere to live ?... Around my way they seem to build on old factory ground and on what I would call flood plains..... I wouldn't personally buy

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  On 21/12/2019 at 11:46, baker boy said:

Developers are a bigger threat to hunting than antis, it will get to a stage where everywhere you go will either be built on or surrounded by buildings


It's getting that way mate, houses are popping up like mushrooms everywhere you look, and these daft business parks with the massive buildings, are they trying to americanise the place or what, we haven't got the acreage for all this shit, they're starting to build on five farms worth of land near me the last of the green belt it was noted for it's grey partridge population, loads of skylarks still there, it's sickening

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  On 21/12/2019 at 13:02, baker boy said:

I pass there on my way to work I wondered what thick twats would build there..?


Redrow ?everyone sold as soon as they up to band course... Unreal mate... Started a job on side of the mountain in hendredenny in Caerphilly... 45 m difference from top to bottom of site...  Take months shifting soil to get levels before drainage and any building takes place.... Houses already sold off the plans?

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  On 21/12/2019 at 11:09, TOMO said:

Doncaster???.... drove past that the other day....

next village to me there building a shed load of houses....1500 I think....I used to catch rabbits and hares on there ....real shame


I know the one you thinking about tomo was brilliant kand for a shine and day time mooch if keepers weren't on. 

Caught my 1st ever fox with lurcher on that land as 13 year old school boy.  Used to be plenty of hares, rabbits and roe. 

Was one of places you was always guaranteed a run or 2. 

Almost gone now though bit of land next to it but not the same as it was. Bog amazon and other factories there and a road running straight through it all

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Somewhat ironically the house that I live in is almost on the exact spot where I first seen a rabbit hunted. Within about a 200m radius. I would love to be able to say that I built a house is some rural idyll. No, my house is on a modern estate.

At the time the estate that I grew up on bordered farm land on it's south edge. The land was poor quality boggy rough pasture  with cattle and some  cereal production. One day I tagged along with lads who went "rabbiting". They had two unimpressive looking black street mongrels and begged or borrowed anything that looked like a hunting dog. Jack Russells and Whippets were still very popular pet dogs at the time and often let out of the house when the owner went to work on a morning.

As soon as we crossed the road from our estate onto the fields the black mongrels started using their noses. They crashed into brambles and give out yips and yaps. The dogs outside of cover started bouncing. The energy was tangible. A rabbit burst out of the cover at 100mph and the whole pack gave chase screaming their tits off. It was a life changing experience for me. From that day on, well it took eight month, I have never been without a hunting dog. Almost anyway, there was a period of a few years when it was not possible for me to have a dog.

My plan has always been to live in a place where I truly want to live. Still not there. Always made logical excuses to myself as to why it has not happened. Time is running out. But it will happen.

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Place I used to go was always a good night there is now a housing estate I'm only talking 6/7 years back and it was all green with a bit if woodland now it looks like it was never there. There is a huge housing estate going up now that's going over a lot of land shame really. People fuxking things up like normal human contact is becoming less and less went into a cafe yesterday for a breakie and it was one of them touch screen things to order worlds gone tech mad 

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Many places I used to hunt in my younger days now sadly gone or under construction there's 1 piece of common ground that I think every man and his dog would lamp ferret or shoot with the rifle right on the edge of town always held plenty of foxes it was always a race to get on there ferreting to get a half decent bag before somebody else turned up had some good times on that's ground I drive past it and I think I've the great times I once had on there rip ?

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I’m lucky as I live near the fens, and not much building work happens there. But unfortunately it’s a sign of the times. We’re over populated. Unless every country in the world puts a cap on how many kids you can have, like in China.. we’re pretty f****d. 

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Last house I bought was probably to within a few metres of where my first lurcher caught her first hare maybe 35 years ago. A lot of the ground we walked over, hunting, nesting, fishing for perch in wee ponds is all housing now. 

Funny now when I tell my laddie that when I was his age ‘all this was just fields’, I hear my old da’s voice.., and he’s been gone a few years now. Some great land bursting full of nature for a boy like me to spend halcyon days in.., sadly gone forever. Like many of the pals who I shared it with. I have my memories though.., and this thread has sparked a few so thanks ?? 

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  On 20/12/2019 at 20:34, eastcoast said:

Something came into work today that briefly dropped me out. The Nissan plant in Sunderland. I ran hares and tried to catch woodcock on the land that Nissan now stands. Ran the hares with mongrels so did not catch many and was not trying to shoot the woodcock, relying on my mongrels so never caught any. And of course did not strictly speaking have permission. But for some reason the dogs found woodcock scent irresistible. But that is a testament to the quality of that land as it was then. Rough boggy pasture. If the land holds hares and woodcock then it is clean and healthy.  

Anyway, anyone else hunted places that are now gone forever ?


I seen lots of places built on over the yrs ,industrial estates get bigger and housing and roads being built to cope with increasing population ,



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