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feeding young ones enough ??

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got a couple of kits last week . the guy i got them off said to give them 3 dead day old chicks each a day. one morning , two later . is this enough ?? they always go mental when i put it in the cage. as i'm a novice i'm not sure if this is normal or are they starving ??? cheers

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got a couple of kits last week . the guy i got them off said to give them 3 dead day old chicks each a day. one morning , two later . is this enough ?? they always go mental when i put it in the cage. as i'm a novice i'm not sure if this is normal or are they starving ??? cheers


How old are they ? as a general rule if theres food left over after each session then your feeding enough, if there wolfing it down & snatching the food & hissing at each other i would feed a bit more untill you find theres some left :)

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Id drop feeding the chicks, and if you cant get rabbit, go for chicken, theres not much goodness in chicks,


as kay says, id always opt for feeding too much, as ferts are "hiders" either check each day for hidden food, if they are stock piling, then you know to ease up on the food, or as i do feed 6 days outta 7,

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the kits are 9 wks old . i'm only been giving chicks as thats what the guy was giving them . i'm giving other meat every other day


Ar right, well what i would do is feed 4 regular meals a day, rabbit is way easier as they can have a good chew on it , after each sitting remove any bits left over, plenty of water & you should see then thrive if you give them plenty :thumbs::thumbs:

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hopefully i'll be feeding rabbit when they're a bit bigger !!!!! but i'm gonna phase out the chicks and give em raw chicken carcasses and necks plus other bits . you reckon thats a good way to go ???



well if you have some rabbit i would feed it them now, in tha past i have fed rabbit to a jill with kits & as young as 3 weeks old they were having a go at the rabbit, but if you dont have any then the meat your feeding sounds fine, also they will be much easirer handling when there little bellys are full :laugh::thumbs:

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