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  On 09/12/2019 at 17:23, Arry said:

To me this time it's Democracy that's at stake here. It's only the Tory's and Brexit Party that are prepared to uphold Democracy. Democracy was hard won and many many people have died for it, but Lid - Dem's, Labour a the Green's don't want you to have it. Your Votes don't count any more to them. Well the referendum was not a One Armed Bandit where if you don't like the result you pull lever to get a different result. A Democratic Vote and the result must be upheld or Democracy is dead, a very dangerous situation. As for the f***ing Lid - Dem's, I can't believe a party in this country can be so arrogant as to stand for Anti Democracy.

Cheers Arry



You missed those wankers Plaid Cymru and the SNP in the undemocratic list

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If you think austerity was bad the last nine years wait until after comrade Corbyn has destroyed the country and buried us an avalanche of debt to fund his crazy schemes. The IMF will be involved, the

I think you are forgetting that the seeds of the 2008 meltdown were sown in the Blair years, you don’t seriously believe that nobody knew what the banks were up too? Blairs best mate George Bush

Get with the times, every political party and it's politicians hate the little people. Labour highlights including Emily Thornberry's disgust at a constituent's van and St George's flag in his window,

  On 09/12/2019 at 18:38, hambone said:

You missed those wankers Plaid Cymru and the SNP in the undemocratic list


Don't get me started on Fan Dabby Dozy she make my piss boil. The Anti democratic cow. As for Plaid Cymru I don't follow them much but I think they are Anti Democratic as well. I find it really strange that Political Parties can be so blatantly against Democracy in this country of all countries. A friend of mine came back from a tour of New Zealand he met people from all around the world there. They could not believe that the democratic vote of the people of the UK was being under mined and ignored.

Cheers Arry

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  On 09/12/2019 at 20:44, hambone said:

Yes mate, same as SNP. Cant get my head around the thought process going on there. At least Scotland as an area within the UK voted to stay in the EU.


It's unreal, they must all be thick as fck and making it up as they go along lol

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  On 09/12/2019 at 17:23, Arry said:

To me this time it's Democracy that's at stake here. It's only the Tory's and Brexit Party that are prepared to uphold Democracy.


I wouldn't expect much democracy from the Tories either, least worst betrayal of the referendum maybe. Assuming they win the election I predict we will see a 'brexit in name only' that leaves the UK tied into the federal European Union in many ways, not the OUT result won in the 2016 referendum. I also suspect that history will show the destruction of UKIP, that was starting to gain a lot of votes and traction, to have been at least partly a product of establishment dirty tricks. This election is about the future of government in this country, not soon to be forgotten random manifesto promises played out in the media circus. Trouble is all the options are sh1t.


Edited by Caravan Monster
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  On 09/12/2019 at 17:23, Arry said:

To me this time it's Democracy that's at stake here. It's only the Tory's and Brexit Party that are prepared to uphold Democracy. Democracy was hard won and many many people have died for it, but Lid - Dem's, Labour a the Green's don't want you to have it. Your Votes don't count any more to them. Well the referendum was not a One Armed Bandit where if you don't like the result you pull lever to get a different result. A Democratic Vote and the result must be upheld or Democracy is dead, a very dangerous situation. As for the f***ing Lid - Dem's, I can't believe a party in this country can be so arrogant as to stand for Anti Democracy.

Cheers Arry



..I can’t believe at these live well rehearsed pre planned debates no one just asks jo Swinson how much she is being paid by the eu, her husband has received 3mil this year alonein eu funding, regarding the snp wanting to leave the uk ignoring there own referendum results and join the eu, total lies and hogwash, a very basic rule of eu membership is that a country has to have its own currency and as Scotland still uses the pound it is not even eligible for eu membership so that’s two party’s very easily destroyed if anyone cared to just tell the truth ??? 

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  On 10/12/2019 at 17:42, Bobtheferret said:


Anyone work for themselves have a read of this article, if you still vote labour then I have no sympathy whatsoever. Turkeys voting for Christmas 


I think I wrote the other day the labour party is not for the true working man.. if you are working class but own a company your hit harder than the real.elite rich.. its bullshit... many of us are backed into a corner on who to vote for because there isn't a party that really represents the native hard working, home owning, married with a couple of kids man.... and by f**k if you've invested some of your hard earned in a business or property port folio you are the scrum of Britain!! Lol

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I was sat with my bank manager last week and we were talking, as you always do, about the upcoming election...he commented on how much I had changed my business and operations, we directly employed 29 people 18 months or so ago, I've slashed that massively...employing is nearly impossible in our industry now...we were proud to employ people, pay a decent wage, pay towards pensions, some has phones paid etc etc... but it became in profitable to trade that way... I speak to loads of small business owners and they all say the same...we paid over minimum wage but labour are talking of upping minimum wage over £10 an hour, and increasing corporation tax, and increasing high earner tax etc..so business owners get squeezed both ends and dont employ...I'm all for increasing minimum wage...but not f***ing you in tax at the same time...

It's a socialist ideal gone wrong.... unless you want to do not a lot and get hand outs I cant see what labour offer a true British working man..

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  On 08/12/2019 at 19:44, WILF said:

I think you are forgetting that the seeds of the 2008 meltdown were sown in the Blair years, you don’t seriously believe that nobody knew what the banks were up too?

Blairs best mate George Bush jnr had the ex chiefs of Goldman Sachs making financial policy at the Whitehouse......policy that the whole of the worlds financial institutions embraced.

But nobody got jailed.....the ordinary worker and business owner and plumber and miner and street sweeper....he was the one that suffered.

But none of them c**ts suffered, Blair went off to a lucrative speaking career, Mandelson to the EU parliament (as did Kinnock before him), Corbyn staid an MP as did Abbott, Duncan-Smith, May, Ken Clarke, the Milliband Brothers, Jaquie Smith (remember her, “accidentally” took 150 thousand pound but didn’t realise!) 

Then along came Cameron and Osbourne......you will need a lot of pain so we can sort out this debt they said!

So, we got pain and plenty(ish) of it but we understood, balance the books and all that.......however the books didn’t get balanced, the debt actually became gargantuan !!

But hey, gays could get married so who gives a f**k right ?

Do you see where I’m going with this mate?........if you can point out the good guy then please do point him out because frankly, I can’t f***ing see one.


You missed out sold all our gold at a knock down price.

Went on an immoral spending spree, knowing it would put us back into that deep hole of debt.

Basically the Blair group inherited a perfectly recovered economy from the Tories and then proceeded to not only destroy it and make a huge chunk of the population reliant on benefits, but also waste untold billions on illegal fuucking wars! I would seriously enjoy pulling the lever on that war criminal cnut.

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  On 10/12/2019 at 18:30, mushroom said:

You missed out sold all our gold at a knock down price.

Went on an immoral spending spree, knowing it would put us back into that deep hole of debt.

Basically the Blair group inherited a perfectly recovered economy from the Tories and then proceeded to not only destroy it and make a huge chunk of the population reliant on benefits, but also waste untold billions on illegal fuucking wars! I would seriously enjoy pulling the lever on that war criminal cnut.


What's mad is they make us all pick a side..and 90% of us want basically the same things out of life (one way or another), but the agendas in place are not for our benefits...so you've got to pick the side which kind of goes along with your way of thinking the closest... unfortunately this time they've tied Brexit nicely into their arguments/manifestos/agendas whatever you want to call the lies they all spout...so the huge division caused through Brexit adds another great weight on your already compromised vote....its f***ing scandalous really....

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