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Can any Farmers help me???

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I work on the railway and came across this in a hedge bottom. Apparently it's some sort of GPS device for combine harvesters etc? Called a John Deere Starfire 3000. Looked on ebay and they seem to be worth a fair bit. It's in near perfect condition except a little rust on the screws underneath..

Any idea how I can find out if it works other than plugging it into a combine harvester which unfortunately I don't own..






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Cheers, D.

Well,well,well what a carry on.....all this psychoanalysing over a monkeys worth of clobber ? f**k me i never knew i was surrounded by such outstanding citizens on here i just hope and pray if ev

Love the Title to this thread.............CAN ANY FARMERS HELP ME, I've found what maybe a stolen GPS off a Combine Harvester, can you tell me what it's worth as I am going to sell it on E-Bay........

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  On 05/12/2019 at 19:01, Jonjon79 said:

Sambo been out nicking a GPS eh? :hmm:























Sorry mate, I couldn't resist :laugh:

 .......... I'm sure someone on here will be able to help though :thumbs:


I'm no thief mate.I  work on the railway and literally found it in a hedge bottom at a track access. I assumed somebody had nicked it and stashed it as soon as I saw it but like most people would do I saw that it was potentially worth something and shoved it in the work van. Couldn't believe my eyes when I looked on ebay.

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  On 05/12/2019 at 19:12, sambo123 said:

I'm no thief mate.I  work on the railway and literally found it in a hedge bottom at a track access. I assumed somebody had nicked it and stashed it as soon as I saw it but like most people would do I saw that it was potentially worth something and shoved it in the work van. Couldn't believe my eyes when I looked on ebay.


No insult meant mate - it just struck me funny :thumbs:

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  On 05/12/2019 at 19:24, Stoney100 said:

Fair game then.....however before you splash it all over the Internet you want to remember you might be handling stolen goods ;) 


nope He’s not aware it’s been stolen is he... the charge would be theft by finding like what I got nicked for few years back lol after helping myself to some cable in a SKIP!!!

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