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I was not try to provoke anything I just asked why for the reason Cause i wanted to know..


I dont know much in general The reason makes sence to me I aint had dogs forever, Socks hope you dont feel i was trying to get one on you i was not trying to.. Just for more understanding thats why i asked..


keep up the good work like i said dog looks great fantastic even...

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Socks, Is a rabbit that has been scared out of its bury while sleeping or a hare what is pushed out of its cover then turned away from its only escape route because people are standing there not disorrientated?


rabbits dont wake up all bleary eyed like humans and have to have a cup of coffee to get going in the morning :laugh: ..... when they leave that burry by whicher sneaky little bolt hole they chose they know exactly where they are running to ... where the cover is ... where the hole under the fence is ... where the next safe warren is where they can go and theyre persuer cant .... anybody that has done a lot of ferreting will have had their superior running machine bettered by the humble old bunny ... for he has to know is land and all his escape routes to stay alive .............

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a lamping dog needs as much brains as a lamping dog owner ... DUH f**k ALL :laugh::laugh::laugh::boxing::boxing::boxing::toast::toast::toast: ...........


socks you want to stick to greyhounds,mark


what the rack record holding open class winning ones :D:D:D ...........

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I agree with chalkwarren, why cant those who want to talk bollocks about daytime vs nighttime, start their own thread about it, and argue for pages if it so pleases them, and let socks have his thread about his day out, and let people who want to post sensible replies do so in peace :doh:

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Guest markbrick1

iam leaving this alone now its not my topic and it started as a good day out,BUT SOCKS YOUR WRONG ITS NOT THE 1ST TIME YOUVE BEEN WRONG WHEN IT COMES TO THE WORKING LURCHER, :yes::yes: i think youre knowledge is more with greyhounds as i dont know an experianced lurcher person who would say a lamping dog doesnt need a brain,which dog needs the most brain day are night is a topic which can go on and on for ever and ever i think i know a litle more then most on here and not as much as others regarding the lurcher but iam sure i know more then one,mark

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:laugh::laugh::laugh: thats the whole point you shouldnt have to stand a BRAINY DAYTIME DOG ... it will stand itself using its own BRAIN .... i regularly ferret warrens with with a hundered holes how the hell am i supposed to stand the dog where the rabbit is going to come out ??? ... i am good but i aint that good ...........
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Guest joe ox
:laugh::laugh::laugh: thats the whole point you shouldnt have to stand a BRAINY DAYTIME DOG ... it will stand itself using its own BRAIN .... i regularly ferret warrens with with a hundered holes how the hell am i supposed to stand the dog where the rabbit is going to come out ??? ... i am good but i aint that good ...........


I agree a dog should know where to stand. A dog whatever its used for has to have brains saying a dog needs more brains for ferreting is a stupid statement! Some of the best dogs I have seen day or night always no where to place themselfs to shorten the odds for a kill.

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