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Pup growing nicely

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That pups coming on great?looks very similar to a few from the litter my bitch came  from at same age?

It be a good age for starting next season P, do some little bits and bobs, ferreting with it end of this season, summer of sun on its back, and away you go next sept/October time?

Best of luck with her?DSC_2193.JPG.814eaa38ef10ed6941517f534de35ac5.JPG

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  On 31/10/2019 at 09:49, billhardy said:

Welps getting his minced  up chicken and tripe atb bill



She’s smashing any thing raw bill her favourite is chicken necks or wings beef or lamb trimmings with a egg on top With a few puppy biscuits sprinkled over like a garnish ?? I’m just trying to get as much mixed raw feed I can get down her at this stage 

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  On 31/10/2019 at 10:03, Daniel cain said:

That pups coming on great?looks very similar to a few from the litter my bitch came  from at same age?

It be a good age for starting next season P, do some little bits and bobs, ferreting with it end of this season, summer of sun on its back, and away you go next sept/October time?

Best of luck with her?DSC_2193.JPG.814eaa38ef10ed6941517f534de35ac5.JPG


This pup I’ve got is going to be a heavy set bitch i recon dan her legs are already thicker than the pied colour bitch I’ve got her feet also look a lot tighter an neater than the pieds she’s got a head like there’s bull blood in there but must be a throw back to the bedlington blood she’s definitely going to be a stronger type bitch I’ve noticed with this pup though training as been a little harder so far than the pied colour bitchs was but we’re get there in the end though with the training she’s just a little slower at picking stuff up 

definitely be getting her out the end of this season doing some one to one with her have her pinning to nets I don’t doubt her ability to be pinning straight away tbh  she’s not worried about nothing I was unloading my rabbits the other night when I got back put one on the ground she was straight on it tail going like mad??I’ll not be rushing her slow an steady it’ll be hopefully come next season we’re be off ??Hopefully she makes a honest bitch for me I’m not after any world beater just want a honest dogs I think coupled up with the pied bitch were up for some good mooches about ?

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  On 31/10/2019 at 10:45, poxon said:

By the looks of it we use the same supplier  for our raw dan ??


She gets sardines an marcel I hit the fish counter up for bargains at Morrison’s if her indoor drags me shopping but I tend to look for food to feed the dogs? rather than human food shopping 

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She is a solid looking thing that's for sure... Tbh when my bitch was growing I honestly thought she would be to heavy for what I had planned for her...  But she hit the height, nice length of back on her,  happy with her speed tbf..... She will bust her gut trying...... That will do for me.... Everything else comes with experience ??

Best of all, she doesn't bring the unwanted attention that some other smooth looking lurchers do..... I tell folks she's straight beddy whippet???

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  On 31/10/2019 at 10:54, Daniel cain said:

She is a solid looking thing that's for sure... Tbh when my bitch was growing I honestly thought she would be to heavy for what I had planned for her...  But she hit the height, nice length of back on her,  happy with her speed tbf..... She will bust her gut trying...... That will do for me.... Everything else comes with experience ??

Best of all, she doesn't bring the unwanted attention that some other smooth looking lurchers do..... I tell folks she's straight beddy whippet???


I feel the bit about unwanted attention with my big old racey smooth bitch  I always had unwanted attention people wanting to know if I worked people I don’t even know an were was I from we’re I go with her police pulling me up for random checks transits pulling up asking if she was for sale also being followed about not good!rather own a dog that don’t look like much or capable of much but does me well that I’m happy with that looks only capable of being walked my days with big racey smooth dogs are long gone ??

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