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Empty heads breeding litters

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  On 29/10/2019 at 10:19, poxon said:

One thing that mind boggles me is when someone is asking or selling  pups on any social media or selling page is there’s never no mention of age of sir & dam on adds for sale I think it’s a vital bit of information if your selling pups or a buyer to try an cram as much information in a add to not waist any ones time many people get tucked up in the Lurcher game buying a pup out of dogs that have only completed one seasons work but are promoted as decent dogs seem it loads over the years 


Every ones a winner baby that's the truth 

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Not after a pup u scruffy Smack head looking FCK .jus curious,

I really don’t think £325 is a lot of money for a dog that could give you 12-15 years of graft and companionship. I’d much rather pay £325 for the right dog than £50 for the wrong one. I’ve spent lite

can't remember the last time i bought a pup be it lurcher or terrier as if you in a good tight circle of people you won't ever have to put your hand in your pocket atb cbx 

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What a man spends his money on is up to him , me personally I wouldn’t spend half as much as some lads do on dogs especially coursing dogs , I don’t understand how a coursing dog is worth more than a lurcher as there pretty much the same thing , a saluki grey pup  out of a dog killing 3 /4 hares 2/3 times week with fancy names stuck on it 1000 , a saluki greyhound owned by someone who out 3/4 /5 times a week catch all game only worth 150 , 

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£325 is about the going rate for lurcher pups on these sites. There are still a few absolute gentleman who give their pups away to mates but those days are long gone for the majority of litters. A lot of people are looking for exactly that cross and who knows they might be from seasoned workers? Maybe it's a case of supply and demand?  Out of interest/ nosiness where did you see them Slip em?

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ive one here under priced and a bargain to the right man/woman lol...Ive paid a bit too much for some pups and very little for others ,if you want it bad enough and its bred right ,money is not an issue ,unless your skint i suppose 

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  On 29/10/2019 at 19:11, chrisbullx said:

can't remember the last time i bought a pup be it lurcher or terrier as if you in a good tight circle of people you won't ever have to put your hand in your pocket atb cbx 


I get offered them all time but sometimes it may be the case of not finding the type yas require or need at that given time that means delving in one's pocket. Atb bill

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