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like keith,[iworkwhippets]. i lost my wife thirteen months back.the bestest friend i ever had..it dont get easier. depression in my world can floor me.but i keep busy,even planning what to do the  nex

you must be reading my mind matey, one day last week, my doctor came out to see me, asked how I felt and my thoughts, she asked so I told, suicidal were my thoughts, until a certain person from duggie

Stoney, there is NO GETTING OVER IT. You just need to learn to live with it, and deal with it as best you can. I've suffered from it, and anxiety, since nov 28/19 99, after a really bad accident,

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  On 25/10/2019 at 11:33, gnasher16 said:

Im not knocking the chap Stewie as everyones different but the couple of recovering alcoholics ive known closely through our lives both go out of their way to get involved in others battles with the problem.....one is chairman of a local AA group the other spends a few evenings every week " on call " at the same meeting....turning their back or distancing themself from people who came from where they came from wouldnt enter their mind they are grateful for the help they got and want to give that back.....again,not knocking the chap on here maybe they are a little further along the line of recovery.


I couldn't go and help smack or any other drug users in recovery,i did mine by my self as such and didn't use any meetings,groups or anything like it.My time in that world is well over and not for one second would i want to peek back into it and i feel as though i'd help any man with any problem ,maybe don't totaly trust myself even after all these years ??? with what i have now as it's more to loose than i have ever had before in my life..Good on those that do though and i wish them all good will..:victory:

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  On 25/10/2019 at 10:12, king said:

Feck shark you had some bang  there mate.

Good to hear you made some great gains...fair play...


Thank you mate. Still suffer with fatigue, balance problems, confusion, tinnitus and short term memory loss, which will all be with me permanently, but, as has been said, trying to to get to the gym and looking after yourself, as much as is possible given these problems, does help keep you sort of on an even keel ?

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  On 25/10/2019 at 09:44, Rusty_terrier said:

Depression is a very real thing. Lots of young men round where I am killed themself recently. No job ,girlfriends or wifes left them, no cash etc alot of people cant see a way out the rut and for alot of then there probably is no way.


Then you have the folk that have everything but feel depressed like theres no helping them

Shame alot of folk scared to admit they need help



As for folk who are feeling down but not depressed but feel like there on their way to being depressed.

Keep away from the drink, drugs and gambling. Put the porno down as well and get some exercise do you the world of good


Last two paragraphs here is pretty good advice rusty. I think everyone will benefit from getting out and about, and doing some regular exercise, even if they can't get to a gym ?

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  On 25/10/2019 at 13:54, fireman said:

I couldn't go and help smack or any other drug users in recovery,i did mine by my self as such and didn't use any meetings,groups or anything like it.My time in that world is well over and not for one second would i want to peek back into it and i feel as though i'd help any man with any problem ,maybe don't totaly trust myself even after all these years ??? with what i have now as it's more to loose than i have ever had before in my life..Good on those that do though and i wish them all good will..:victory:


Fair play mate and I agree with all of that.

I think coming from a past of drugs/drink probably gets you used to being down quite a lot.......for every high there is a horrific down that you just get used to and even plan for! if some people feel bad without ever touching hard drugs then god knows what they would be like on Sunday comedown after a full weekend of raving on pills/speed lol 

same with “normal” drinkers....most plan there days off around it for a day to recover but when your addicted to it you just feel like shit 24/7 unless your pissed/high.

I used to hate being in a crowd of people unless I was pissed then I wouldn’t give a f**k so I could say I had social anxiety etc but I don’t feel like that now so how did I get rid of it so easy just by stopping drinking? The truth is my mind was only on getting my fix and plenty of it to lol using anxiety as an excuse would of been easy option for me but I’d only of been fooling myself it was that!


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  On 25/10/2019 at 13:54, shaaark said:

Thank you mate. Still suffer with fatigue, balance problems, confusion, tinnitus and short term memory loss, which will all be with me permanently, but, as has been said, trying to to get to the gym and looking after yourself, as much as is possible given these problems, does help keep you sort of on an even keel ?


you are staying focused which is important shark..

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  On 25/10/2019 at 08:03, Stoney100 said:

Someone in full health and able bodied claiming to be depressed should go visit a child’s cancer ward and go tell them they struggle with anxiety and see how that goes down......don’t try and judge me mate when you know f**k all about me.....I’m entitled to my opinion on it the same as your are.......the facts are I would find her a burden so I choose not to get involved with her.......I can’t offer professional help and I have my own life to worry about without bringing someone who is “depressed” into it......why would anyone intentionally want to get involved with someone like that? 



you cant offer even a sit down and a conversation ,your the product of modern society.....man mind thy self ..and f**k the rest of them ..obviously someone with depression isnt in FULL HEALTH...and able bodied ...and visiting a cancer ward is lessening the problem of clinical depression????????as i said you are really a heartless person ,...i hope to hell you never relay these standards on your kids ...they deserve better...and people get involved with ''PEOPLE LIKE THAT  to try help them!!!!!caring professional people and friends and close family ...

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  On 25/10/2019 at 16:10, jigsaw said:

you cant offer even a sit down and a conversation ,your the product of modern society.....man mind thy self ..and f**k the rest of them ..obviously someone with depression isnt in FULL HEALTH...and able bodied ...and visiting a cancer ward is lessening the problem of clinical depression????????as i said you are really a heartless person ,...i hope to hell you never relay these standards on your kids ...they deserve better...and people get involved with ''PEOPLE LIKE THAT  to try help them!!!!!caring professional people and friends and close family ...


If I was a heartless person I wouldn’t of drove over 20 miles at 11pm on a Thursday night to help her after a panic attack. I liked her a lot tbh and yes I might of acted harsh but my initial reaction/instinct was just to get away from her ASAP. 

Look im sorry if I hit a nerve, I was just giving my honest opinion on a thread. At this point in my life tho i just don’t need or want take on a whole load of someone else’s problems when I’ve had my fair share myself......what about when I was feeling down who would I turn to? Or should I have played her along, telling her everything will be alright to keep getting a ride then tell her to f**k off when id had enough? Building up someone’s hopes of a relationship when you know from the off it won’t work out is far more heartless than simply disappearing off into the night never to be seen again imo and my conscience is perfectly clear. If anything I’ve done her a massive favour ?


Edited by Stoney100
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  On 25/10/2019 at 09:43, Stoney100 said:

I can’t but doesn’t mean I can’t be polite..?


it came across as you cant be sympathetic either,,which is sad,,,ive no malice towards you or anyone but you really need to consider other peoples feelings ,and i get the feeling you may be scared that you could be dragged down the same road they are travelling ,but i could be wrong ..ive seen so much of what mental health and depression can do,and its not a trivial thing

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like keith,[iworkwhippets]. i lost my wife thirteen months back.the bestest friend i ever had..it dont get easier. depression in my world can floor me.but i keep busy,even planning what to do the  next day .i find things to do.just to blank out memories of the horror.if it gets bad like the dark nights and rainy days,i go to sleep..i do not take anti depresents.before it got to bad,my wife told me that i would have to start again and carry on.so that is what i tell myself.i suppose depression come's in differant forms..everyday to me is the same.all i do is wait for tommorrow.i could easy go back on the drink,but i limit myself to two pints,down at one of the marsh pubs.suppose i do it for a bit of company.loneliness eh.anyway thats my bit on it..


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  On 25/10/2019 at 11:05, Stoney100 said:

Your not off the mark at all, your spot on tbh.

Maybe I do look at it differently but being stuck in that shit life for years has definitely made me think the way I do on it and I have to be selfish to stop myself going back to it in anyway at all. 

Been there, done that and it’s something I’m more than happy to leave behind!


well i see you in a different light now ,i didnt catch you were addicted to alcohol,and i do see where your coming from now , your still healing it looks like ,apologies for my comments ...

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