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Looks like mine from gearbest ,a chinese mega store ,£26 will put a piccie up later .Picture quality is fine ,easy to secure and takes a lorra lorra batteries ,mine came with the memory card which was a nasty so put a tescos 1 in its place atb

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Ar you get 4 more pixels for your extra 40 pounds ,other wise i think theyre all generically the same just price is the big variety .The gearbest one doesnt talk to mobile either but you lock it out with a pin for added security atb

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Have used loads from Brownings, stealth cams down to all the cheaper models, most are just cheap Chinese copy’s of each other boxed and badged by different firms, this one is £20 less than the Aldi one and is almost as good as some of the more expensive models I have, I,m on my third year of using them and have as yet not had one go wrong picture quality is good they have black led so can’t be seen at night and do a single snap before starting the video which captures a lot of things that you would miss if you waited for the video to start, well recommended as an introduction ✌️✌️p.s the ip number is quite important as it shows how water resistant they are could not see one on the Aldi model ?? 


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A bloke over the road had one .  I don't know how good it was but I seem to remember him saying that you needed a lorry load of batteries to feed it. I seem to remember that it took about eight AA's.

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  On 03/11/2019 at 15:00, Meece said:

A bloke over the road had one .  I don't know how good it was but I seem to remember him saying that you needed a lorry load of batteries to feed it. I seem to remember that it took about eight AA's.


I buy them in packs of 40  for a tenner in cost co use a set about every 8 weeks in winter up to about 3 months in summer I discard them when they are down to around 70 percent power left as the trigger time starts to slow down after that and you start missing stuff, I normally have about 10 cameras out so can cost a few shillings, but still cheaper than golf and it’s like Christmas every time you check through the footage  ✌️

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@Greyman, You really ought to get yourself on some rechargeables. Not very good for the environment using 20 batteries a month. I'm sure you'd also save money with rechargeables and a charger.

The issue with the marketing of many trail cams is the manufacturer doesn't tell you what sensor they're using. Anyone with CCTV experience knows there are certain Sony IMX sensors that perform particularly well at night. The night specialists are mostly designated STARVIS or now the latest sensors as STARVIS+, but even then, certain model numbers have better night vision than others. If dark performance is important then it's very difficult to choose not knowing whats inside. More mega pixels doesn't = a better image quality. Conversely for night time,  2mp 1080p cameras have had the best nighttime images. Recently a breakthrough sees 4mp cameras with similar night abilities. I'm not sure I'd expect to see the latter in a trail cam yet though. Best way forward until manufacturers start posting specs, is definitely recommendation from those who have them.

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apparently you can’t use rechargeables in trail cams and I do put all the flat ones in the recycling though as I said I normally take them out the cams when they drop to 70 percent so often put them in other things that still function with them ✌️✌️

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