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Me and sash decided to go for a walk around our local golf course... second field we lamped there was 5 deer all laid down, smack in the middle of the field, not a big field by any means, but 50 yard from the wood, so we set about getting behind them, we walked as quiet as possible along a wallside, then up a hedgerow towards the wood, had another flick round with the beam when we reached the woods edge and luckily they were all still there, now stood up, wondering what the f**k to do, the dog had seen them so away he went a good 50 yard slip, i had second thoughts after slipping him, these deer were flying and i could'nt see the dog anyway close :blink: , oops... a roe even ran into the dog but he had his sights set on the one he was intrested in :search: ... away they went and now out of sight. we listened and listened until we heard that welcomed sound, a deer on the floor, over 2 dry stone walls and in the corner of a field lay the wrestling pair.... another good result for a young dog steadily coming on.... :whistle:






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get a pic up...well done that dog!!!! nice to hear of a youngster coming on through the ranks....fancy another walk out soon???? :guitar: keep up the good work...





:D yes i'm def up for that darcy, let me no some dates soon...  :whistle:  :yes:


me to.... :whistle: im free, mon, tue, wed, thu and fri. give us a ring or ask tarmac to ring me. :good:

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