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peter the terrier peddler

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does anyone remember peter the dog peddler he is now operating under the name mike1 i must have been one of the lucky ones that bouhgt a dog of him that actullay worked and turned out to be a cracker but he never told me she couldnt have pups 6 months after i bought the dog i was on this fourm and was reading all the posts about unlucky people that had the misfortune to have bought a dog that didnt work of this guy so i checked his history to find a post about how he had bred the dog i bought of him and it had problems and it wouldnt be able to hav any more pups i was gutted when i read this. well today i went on to the buy and sell fourm and there is a lakeland dog for sell i was really intrested in asked the usual questions asked him to pm me his address and guess what it was the same address that peter the dog peddler was from so i asked him if he was peter and he said yes i asked him why he had changed his name and he said coz someone had stole 4 of his dogs dont see what that has to do with your name i knew something was fishy from the start coz last week he had a picture of this dog up saying it was his pride and joy and this week it is up for sale his friend samward was recommeding the dog to me dont no if he is invlved or maybe he was being genuine so beware of mike 1 or should i say peter the dog peddler :boxing:

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[is that the red lakie you are on about.did you buy it?

no i havnt bouhgt it he is waiting on me phoneing him back to confirm it this guy tells nothing but lies he told me the bitch i bought was a good mother but he forgot to tell she couldnt have anymore

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[is that the red lakie you are on about.did you buy it?

no i havnt bouhgt it he is waiting on me phoneing him back to confirm it this guy tells nothing but lies he told me the bitch i bought was a good mother but he forgot to tell she couldnt have anymore

glad you have posted this as i was interested in the dog aswell

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must be something about the name pete...brings out the dog breeder/messer


how about lieing pete from cresent lurchers, told a storie about him training a winning dog in the waterloo cup and then selling it to a track lad for £150, or the time a guy landed out side his house in a helicopter came in bought a pup and took off again..helicopters landing out side a cousel house in dunscroft

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right yes i will answer. any dog i have sold i have told who ever bought a dog [bANNED TEXT] they need to know about the dogs and a lot of people have got good dogs off me and as for the lad how had fern you got a good dog. if you look at any post i have done i have all way said with trial so people get what they are looking for.

Yes I did stay off the site for a while and came back with a new name, this was because I got slated and although in faireness i did get pms of a few lads giving support others just wanted to slate me . I had problems with 1 lad and his mate over two dogs, no one else has had a problem with me or with any of the dogs I have sold. I did do everything I could to sort the problem out.

about the dog i have just put up yes he was my pride and joy and i am gutted iam getting rid of him, but i have not got the work for him.

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why did you not tell me that fern couldnt hav pups and you also said you had her from eight months and had claimed to hav done all sorts of digging with her then when i checked your history you had only bought her the year before i had bouhgt her off you you bought her to go ferreting with you bred her and she couldnt have any more pups coz she had problems and she is only a decent dog coz i hav run her on and if i remember correctly there was a lot more than 1 guy had problems with you and if you check your history under mike 1 you hav had six dogs for sale since the 27th of november i smell dog peddler

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