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What a whopper! :o

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Well after spending stupid money fox proof fencing an entire garden and part of some woods for my poultry, I seriously wondered if it was worth it for a few fresh eggs.... but look at the size of this mother!

It weighs 109 grammes - gotta be record breaker...(not literally :tongue2:)


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Tee hee hee @ Barrymore :icon_eek:


That little egg must have been from a pullet... I get them too when they first start to lay, that is very dinky though, I bet there wasn't a proper yolk in it either? They usually have a mess inside.


The hen it came from was a Light Sussex or a Plymouth Rock, I have French Marrans too, but I know thier eggs, and that deff wasn't from them. It actually had a seam around the middle and looked like a "cut and shut" egg! :D It didn't have a pointier end either, they were both fat as!


I weighed an average size egg and it was 61 grammes, so the biggun was almost twice the size... and yes it was a double yolker! And very tasty :tongue2:


I once gave a dozen eggs to my ex bosses family who came down from London to stay, and apparently, they phoned my boss up to say there was something wrong with the eggs, and that they had gone all congealed :icon_eek:

Silly beggers had never had a fresh egg that almost stood up in the pan, and were used to the whites running round the pan like water! :doh:

Fresh Eggs Any Time :victory:


Anyone else got any good eggy records??? :tongue2:

Edited by Tis TM
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