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All these puppy farmers

Guest WILF

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In one sense i have to agree with you wilf, having had my fingers burnt a couple of times trying to go for a quick fix,

But on the other hand i am privelidged ! to own the most awsome working lurcher i have ever owned, and she was "FREE" to good home of a site similar to this.

So overall i say let them advertise on here, and the old adage should apply to whatever you buy "Buyer Beware"


Yis Mars.

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Well maybe charge people to advertise is another option, you would surly have to pay to advertise in the CMW or simmilar :hmm:


I think that is probably the solution. :thumbs:

Another site I go on does this, not much but the cost goes towards the upkeep of the site.

Edited by Sighthound
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I have two very good dogs here,one came from this site,and another from a different site.Not everyone selling dogs is a money grabbing parasite,BUT A LOT ARE! Do a simple bit of searching with some forum users,and they only post when they are selling,then gone till the next litter arrives.I say GET THEM GONE!,FFS everytime theres a "Hancocks" thread or a "Nuttal" thread people are queing up to slate them,yet we allow people to come on the site and peddle SHITE.Theres a lot of youngsters using the site now,and these are the sort that could be screwed,and put off dogs for life,should they buy sommat iffy from here.Mods,sort it out i say.

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Wilf you seem to have become caught up in the terrier world , I wouldnt let people who sell worry you . I dont no if you work them but i am sure if you wanted one you wouldnt be getting it from the source you seem to be getting stressed out by . No point letting things you have no power in stopping wind you up , You will give yourself a heart attack .At the end of the day if you put no homework into buying a dog expecting it to work you deserve what you end up with .

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Guest baldie

The trouble is Boris, 16 year old lads dont think like that, and are easy prey to the peddlers of shite, then they end up with crap dogs, and in turn breed from them, because they dont know any better, then the terrier /lurcher world is awash with shite. Personally, i would stop all sales of animals on here, as good litters dont need advertising full stop.

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