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All these puppy farmers

Guest WILF

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Why the feck are they not just having there membership deleted, why give the parasites air time, chuck the feckers off!!!!


Ashfoster, Vixenwire and the like.............do away with em :no::no:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I've always said; It should be a minimum 100 Posts before anyone gets to use the Free Ads section. But then, only 'last night' (early hours) I popped back in here for a last look and found most of an entire page was One member racking up a hell of a post count, simply by saying " Welcome. " to every b*stard to show their faces on the New Members board! The guy must have thousands of Posts to his credit by now. And probably less than fifty have ever Said anything.


So, 100 'Meaningful' Posts? Ones which obviously make an effort to Contribute Something to a Thread. No need to wail and rend ye hair as ye gnash ye teeth over it. " Welcome. " " Nice Dog - How's it bred? ". " Yeah; F*ck der ban " et al. are pretty much mindless utterances. Just catch phrases. Don't need a Phd in English Litrature to figure that one out. So why not just Password Protect our own little eBay there. Can't be seen without that Password and that Password has to be individually applied for, once the member believes they've made a hundred Contributions to this Forum. These Spammers want cash and they want it Now. Time is money. Dogs to shift! F*cked if half of them will be able to even muster a ton of synaptic bridges before they throw up their hands and go to any of the lesser sites out there.


And, just to Really sort the men from the boys? Only DONATOR Members need apply for that Password. Fiver a year as part of the deal to get access to a captive consumer audiance? If ye want to argue with That, ye must be on the same wave length as the Spammers and Puppy Millers!


Instigate the above and watch that board - If ye can get in there! - shrink back, over night, to a place where a few guys haggle over the odd gun, trap and occassionally someone asks for or offers a surplus Dog. And a careful watch could be kept on those too. Just in case any herbert slips through the net and 'another of his bitches' should happen to be so fantastic he just Had To breed from Her this year too. And, if his mate hasn't got a computer? 'His mate' can f*cking well find a Cyber Cafe and follow the protocol.


Best of all; None of that would need to make any of the Moddies here lift a finger. If it required that, it'd be a dead duck. Because, from what I see, it looks very much like there's only One Moddie on this forum right now who particularly does shit anyway. And that one is working his arse off on extra carricular activities to further enhance this place as it is.


Every nomination for President needs an Oppossition. I'd like to propose JohnB for the position ;) (About time the bloody guy got Some recognition for his efforts round here).

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Whats a puppy farmer though ? . There are pleny of people about that breed a litter everytime a bitch come into season . Just because they have there little group of arse lickers thats ok though . More people should concentratre on what they do if people want to breed let them . If you have any sense you will only get a dog to work from the right source .

Edited by boris b
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Guest markbrick1

theres a site call k9,its mainly to do with non ped racing showing and there is a small section for lurchers you want to see the advertisments for lurcher matings on there,THE FAMOUS JACK the red lion car park champion of championsx gypsie midland reserve veteran champion 1989,f**k its all on there anything for a few quid,i had to part with 1 of my dogs this yr them numptys were offering me a £1000 for her at the shows,did i sell her to them no way she went to a lad of this site who is genuine for a fraction of that and he works her and treats her well,i say stop the puppy pedlers,mark

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who was that one member, mabey that person was just being polite and as for getting posts up look how many you have does that mean you are reliable to buy a pup from.................... a think al just buy a pup of the person who has the most posts because he must be a super hunter...... :good:

Edited by john debbage
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Would it not just be easier to bann the selling of dogs on here full stop, people who are connected all seem to speak on messenger & txt each other anyway, just cut the site out of the deals they do, because when it goes wrong they use the site to score point & sling mud anyway.


just my opinion of course :laugh::laugh:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
I've always said; It should be a minimum 100 Posts before anyone gets to use the Free Ads section. But then, only 'last night' (early hours) I popped back in here for a last look and found most of an entire page was One member racking up a hell of a post count, simply by saying " Welcome. " to every b*stard to show their faces on the New Members board! The guy must have thousands of Posts to his credit by now. And probably less than fifty have ever Said anything.


Ditch, I've been a member on here since June 05 and i've posted 30 times.

I like reading posts but can't be arsed to post much of the time, so many people on here know so much anyway :rolleyes:

I'd be pissed off if I had a litter and couldn't post them on here unlike some prick who says hello to everyone who comes on as a new member.

Edited by Sighthound
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