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Good deer dogs (pure)

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Running fast hounds after Deer, in dense woodland,.. well, its pretty obvious that sooner or later, your dogs will get seriously hurt... ? Of course, back in the day, we were different men,....it

Never no when your life going to change for the worse 

I have to admit if I was looking after getting a dog for deer saluki would have to be in it's breeding. 

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  On 12/02/2022 at 10:05, C.green said:

I think the best ones running wise at this time of year are them water deer. Went daylight and blanked but they wernt folding like ive seen them do in the past ive allways thought they were the easiest but apparently not.


Had them just quit and lay down but I've also see them on flood fields and leave dog standing .

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  On 12/02/2022 at 16:22, SheepChaser said:

Someone wants to pay me £6 a kilo in the skin, they are welcome to it. But last time I checked game dealers were paying £1-£1.50 a kilo, head shot and ladder Gralloched. 


No one is going to pay you 6 quid a kilo in the skin. But put a bit of graft in and you'll get good money for them.

Lads crying there's no money is venison need a slap.

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  On 12/02/2022 at 16:44, SheepChaser said:

Aye obviously you can eat it yourself and give to friends etc. But if you’re doing any serious level of culling these days, you just can’t eat that much meat. There are lads shooting 700 plus fallow deer a year. Thats a serious amount of meat! 


Lot of folk struggling to get by in UK and having to use food banks .think about the meals they could help to put on the table to those less fortunate than themselves .

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  On 12/02/2022 at 16:59, chartpolski said:

Never been interested in money for game meat.

I'd rather barter it or give it to family, friends and neighbours.

My brother is a keen fisherman, both coarse and sea, so, a rabbit, hare or bit of venison gets me trout, cod, mackerel, herring, etc.

I can give a bit of meat to lads at the Allotments and get game birds, eggs or chicks.

Also, it's just nice to have something in the plus column, give the pensioners some eggs, bit of meat, few veg, and nothing in return ?

You have your sport, and you fill your freezer.......win-win !



Don't mind a trade myself, but draw the line at helping the needy.

Use to picture myself as a bit of a Robin hood in my late teen early twenties, but now not so much. They've always got money for baccy and weed so you aren't getting no help from me when you come crying you can't afford food.

The best advice I got was they'll never come to you for advice on how you made your money, but they'll come asking for a job or a loan.

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  On 12/02/2022 at 20:59, gamerooster said:

Don't mind a trade myself, but draw the line at helping the needy.

Use to picture myself as a bit of a Robin hood in my late teen early twenties, but now not so much. They've always got money for baccy and weed so you aren't getting no help from me when you come crying you can't afford food.

The best advice I got was they'll never come to you for advice on how you made your money, but they'll come asking for a job or a loan.


On about the old and infirm not dopey bollox druggies like 

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  On 12/02/2022 at 10:05, C.green said:

I think the best ones running wise at this time of year are them water deer. Went daylight and blanked but they wernt folding like ive seen them do in the past ive allways thought they were the easiest but apparently not.


Run them on flooded water meadows and your'll sort out the dogs than have some depth to their stamina,seen and heard a few folk say "that's dead" only to be made look daft as the chink pulls away from their rapidly fading dog. There's some on here who came across for a run and they were all surprised at how they run on proper sloppy ground as they are piss easy on dry arable and sporting run wise,a chink on flooded water meadow is the best...

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  On 13/02/2022 at 08:18, fireman said:

Run them on flooded water meadows and your'll sort out the dogs than have some depth to their stamina,seen and heard a few folk say "that's dead" only to be made look daft as the chink pulls away from their rapidly fading dog. There's some on here who came across for a run and they were all surprised at how they run on proper sloppy ground as they are piss easy on dry arable and sporting run wise,a chink on flooded water meadow is the best...


I said earlier I've seen them just lay down and give up out in open but on flooded fields diffrent thing ,dogs pushed two up out some cover near a Brook and it was if they running on water not in it ,used to be few about on old ground I walked but most local people think they muntjac ,think its the tusks ,


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