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do people give this to dogs to take swelling down after cuts,as my pup has a small cut on her leg from barbwire fence the cut isnt too bad but has swollen a little and she is finding it hard to stand on that leg i think its because the leg is a little stiff,but i was told to give her half an ibuprofen just making sure befor i do

cheers daz

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Don't think I'd be giving it to a pup :icon_eek: , I'd be more inclined to "cold pack" it, say for ten minutes twice a day. A "cold pack" could be anything frozen, bag of peas is good, wrapped in a tea-towel or something.


The problem with ibuprofen is that has known side affects, usually a heart complaint, when used for any length of time. When you say half a tablet, this drug comes in different strengths, so unless you can work out dosage to weight ratio, you could do some serious damage to a pup.


Al :drink:

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the swelling has all gone down this morning and she is walking without any limp,she is even trying to chase birds that are flying past so just a case of waiting for the cut to heal then back on with the training

cheers daz

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I'm with Hairybull, sounds like an infection. See if you can get yourself some 'Clavulux' tablets (penicillan). They work an absolute treat.


You can also use 'Debrisol' spray (clear) or 'Teramacyn' spray (pink), which are probably available from any farm supplier. They may be known under a different name in the UK, if so, just ask for a broad spectrum antibiotic spray and give the wound a good spray a couple of times a day.


Hope this helps, good luck.

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