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For those not already aware, Alison Johnstone MSP (Scottish Green Party) has tabled a Private Member’s Bill, which if approved would have a severe, negative impact on all forms of hunting with dogs. It is presently out for public consultation and that consultation period ends on 15th September 2019, which is less than a month away. It’s essential that you and as many other likeminded individuals as possible respond before that date.

Before responding, it’s advisable to read the comments and notes of guidance provided by the Scottish Countryside Alliance and/or Scottish Association of Country Sports. These can be found at: https://www.countryside-alliance.org/getattachment/cd8b72ad-d577-4523-bbcb-5b19a6e89461/Alison-Johnstone-Consultation-Countryside-Alliance-Response_.pdf?lang=en-GB and   https://www.sacs.org.uk/media/uploads/cat-252/banning-fox-and-hare-control-in-scotland-sacs-consultation-guidance-for-members.pdf

The survey is also available online and can be completed at: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/WildMammals/

It’s important to complete the survey in full (including names and addresses) and no matter how frustrating, or ridiculous you may find some of the proposals, please remember “courtesy at all times”. There's no extra points for belligerence, or for rudeness, the purpose of the exercise is to improve awareness, NOT to make any more enemies than we already have.

Y.I.S. - Barrie

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And if that's your excuse for sitting back and doing nothing, while the antis take away the few remaining freedoms you have. Or if it helps in some way to salve your conscience, then that's your own p

Two Crows, I fully appreciate what you’re saying and that your not advocating that we do nothing either. Nor do I have any doubts about whether you’ve done your fair share in the past and I take my ha

went to all the marches, I have written to my mp, i have done partitions on line, and I still got banned, we stood with the hunts and got banned, yet they hunt on, if government want it gone its gone,

55 minutes ago, wildman said:

If ya think I.m putting my name and address on anything think again . 

It's a Government based survey of your views and opinions on what's being proposed (nothing more and nothing less). Because it includes personal data it must/will be registered under Data Protection Legislation and as such your privacy is protected by Law..

What you choose to do is your own personal choice, that's between you and your conscience. But you can be certain that our opponents will be doing just that, along with their grandmother and no doubt the cat next door too.

J.M.H.O. - Barrie  

Edited by Barrie
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The government  are  not intrestested in my or anyone else's  views or opinions  they just want to know where you are and what your up to and no matter how many people voice there opinion  it dont matter the government  will do what they want anyway  .this country knackered   

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2 hours ago, wildman said:

The government  are  not intrestested in my or anyone else's  views or opinions  they just want to know where you are and what your up to and no matter how many people voice there opinion  it dont matter the government  will do what they want anyway  .this country knackered   

And if that's your excuse for sitting back and doing nothing, while the antis take away the few remaining freedoms you have. Or if it helps in some way to salve your conscience, then that's your own personal choice. Just don't complain afterwards that no one was prepared to listen.

The only people who benefit from the "I'm doing bugger all attitude" are the antis and it's a big contributing factor to us being where we are today. Dislike them we may AND I DO, but if nothing else you have to admire them for their commitment. It wouldn't hurt now and again for some of us to take a leaf out of their book and fight back, instead of doing their work for them.

If "this country is knackered", that's just what happens when you sit back, do nothing and aren't prepared to defend, or fight for what you believe in. 

J.M.H.O. - Barrie 

Edited by Barrie
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Who says I'm doing nothing.the antis have took nothing from me and never will. As for saving my conscience I don't have one where .antis or gov. Are conserned  I will do as I please ,you admire the antis if ya want, for all I know ya could be one ,I've never heard of ya on here before, I've fought for things I believed in and got nowhere against the gov. THEY SHUT THE f***ing PITS didn't they . what chance do we have

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52 minutes ago, Jobi said:

I'm with Wildman, things will never be overturned or laws slackened. It's a dying game unfortunately so you stop or carry on regardless. 

Yep things can't get any worse than they already are for the dog job people gettin butchered in the streets rapists and peodos walkin the streets and getting there identitys protected f***ing country's crazy n they put more emphasis on things like huntin priorities all wrong so feck it keen lads will still walk the land regardless n no matter what shite they left wing mentalists dream up next..

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1 hour ago, wildman said:

Who says I'm doing nothing.the antis have took nothing from me and never will. As for saving my conscience I don't have one where .antis or gov. Are conserned  I will do as I please ,you admire the antis if ya want, for all I know ya could be one ,I've never heard of ya on here before, I've fought for things I believed in and got nowhere against the gov. THEY SHUT THE f***ing PITS didn't they . what chance do we have


1 hour ago, Jobi said:

I'm with Wildman, things will never be overturned or laws slackened. It's a dying game unfortunately so you stop or carry on regardless. 


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32 minutes ago, dodger said:

Yep things can't get any worse than they already are for the dog job people gettin butchered in the streets rapists and peodos walkin the streets and getting there identitys protected f***ing country's crazy n they put more emphasis on things like huntin priorities all wrong so feck it keen lads will still walk the land regardless n no matter what shite they left wing mentalists dream up next..

It certainly can get worse if the ban rabbits and rats then u got no reason to be on the land atall its pants brother 

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2 hours ago, Barrie said:

And if that's your excuse for sitting back and doing nothing, while the antis take away the few remaining freedoms you have. Or if it helps in some way to salve your conscience, then that's your own personal choice. Just don't complain afterwards that no one was prepared to listen.

The only people who benefit from the "I'm doing bugger all attitude" are the antis and it's a big contributing factor to us being where we are today. Dislike them we may AND I DO, but if nothing else you have to admire them for their commitment. It wouldn't hurt now and again for some of us to take a leaf out of their book and fight back, instead of doing their work for them.

If "this country is knackered", that's just what happens when you sit back, do nothing and aren't prepared to defend, or fight for what you believe in. 

J.M.H.O. - Barrie 

 went to all the marches, I have written to my mp, i have done partitions on line, and I still got banned, we stood with the hunts and got banned, yet they hunt on, if government want it gone its gone, make no mistake, you wont influence jack, your an articulate chap by the sounds of you, but you nor a hundred thousand like you will stop anything if the powers that be want it passed the decision is already made.

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26 minutes ago, Black neck said:

It certainly can get worse if the ban rabbits and rats then u got no reason to be on the land atall its pants brother 

Then you do what we do pal take it as it is no n accept the risks n just get on with it or find another pass time ?

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2 hours ago, wildman said:

you admire the antis if ya want, for all I know ya could be one ,I've never heard of ya on here before,

No offence intended...., but you're the one advocating we sit back, do nothing and let an Anti MP get away with doing whatever she chooses without offering any form of resistance. But nevertheless I won't insult you by suggesting you might be an anti and I don't think you are, otherwise I would say so.

As regards my credentials, I've been around and on here for more than a little while. There are plenty who do know me and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out who I am, either on here or in real life (that includes the antis and I've a wonderful collection of hate mail just to prove it). 

My only reason for starting this thread was to ensure that what I considered might be "like minded individuals" were aware of what was afoot and that they had an opportunity to make their opposing views known. From there on in it's a matter of personal choice and I'll simply leave it at that.

Y.I.S. - Barrie

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