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Topping up the ferret food.

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Well as rabbit numbers were getting low in the freezer, I thought I better dust the air rifle off and charge the nv batteries. A quick message to the paddock owner, and everything was set. 

I arrived to the paddocks about 10pm, nice cloudy night, but the street lights unfortunately glare over the grass a good way. Got all the kit ready, closed the car boot and stuck the key in a secure pocket. I climbed over the gate and had a quick scan round. There was a small square of electric fence in front of me with a couple of rabbits in it. A quick squeeze of the range finder, they were at 48 yards. As I don’t use the air rifle enough to be a good shot, I crept towards them until I thought I was less than 30 yards. Another squeeze of the range finder, and the rabbit to my left was 26 yards. Zoomed in on the scope, aligned the shot and it rolled over. Another scan, the rabbit to the right had moved outside of the electric fenced area, so I crept over and he rolled over too. 50 yards in front of me was a few tyres and jumps. I could see 3 rabbits feeding together, so that had to my next destination. I hoped the electric fence wasn’t turned on, as it brushed over me as I crawled underneath. The 3 rabbits were still there, and their escape plan would be to the cover on the left, so I rolled the left one over, hoping they would spook to the right. Well the middle rabbit didn’t flinch, so he rolled over pretty sharpish. The rabbit on the right was darting about, wondering what the hell was going on. He finally stopped, 15 yard further to the right, but I couldn’t get a clear shot because of the long grass. A little shuffle along and he joined his mates. 

I scanned around and the next rabbits were over the far side of the paddock, in a 300 yard long section, with hedgerows along one side, and an electric fence along the other. The small electric fenced section was turned off, but this won’t be, as the horses were at the end I had just walked past. They are used to me at night,  and as soon as they hear a shot, they go near the shelters out of the way. Well I’m 30 yards from the electric fence, and a bunnies head  pops up out of the grass. I’m soon on the deck, with the rifle steadied on the tripod. A little squeak, the rabbit then pops his head up for the last time. I zoom out with the scope, and notice a pair of yellow eyes behind where the rabbit sat. Oh foxy has made a visit. Pain in the bum, as it usually scoots along the length of the paddock, sending the rabbits running for their burrows. So I give it another squeak, and the bloody thing is running towards me at a rate of knots. When it’s nearly up to the now dead bunny, I quickly turn on my head torch full blast and give it a couple of flashes. Luckily, the bloody thing runs straight for the hedgerow, never to be seen again. Well I then worked along the hedgerow, a rabbit here and there getting bowled over. I came to the far end of the electric fence, squeezed underneath and worked back along the hedgerow to where I started. I look at the time it’s 23.15. I have a quick fag, before walking back on myself, picking the rabbits up, squeezing out the pee and putting them in the game carrier. Well I need another game carrier. I ended up with fourteen rabbits that I can find, but I’m sure there was two more, but I couldn’t find in them in the long grass at the far end of the paddocks. Well that will do for the night.

Everything was soon in the car, and the half hour journey home was uneventful. I always prefer skinning and gutting them while they are still warm, it makes the job so much easier. So the 14 bunnies were soon wrapped in bags and put in the freezer. I kept a few of the livers separate, as the ferrets were bouncing about their cages from the smell and commotion. They all enjoyed the nice warm liver for a late night snack. Well another enjoyable couple of hours, I should go and thin some more bunnies there before the ferreting commences in the next month or so. 


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