Barrie 1,325 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 (edited) 4 hours ago, jiggy said: Anyone I met in it were decent lads. Don't tar everyone with the same brush.Its hard to check out everyone's background but in general they are good bunch of lads. They do a lot to keep terrier work legal here.If somebody was known for certain to be a dog thief then membership would be revoked. Paying €10 a year doesn't break the bank either to join. It could be the difference in keeping legal terrierwork. The NARGC was ready to throw us under the bus last time to save gameshooting only for a change of government. Any support is better than none. Like most clubs everyone won't agree all the time but the general purpose is they are trying to save our sport. At the time the IWTF was formed, terrierwork in Ireland in Ireland was under a very real threat and one of the most senior and influential Irish politicians had already described terrierwork as “a hunt too far.” Some 18 months later I was an invited guest at the IWTF AGM and by then that very same politician was describing terrierwork as “a necessary form of pest control” (all of this is a matter of public record and you can look it up for yourself). It’s no mean feat to get politicians to do U Turns and particularly in such a public manner. All of this was down to the IWTF and it showed to me what I already knew…. that you can achieve a lot more when you stick together, rather than continually tearing each other apart. My experience was just like yours Jiggy. The IWTF AGM itself was conducted in the most professional manner that I have ever witnessed from a terrier based organisation (including the NWTF), even down to the level that it included video transcripts of politician’s comments and debates. My only regret about that entire weekend was that those guys I met all lived in Ireland, rather than on the mainland U.K. For me it was a very humbling and refreshing experience to be sat with men who simply got on with the job, rather than just blowing hot air and steam. J.M.H.O. - Barrie Edited August 14, 2019 by Barrie 4 2 Quote Link to post
Hatch28 243 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 1 hour ago, Corkman said: Hatch28, Have you ever gone to an IWTF meeting or do you really know the true aims of the Federation? Or the that has been done to date which is not broadcasted on the WWW. The hide and go seek/ mind your own business champions are typical of why terrierwork was left undefended In Ireland for so long. How in your opinion do Terrierman defend their interests without a recognised organisation? No I've never been to a meeting corkman and I can't ever see digging foxes banned here because there's too many high up people that influence the law here that fox hunt with registered packs that's the real reason it's still legal. 1 1 Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 11 minutes ago, Hatch28 said: No I've never been to a meeting corkman and I can't ever see digging foxes banned here because there's too many high up people that influence the law here that fox hunt with registered packs that's the real reason it's still legal. No offence Hatch..... but if you think the registered packs would give up a single day's hunting to help protect terrierwork then I'm afraid you're very much mistaken. On this side of the pond, the future King and other members of the Royal family (which have been less widely broadcast), as well as several Prime Ministers ranging from David Cameron to Winston Churchill and beyond have all supported fox hunting and have followed registered packs on a regular basis. But look at where we are now 7 1 Quote Link to post
Hatch28 243 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 3 minutes ago, Barrie said: No offence Hatch..... but if you think the registered packs would give up a single day's hunting to help protect terrierwork then I'm afraid you're very much mistaken. On this side of the pond, the future King and other members of the Royal family (which have been less widely broadcast), as well as several Prime Ministers ranging from David Cameron to Winston Churchill and beyond have all supported fox hunting and have followed registered packs on a regular basis. But look at where we are now I no all to well they won't but that's only real reason if push came to shove that terrier work would be spared make no real difference anyway. Quote Link to post
Dan McGrew 13 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 Some talk like they're buying into the media bullshit that terrierwork is some kind of evil and that we're lucky to have it! Its a field sport just like any other to be enjoyed and to be proud of. Terrierwork is part of our proud heritage and culture and carried out correctly can easily be justified. These are our countries, free countries where different religion, beliefs, cultures, customs and traditions are to be respected. Make no mistake it's our "right" to carry out all our traditional sports as our forefathers have done before us. These things should never be political footballs for any government or parties to tamper with, that was never their intended role!!! Modern society is not progress! Drugs, gun and knife crime, fast pace of living where people are under severe pressure and stress, two parents having to work to sustain a family, lack of community spirit and respect for one another, the list is endless... too much "Big Brother", going on... poor government legislation is beginning to really interfere with civil liberties to such an extent, a big backlash is inevitable. Look on your fieldsports as your "right". Urban society is ignorant of our Rural traditions and will never understand them but neither should they have the power to interfere with them just because they're in a majority. The different meats we enjoy don't miraculously come in those plastic packagings, I often thought if every person had to slaughter an animal at some stage in their lives a more balanced understanding of life and death would exist. A new movement/party in the countryside is what's needed, a million different issues need addressing more interfering with our freedoms top of the list! Terrierwork is not some luxury the powers that be afford us, it's our right and freedom that's none of their business! 4 Quote Link to post
chesney 5,499 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 (edited) 10 hours ago, Hatch28 said: Any one I no in it are bad news one fella that's well known for selling on jacked dogs was out with me many many moons ago was out on a bit of ground with me and wanted to go back that night and rob stuff off the field belonging to the farmer that happened there's another fella turned up for a dig one morning I didnt invite him first off he started to shout and roar on top of the earth then proceded to blowing smoke from a joint down the hole never seen anything like it I was absolutely disgusted to say the least and a lot more went on as well that I wouldn't post on here. I cant speak for the lads you met hatch but the lads i met at that meeting and the lads that run seem sensible enough and in no way would have anything ta do with lads like that there aim is to preserve whats left of terrier work and only for them terrier work is going to have no voice. Edited August 14, 2019 by chesney Quote Link to post
Mooching Celt 659 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 I'm not a member of any club and don't know of any round me but would happily pay money towards NWTF if I could without being a member of an affiliated club Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 (edited) 18 hours ago, Glyn..... said: so we live in the modern world , why not a internet based terrier club , a page on facebook or another site , £5 to join, so when you register to join a forum you pay fee , all monies to NWTF , badges fleeces caps hoodies i'm more than willing to design anything free of charge , a bloody good get together in different parts of the country , Barrie and the NWTF could have a platform keep people better informed , crowdfunding for cash for shows volunteer , were you do it for the honor of being asked , including judging, there are some good heads on here , i'd do my bit with the skills i have , but web sites and pages not my thing sorry , 21st century 21st century club ? Hi Glyn Personally speaking, I view anything which serves to draw terriermen and woman together and enables them to act collectively to defend and promote terrierwork, as being nothing but a positive move. I wouldn’t necessarily see the two things as being mutually exclusive, but more as complementing each other for a common goal. Neither do I see any reason why such a "club" couldn't form part of the NWTF alongside the more "traditional" terrier clubs. On the downside, I’m sure any such move would face similar challenges to the more “traditional” terrier clubs, not least a willingness to get involved and the ability make things happen. We have a lot to learn from our opponents, dislike them we may and I do, but commitment is something they've never lacked (hopefully someone will prove me wrong). J.M.H.O. – Barrie P.S. It was nice to see you use the phrase “were you do it for the honour of being asked”. Like you I can remember the time when that was the norm within terrier clubs, but much as I hate to say it, it’s something rarely seen these days. Edited August 14, 2019 by Barrie 3 Quote Link to post
jiggy 3,209 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 6 hours ago, howdeeposxxt said: From the south of Ireland I personally don't feel threatened enough yet to change things how they are here. Alot of different digging groups in this area old and young and I'm positive they feel the same. It maybe something in the future but I think not yet . Why fix what's not broken . I'd be very sceptical of a club it's great if you have the right people running it but the grass ain't always greener. Jmo I'm happy how things are here at the moment we never had any trouble I suppose we are doing something right buy keeping are business quite If the IWTF wasn't formed at the time and campaigned hard then we most likely would be banned now. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes that non members don't see. Look at the state of the greyhound industry here at the moment. The media can show things in a bad light and public opinion follows.It's no harm having a group campaigning and there for support with a set of guidelines on good practice for a necessary form of humane pest control. Nobody is forced to join. Even having the advice of experience from the older lads involved about wormers, vetinary advice, quality food , kennel design and types of disinfectant is no harm for the up and coming youngster that is keen is worth €10 per year. Friendships get made and access to dogs that money doesn't change hands and you can return the compliment with pups back if your dog makes the grade.Not everyone has access to a pile of digging mates. I started out with just me and my father. The quality of the dogs weren't up to scratch at the time and it was only after meeting other like minded lads that helped me and the standard improved. Many a day out was enjoyed at the shows or talking sh1t on the phone on a Sunday evening for 2 hours about which dog was best that weekend. It's nice to get an invite to other parts of the country too for a day out. I get pissed off walking the same ground over again. Lads are only 1 thief away from losing their line and it would be nice if you could ring a lad up or down the country with the same blood and willing to help out. 5 Quote Link to post
Hatch28 243 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 5 hours ago, chesney said: I cant speak for the lads you met hatch but the lads i met at that meeting and the lads that run seem sensible enough and in no way would have anything ta do with lads like that there aim is to peeseve whats left of terrier work and only for them terrier work is going to have no voice. There was a few down in the Moate show I seen them on Facebook you probably walked by them or you could have even being chatting with them. 1 Quote Link to post
jiggy 3,209 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 45 minutes ago, Hatch28 said: There was a few down in the Moate show I seen them on Facebook you probably walked by them or you could have even being chatting with them. There is wrong ones in every walk in life. I wouldn't think it's a fair comment to say most are bad eggs. Most of the top men that became famous in U.K. Or Ireland were selling dogs for big money and treated like kings. Famous names included but I've met lads in that club that would gift you a dog when they didn't have to and be at the end of a phone if you needed. Are you talking committee members or general members. I'm not a member anymore but have to call it as it is and say they are ok. What part of the country are you from? PM if you want. I've no connection anymore with club so it don't matter to me I'm just interested for feedback in what works. Quote Link to post
chesney 5,499 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 55 minutes ago, Hatch28 said: There was a few down in the Moate show I seen them on Facebook you probably walked by them or you could have even being chatting with them. I was in moate with a mate hatch spoke to very very few people ta be honest theres alot of lads that have left the iwtf the last couple years if you were at the annual meeting this year and see the men that was there you would agree these men only have the best interests of terrier work at heart. 1 Quote Link to post
jiggy 3,209 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 On 13/08/2019 at 18:28, man o kent said: Private donations to the NWTF would be the sensible way for terrier men who value representation, rather than public meetings held locally, I would imagine then Quote Link to post
jiggy 3,209 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 11 hours ago, Hatch28 said: Any one I no in it are bad news one fella that's well known for selling on jacked dogs was out with me many many moons ago was out on a bit of ground with me and wanted to go back that night and rob stuff off the field belonging to the farmer that happened there's another fella turned up for a dig one morning I didnt invite him first off he started to shout and roar on top of the earth then proceded to blowing smoke from a joint down the hole never seen anything like it I was absolutely disgusted to say the least and a lot more went on as well that I wouldn't post on here. Your name isn't checking ok Eddie. If you claim where your from.I rang people and nobody knows you. Can anyone else vouch for you that's a member. Quote Link to post
Hatch28 243 Posted August 14, 2019 Report Share Posted August 14, 2019 27 minutes ago, jiggy said: Your name isn't checking ok Eddie. If you claim where your from.I rang people and nobody knows you. Can anyone else vouch for you that's a member. Of course no one knows me I keep my self to more or less my self I'm there in plain view but no one sees me just like a ghost there are a few that no me but they won't tell you anything either that's what it's come to in 2019 only way these days. 2 Quote Link to post
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