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We live in an ever changing world and Chilli has hit the nail on the head. For the past 35 years one of the increasingly important roles of well run and well supported Terrier Clubs, is that collectiv

I think terrierwork in general is on a downward spiral, a lot have left the game and none of the younger generation have replaced them. Also in regards to terrier clubs, the notion of meeting onc

so we live in the modern world , why not a internet based terrier club , a page on facebook or another site , £5 to join, so when you register to join a forum you pay fee , all monies to NWTF ,   badg

  On 13/08/2019 at 16:55, Barrie said:


We live in an ever changing world and Chilli has hit the nail on the head. For the past 35 years one of the increasingly important roles of well run and well supported Terrier Clubs, is that collectively they form and are the National Working Terrier Federation. It is they, along with a tiny handful of generous individuals (including one regular poster to this forum), who between them have over the years funded and defended terrierwork against a wide variety of harmful legislation. It is because of its network of clubs that the NWTF has been able to speak collectively on behalf of terrierwork and to do so where these things count most, both at a Parliamentary level and in Court.

Fine words you might say, but what does it mean in real terms and how does it impact me ? Well there are countless examples of legislation which has had the potential to impact the owners of working terriers, both directly and indirectly, whether it relates to dog breeding, housing and welfare, tail docking or the legality or otherwise of terrierwork itself. I shouldn’t need to have to justify these words, but THL being what it is, I know I shall have to. Fortunately the Scottish Parliament are very good at archiving and making their activities available to the general public, so by way of example I will rely on a few references to some of their own archived material, albeit only a small part of the overall process.

Around 2000 the Scottish Labour MSP and Peer, Mike Watson (aka Baron Watson of Invergowrie) announced he was putting forward a Private Member’s Bill to ban hunting with dogs in Scotland (The Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002). This was a precursor to the Hunting Act 2004 banning hunting with dogs in England and Wales.

The Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs Committee took on the lead committee role and invited a number of key organisations on both sides of the divide (including the NWTF) to put forward in writing the various cases for and against. The NWTF submission may be found using the link below and if you’d like to see what our opponents had to say, I suggest you rely on Google, or the search facility on the Scottish Parliament’s website.


Following on from those written submissions, some organisations (including the NWTF) were also invited to provide further oral evidence to the Committee and there’s a couple of such examples below….

28th November 2000 (pm) - https://archive.parliament.scot/business/committees/historic/x-rural/or-00/ra00-3302.htm

6th November 2001 (pm) - http://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/report.aspx?r=3286&mode=html#iob_17961

The end result, after studying all the evidence, was a recommendation from the Rural Affairs Committee that the Bill be dropped. Unfortunately, once this was put back to the full Parliament, party politics came into play and with the overwhelming Labour majority which existed at that time, it was decided the Bill should be allowed to progress. Nevertheless, the final outcome was a Bill with less restrictions on terrierwork than our own voluntary rules and codes of conduct. I’d call that a good result for terrierwork, particularly considering the alternative. These things don’t happen by chance, or by sitting back and saying “it won’t stop me”, it takes a lot more effort than that. If there weren't any terrier clubs, then there's no NWTF either and where would we be today ?

Putting aside the time, effort and personal sacrifices involved, as well as the weight of responsibity in mounting such a campaign. The costs involved in travelling backwards and forwards to Edinburgh over a period of several months, along with the associated city centre accommodation/living costs were not insignificant. These were funded entirely by the terrier clubs which formed part of the NWTF. This was just one battle of many and as anyone who has ever attended an NWTF AGM will tell you, it's pretty much a never ending stream.

As an aside, on 15 November 2004, Mike Watson was charged with wilful fire raising, at Edinburgh's Prestonfield Hotel. As a result, the Labour whip was withdrawn from him in the Holyrood and Westminster parliaments and on 22 September 2005, he was sentenced to 16 months' imprisonment. He resigned from the Scottish Parliament and was also expelled from the Labour Party. In May 2006 he was released from prison after serving his sentence and in July 2012 he was re-admitted to the Labour Party. In September 2015, Jeremy Corbyn appointed Watson as the Labour spokesman on education in the Lords and he is still a sitting Member of the House of Lords (source Wikipedia). And yet he had the bare faced cheek to attempt to lecture me on what I get up to in my spare time !!!

J.M.H.O. - Barrie


Worst part about it is the lads doing the work get the stick. I used to be chairman in my local gun club. I got nothing only abuse from the lads that didn't carry their weight. All lads are plenty willing to be critical but won't pull their weight. Its a thankless job running any club. 

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  On 10/08/2019 at 17:17, Shovel shy said:

Is this an English post rat face or what. Were hunting every week during season and dig a lot of foxes more than a lot of lads but never approached to join any club.wed be open to it to improve numbers but we're in South Ireland so not sure bout your post


Your better off as you are the less that no your business the better, there's a club here I think its called Irish working terrier federation anyway to cut a long story short what I've seen first hand of the members I've met and no of their everything from junkies to thieves dog dealers five pound drug pushers and the list goes on ? doesn't seem to be any good amongst them, any fellas that are doing a bit stay well clear of clubs and are hardly known apart from the few they dig with. 

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  On 13/08/2019 at 21:07, Hatch28 said:

Your better off as you are the less that no your business the better, there's a club here I think its called Irish working terrier federation anyway to cut a long story short what I've seen first hand of the members I've met and no of their everything from junkies to thieves dog dealers five pound drug pushers and the list goes on ? doesn't seem to be any good amongst them, any fellas that are doing a bit stay well clear of clubs and are hardly known apart from the few they dig with. 


Can you back that up. Explain yourself. I was a member but not now . I didn't meet any dog thieves when I was there. I parted ways with a few of them but there wasn't any dog thieves when I was there to be fair .

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so we live in the modern world , why not a internet based terrier club , a page on facebook or another site , £5 to join, so when you register to join a forum you pay fee , all monies to NWTF ,   badges fleeces caps hoodies   i'm more than willing to design anything free of charge , a bloody good get together in different parts of the country , Barrie and the NWTF could have a platform keep people better informed , crowdfunding for cash for shows  volunteer , were you do it for the honor of being asked , including judging,   there are some good heads on here , i'd do my bit with the skills i have , but web sites and pages not my thing sorry , 21st century 21st century club ? 

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  On 13/08/2019 at 21:22, jiggy said:

Can you back that up. Explain yourself. I was a member but not now . I didn't meet any dog thieves when I was there. I parted ways with a few of them but there wasn't any dog thieves when I was there to be fair .


Ah I won't put names on here but theres individual in it that rob and are well known for it and they are mixed up with more thieves and a lot worse than that. 

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  On 13/08/2019 at 22:04, Glyn..... said:

so we live in the modern world , why not a internet based terrier club , a page on facebook or another site , £5 to join, so when you register to join a forum you pay fee , all monies to NWTF ,   badges fleeces caps hoodies   i'm more than willing to design anything free of charge , a bloody good get together in different parts of the country , Barrie and the NWTF could have a platform keep people better informed , crowdfunding for cash for shows  volunteer , were you do it for the honor of being asked , including judging,   there are some good heads on here , i'd do my bit with the skills i have , but web sites and pages not my thing sorry , 21st century 21st century club ? 


That’s what I was getting at further back Glyn, if there was more on offer such as cups, books, badges, hoodies whatever, it would attract a lot more attention.??

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  On 10/08/2019 at 17:17, Shovel shy said:

Is this an English post rat face or what. Were hunting every week during season and dig a lot of foxes more than a lot of lads but never approached to join any club.wed be open to it to improve numbers but we're in South Ireland so not sure bout your post


It was aimed at dog lads in general bud we all have a common goal in keeping terrier work going  I’m not sure if there is any clubs in Ireland but  if not why not start your own? Most of the big clubs will have started out as just a small group of mates. Look at the fell and moorland just a few lads in a country pub and look at it now



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  On 13/08/2019 at 22:14, Hatch28 said:

Ah I won't put names on here but theres individual in it that rob and are well known for it and they are mixed up with more thieves and a lot worse than that. 


Anyone I met in it were decent lads. Don't tar everyone with the same brush.Its hard to check out everyone's background but in general they are good bunch of lads. They do a lot to keep terrier work legal here.If somebody was known for certain to be a dog thief then membership would be revoked. Paying €10 a year doesn't break the bank either to join. It could be the difference in keeping legal terrierwork. The NARGC was ready to throw us under the bus last time to save gameshooting only for a change of government. Any support is better than none. Like most clubs everyone won't agree all the time but the general purpose is they are trying to save our sport.

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  On 13/08/2019 at 22:20, Rabbit Hunter said:

That’s what I was getting at further back Glyn, if there was more on offer such as cups, books, badges, hoodies whatever, it would attract a lot more attention.??


New world of technology i send my money to the CA every month if a club could be formed with direct debit by someone who's not going to f**k off with the money , always got be carefull of the top bananas out there , I'm up for it , we live interesting times , terrier work is legal for the protection of game birds and as we all know shooting is really under attack , so we have to stand with them , if the NWTF want funding I and many others im sure are willing to send in a few £ a month and if a donor club is set up do any designs art work , so let's see if the next generation are more than cheap talk on the internet I've seen enough of them start all guns blazing soon to fizzle out :)

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  On 13/08/2019 at 21:07, Hatch28 said:

Your better off as you are the less that no your business the better, there's a club here I think its called Irish working terrier federation anyway to cut a long story short what I've seen first hand of the members I've met and no of their everything from junkies to thieves dog dealers five pound drug pushers and the list goes on ? doesn't seem to be any good amongst them, any fellas that are doing a bit stay well clear of clubs and are hardly known apart from the few they dig with. 



Have you ever gone to an IWTF meeting or do you really know the true aims of the Federation? Or the work that has been done to date which is not broadcasted on the WWW. The hide and go seek/ mind your own business champions are typical of why terrierwork was left undefended In Ireland for so long. 

How in your opinion do Terrierman defend their interests without a recognised organisation? 

Edited by Corkman
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  On 13/08/2019 at 22:04, Glyn..... said:

so we live in the modern world , why not a internet based terrier club , a page on facebook or another site , £5 to join, so when you register to join a forum you pay fee , all monies to NWTF ,   badges fleeces caps hoodies   i'm more than willing to design anything free of charge , a bloody good get together in different parts of the country , Barrie and the NWTF could have a platform keep people better informed , crowdfunding for cash for shows  volunteer , were you do it for the honor of being asked , including judging,   there are some good heads on here , i'd do my bit with the skills i have , but web sites and pages not my thing sorry , 21st century 21st century club ? 


you speak alot of sense glyn?

we all need to move with the times ?

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  On 13/08/2019 at 21:07, Hatch28 said:

Your better off as you are the less that no your business the better, there's a club here I think its called Irish working terrier federation anyway to cut a long story short what I've seen first hand of the members I've met and no of their everything from junkies to thieves dog dealers five pound drug pushers and the list goes on ? doesn't seem to be any good amongst them, any fellas that are doing a bit stay well clear of clubs and are hardly known apart from the few they dig with. 


I went to the iwtf annual meeting this year for the first time and there was only a handfull of lads there and let me tell ya theres no way any them lads there are  involved in anything like that you have  have just mentioned there hatch. 

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  On 14/08/2019 at 09:59, chesney said:

I went to the iwtf annual meeting this year for the first time and there was only a handfull of lads there and let me tell ya theres no way any them lads there are  involved in anything like that you have  have just mentioned there hatch. 


Any one I no in it are bad news one fella that's well known for selling on jacked dogs was out with me many many moons ago was out on a bit of ground with me and wanted to go back that night and rob stuff off the field belonging to the farmer that happened there's another fella turned up for a dig one morning I didnt invite him first off he started to shout and roar on top of the earth then proceded to blowing smoke from a joint down the hole never seen anything like it I was absolutely disgusted to say the least and a lot more went on as well that I wouldn't post on here. 

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From the south of Ireland I personally don't feel threatened enough yet to change things how they are here. Alot of different digging groups in this area old and young and I'm positive they feel the same. It maybe something in the future but I think not yet . Why fix what's not broken . I'd be very sceptical of a club it's great if you have the right people running it but the grass ain't always greener. Jmo I'm happy how things are here at the moment we never had any trouble I suppose we are doing something right buy keeping are business quite

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