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Permission wanted

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6 hours ago, Shefflad69 said:

Hi all looking for permission in Leeds and surrounding areas for me and my mate we have transport and are reliable also distance no object willing to travel 

best to just get out and knock a few doors?you won't find permission on here??

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6 hours ago, Shefflad69 said:

Hi all looking for permission in Leeds and surrounding areas for me and my mate we have transport and are reliable also distance no object willing to travel 

Like already been said mate you have more chance of a snowball fight in hell than getting permission off here. The fact that it’s a hunting site kinda gives it away that everyone on here does hunting in some forum or another , ,, your probably better off putting a ad in a farming magizen for farms to see who need pests controlling 

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You won't get permission sitting on your arris on the computer.

Drive round the country roads looking for road kill rabbits and if you find any then try and locate the nearest farm and knock on the door. Remember first impressions count so don't turn up in tracky bottoms or a football shirt and don't bring the dogs or kids. Be prepared for more refusals than permissions because every farmer gets loads of enquiries. You are hoping to find a farmer who's previous crew have gone absent or been naughty and got sacked.

When I used to drive round the dales looking for rabbit shooting permissions I'd have a Tattershall check shirt and moleskin trousers because that's what the farmers wear. I also made sure the motor was tidy and made it plain that I hadn't come to shoot that day. Even then I reckon a Jehovia's Witness had more luck on the doorstep ?

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Good advice Nicepix:clapper:

I spent a lifetime, without ANY permission, and like many others, I paid the price,..several times...?

In my experience,  gaining the right to have a wander frequently depends on who you know, kinda thing...

A good way to get a foot in the door, is through beating, on a pheasant or partridge shoot...

This intro might take a while, but, if you show yourself to be a genuine guy, ..keepers and farmers are then far easier, to approach.?


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The thing that a lot of people do not understand is that not every farmer has the right to grant permission. If they are a tenant farmer then quite often they only have the grazing and / or cultivation rights. The shooting rights can be rented out by the owner or estate to a syndicate or retained by the owner or estate. If that is the case then the tenant farmer may not have the right to allow people onto the land even for vermin control. The shoot should take care of that aspect and as already been said; quite often beaters or members of the shoot get first refusal at any rabbit or pigeon control.

I was lucky in that a good friend of mine ran two shoots and because he trusted me I got the free run of them for vermin shooting. But I also put a lot of time in making hides and feeders, feeding through the winter, doing other types of vermin control that isn't as desirable as shooting, and I didn't take any money for beating. Give and take.

The only thing with our shoots is that there weren't any rabbits on them for over 30 years hence my looking elsewhere for permission. In the OP's location many of the sheep farms will be run by tenants and the estates that own the land will control the shooting and therefore the vermin rights.You won't have a cat in Hell's chance of getting your foot through the door on one of those farms.  

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As said your never going to get permission off of here your only giving us a laugh get off your arse now the harvest is cut and farmers are seeing a few rabbits in the fields . and want somebody to do something about them , just do what the landowner asks even if it goes against the grain and if you do a good job he will mention you to a pal and the permissions snowball in  

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We are lucky enough to have thousands of acres of permissions from big shooting estates to cricket grounds horse liverys and a lot of national trust land but it didn't happen over night it took years of gaining land owners trust and by word of mouth. I also have few mates that are gamekeepers on big estates that give me all the rabbiting I'll ever need but as said it's about doing a good job and more importantly trust. You get a lot of people that get a bit of permission and are asked not to do a certain thing i.e. Leave the hares alone etc but as soon as the landowners back is turned they are letting their dogs chase hares then they wonder why they get told to sod off. News of bad ferreters travels round the country far quicker than you think and you're never get anywhere decent to hunt if your one of these band of clowns. So get knocking some doors and when you get your first bit of permission other permissions will happen if you do as you are asked and don't take the piss out the landowner 

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That is a good point.

One of the beaters I knew lost permission on a good estate because one of his mates went inside a barn / tool shed and was seen on CCTV. He had no reason to go into the barn and no permission to do so. The next day my mate got a phone call off the farmer asking him not to come back. Trust had been lost and trust is a big part of keeping permissions going.

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