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It’s that time of year again

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2 minutes ago, Stavross said:

The problem we have had is the bloody weather, we have had half the outings that we would normally of had this time of year and although we don’t get them every time we go up, you can’t shoot them sat in the house, I wanted to go out tonight but it’s raining again 

Join the fecking club, been trying all week to get out, but its done nowt but piss down?, getting cabin fever

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1 hour ago, Longshanx said:

Join the fecking club, been trying all week to get out, but its done nowt but piss down?, getting cabin fever

its been ok down here till this evening.. did sun mon and Tuesday night!

only did Tuesday as a dedicated fox night and saw less that night than when i was not actively tracking them:censored:

saw one in a gateway on the second field but it was watching/looking at me.. was at a fair distance but the thermal picked it up no problem, think he was struggling to suss out what I was!

I let him be and let him mooch off as I knew once he'd chilled out id get a second chance, jumped the hedge line and sure enough its about 150yrd up the line.

got the rifle on the sticks turned the lamp on couldn't see sh1t...  the air was that damp the lamp wouldn't cut through, got as close as about 80yrd and im amazed I got that close as the ground was frozen solid and any stealth was fecked.. lit it up, could only see the eyes and was pretty much guessing the recital... anyway I fluffed it and saw it disappear into the distance:(

saw another two but lets just say roosting pheasants weren't on my side.. when I got back to the car me mod was like a lump of ice!

if its good weather sat night the pub will be getting abandoned and ill be off on a date with the .223

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19 minutes ago, Sausagedog said:

They often kick off when they see another cock ?

thats you off the Christmas card list sd:laugh:


on the subject of cocks,,, there still calling over this way.. was watching a couple the other night and one started calling from a fair old distance and they turned heels quick sharp to attend the party:shok:

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Day 5 over and done with, it started off very foggy but with me in charge of the beaters for the first drive we put out some cracking birds, flush them in twos and threes over some of the young guns, there was a lot of the members that didn’t turn up today but we still managed to put together two teams of guns and made do with the beaters and dogs we had, the fog lifted around 12 so after lunch we headed over to the piggeries drives, the first half of the drive was mine to beat and from the off the birds were getting up, half way along the ride I had a deer come out the thick cover no more than 12” from me, bucking around me, looking very startled, I thought I was in line for a kick or at least knocked over, the bird count was quite low for today mainly due to the inexperienced guns and my terrible shooting, I think the end count was 27 pheasants, 2 pigeons, 1 woodcock and a squizzer, on a day with the regular guns the count would of been double that, but as we know numbers mean nothing when you are out with a good bunch of people all enjoying the day, we had an early finish and after stopping off to see our land lady on my way out to drop off her flowers and Christmas card as a little thank you, we headed off to the pub, for nibbles, drink and a warm ?





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22 hours ago, Stavross said:

Day 5 over and done with, it started off very foggy but with me in charge of the beaters for the first drive we put out some cracking birds, flush them in twos and threes over some of the young guns, there was a lot of the members that didn’t turn up today but we still managed to put together two teams of guns and made do with the beaters and dogs we had, the fog lifted around 12 so after lunch we headed over to the piggeries drives, the first half of the drive was mine to beat and from the off the birds were getting up, half way along the ride I had a deer come out the thick cover no more than 12” from me, bucking around me, looking very startled, I thought I was in line for a kick or at least knocked over, the bird count was quite low for today mainly due to the inexperienced guns and my terrible shooting, I think the end count was 27 pheasants, 2 pigeons, 1 woodcock and a squizzer, on a day with the regular guns the count would of been double that, but as we know numbers mean nothing when you are out with a good bunch of people all enjoying the day, we had an early finish and after stopping off to see our land lady on my way out to drop off her flowers and Christmas card as a little thank you, we headed off to the pub, for nibbles, drink and a warm ?





Another cracking day mate, plenty of banter and a nice elevenses. Pity about the low mist on the morning, but that was the best drive of the day enen with the mist. Some good birds, pity I couldn't hit a barn door. I'm definitely off to the clay ground to get my eye in, even so it's a brilliant day, you just can't beat a day out like it.Always nice to pop to the pub after the shoot for a chat over a beer. So looking forward to the next one 

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22 hours ago, Gooner said:

Another good day, your making great memories, just as a thought do you keep shoot records so as to be able to look back on?

One of the members keep a record of what has been shot but I suppose it would be nice to keep a more detailed record like numbers shot in the drives and what time of year to show how it has changed over the seasons 

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21 hours ago, Stavross said:

One of the members keep a record of what has been shot but I suppose it would be nice to keep a more detailed record like numbers shot in the drives and what time of year to show how it has changed over the seasons 

you might like this stav, it was only a few miles from you!


some rare numbers on these days


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