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All you  Weightlifters  want to try my two types of Blood Pressure Tablets and see if you can lift your cocks ! .. they get so heavy  that Venus Williams would struggle ….?

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Fcuk me !!!!   I was only asking if it was safe to have a Spoon of Sugar in me two cups of Tea each morning and its turned into University Fcuking  Challenge       

Has Ray hacked your account ?

So if Micky is 70 plus he has to bench 100 kilos and deadlift 200 kilos. Pulling your nutsack out of your sock is an achievement at that age champ. Lower the goalposts a bit. 

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  On 09/08/2019 at 05:29, Flacko said:

Jiggy I still do a bit of lifting & cardio I do bags & pads with my lads, my mate I do weights with he’s 56 & still benches 6 x 20 with his feet off the floor but he’s just a natural he was doing more than that 30 years ago & to be fair he still looks fit I’ve been trying to beat him for years, he doesn’t drink or smoke never has his weakness his sweet cakes I look in no shape at all but laying bricks & doing ground works & it’s toll on yer bones plus the beer don’t help so I’m a athlete inside the outside I’m fecked but still enjoy training eating & get out in fresh air with dogs & long may I carry on atb Flacko 


Yes but the fact is he is just a naturally stronger man than you. He might beat most but he won't beat himself 10 year ago. I'm not saying old guys are not strong I'm just saying they aren't as strong as they were. I've seen old guys shift heavy weight that would shock you but ten years earlier the pigs were lifting more.The point is when you hit your 40s the ticker is number one. At that age you should be finished with bar fights and walking around with your chest out like a gamecock. It's time to relax and eat right and fit in a bit of exercise. I love seen the old boys in the pub chilled out when a young lad kicks off. They just sit there saying if I was 30 years younger I'd knock the bollocks off him ???

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  On 09/08/2019 at 07:38, WILF said:

For me personally, and I never did weights, but it’s more a come back to doing stuff type thing.

A change in work and finally retirement from something very physical also assisted my decline......it also took its toll on my back.

Add to which in my playing days I was training 3 times a week then playing games Saturday & Sunday.

I have ticked along still playing football since I stopped playing seriously but not enough and not at a good enough level.

Add all that to a love of food and cooking and it all adds up to I got too fat.

So now it’s a question of tweaking what I eat and doing more football and exercise, which I happen to quiet like.

I’ll also add that one thing I do have on my side is that I don’t drink......that booze ruins lads, it really does.


There is nothing more painful than watching an old footballer that was good trying to wind his legs when the speed is gone. Young lad beside him that is 19 and breezes by him but get hits with a dirty tackle because grandad won't swallow his pride.

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  On 09/08/2019 at 12:32, jiggy said:

There is nothing more painful than watching an old footballer that was good trying to wind his legs when the speed is gone. Young lad beside him that is 19 and breezes by him but get hits with a dirty tackle because grandad won't swallow his pride.


With their collar turned up and their pot belly stuck out. ??

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I used to eat a lot n enjoy doin it especially a good steak or curry n sushi bein my #1 but the last few months just eat When I feel like it now so my appetite is at least half what it used to be sometimes can't eat until late afternoon then feel bloated after so opin that goes away soon as used to enjoy me scran..

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  On 09/08/2019 at 12:56, Jobi said:

With their collar turned up and their pot belly stuck out. ??


The thing is the old dude is usually strong so if he leaves him for dead on the wing then he will break him up on the next corner kick. Nothing is worse than a forty year old with a beer belly thinking he is better than that 19 year old that skips by him and he has to swallow his pride or else hurt him.

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Anyone seen the Eddie hall eating challenge show Eddie eats America think it's called reckon there be some good diets on that lol the average American serving is double to ours for a start anyway, that man versus food used to be quite good when that was about.

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not seen it yet dodge.....I see him mention doing it on his youtube channel....be a good laff I bet....

yeh watched a few of them man v food things....ridiculace amounts they can put away...

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  On 11/08/2019 at 15:46, TOMO said:

not seen it yet dodge.....I see him mention doing it on his youtube channel....be a good laff I bet....

yeh watched a few of them man v food things....ridiculace amounts they can put away...


Seen a vid earlier on that ytube channel you mentioned it was what Brian shaw eats in a typical day absolutely mental 3500 calls just in one meal n think that was one of 8 meals can see why a lot say the trainings the easy part it's the eating that's the hardest..

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  On 11/08/2019 at 19:07, dodger said:

Seen a vid earlier on that ytube channel you mentioned it was what Brian shaw eats in a typical day absolutely mental 3500 calls just in one meal n think that was one of 8 meals can see why a lot say the trainings the easy part it's the eating that's the hardest..


Surely the 3500 cals would have been the biggest meal of the day

Sure Eddie Hall was on about twelve or fourteen thousand calories a day when preparing for the deadlift record attempt

I remember reading about the power lifter Andy Bolton, and how he'd set the alarm clock to get up in the middle of the night for a fizzy drink and some chocolate, surely it would be better to have a solid nights sleep and eat more during the day if need be, but it's a serious discipline

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  On 11/08/2019 at 20:45, low plains drifter said:

Surely the 3500 cals would have been the biggest meal of the day

Sure Eddie Hall was on about twelve or fourteen thousand calories a day when preparing for the deadlift record attempt

I remember reading about the power lifter Andy Bolton, and how he'd set the alarm clock to get up in the middle of the night for a fizzy drink and some chocolate, surely it would be better to have a solid nights sleep and eat more during the day if need be, but it's a serious discipline


Yeh serious discipline n constant day in day out mad ain't it n yeh I think that was the main meal but it was his last meal as well so imagine that before bed on top of all the other meals he'd had that day you'd think his guts be fecked..

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