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Rewilding Study by the University of Oxford

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Establishing rewilding preferences in British farmers and gamekeepers 


We are a group of researchers from the University of Oxford’s Department of Zoology, looking for volunteers, aged 18+ and employed in either the farming or gamekeeping sector, to take part in a short survvey looking into rewilding preferences. Participants must be:

  • 18 or over
  • Based in the UK
  • Work in either the farming or gamekeeping sector 

If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link: INSERT LINK. No identifiable data will be collected and all responses are anonymous. This project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee [R63720/RE001].  You can drop out at any point during the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7P69FJ3

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Don’t work in any of the sectors you mention to qualify as a viable entrant, but as a casual observer of wildlife may I suggest you start rewinding prey animals such as rabbit or find cures for its many diseases and stop focusing on predators, I have seen otters released in rivers with no fish and polecats are popping up all over the place which I assume is another of your re wilded animals, there is no consultation with local interests such as releasing otters out side of fishing lakes or polecats near pheasant shoots, in my own experience nature thrives on neglect and each time you add another predator to an unbalanced environment you create problems rather than solve them, from my own observations I assume the pinemartin  is your next addition to the list of re introduced animals which is another predator, so with all this extra predation were is the extra food source coming from  and why didn’t you carry out any consultation before you started ??? 

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  On 28/07/2019 at 10:24, UK Rewilding Survey said:

Establishing rewilding preferences in British farmers and gamekeepers 


We are a group of researchers from the University of Oxford’s Department of Zoology, looking for volunteers, aged 18+ and employed in either the farming or gamekeeping sector, to take part in a short survvey looking into rewilding preferences. Participants must be:

  • 18 or over
  • Based in the UK
  • Work in either the farming or gamekeeping sector 

If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link: INSERT LINK. No identifiable data will be collected and all responses are anonymous. This project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee [R63720/RE001].  You can drop out at any point during the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  If you are interested in participating and giving your opinion on rewilding policy in the UK please follow the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7P69FJ3


Where is the NEITHER option?  Where are the comments sections?  I can't get past the first page because I do not accept some of the options.

Daft survey put together by people with an agenda or simply ignorant!

Edited by Deker
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  • 2 weeks later...

Why haven’t you contacted the NGO ( national game keepers association) and asked for their help ? I am a member and so are most of the keepers I know . I would personally be a bit wary about taking part in anything like this , that hasn’t been given the ok by the NGO . Just a personal view but it seems to me that the well meaning ( deluded) people involved in rewilding , don’t own livestock that would be potential protein for the released predators .  

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  On 27/08/2019 at 08:16, Born Hunter said:

Rewilding eh.......... Are you taking requests for game species? I have a bucket list! :D


They have been doing it for years mate without any consultation and even outright lying to deny what they have been up to so any request they grant you would probably be a load of bullshit anyways ??? when they were releasing otters all over the Somerset levels at the end of the  90s early 00s the impact on fisheries was immense but rather than consultation and debate they chose to go on national tv and deny that any otters had been released even after a fisheries owner had a dead one scanned and  found  a chip in its neck from rspca west hatch Taunton,  and within the last 5 years the polecat has gone from extinction to I,m getting bored of seeing them on my cameras if it was natural it would be very gradual but it’s 0-100 in months,  I think there may have been some minor consultation with residents in the FOD recently regarding the pinemartin  but that’s a first as far as I,m aware, and were they don’t consider the impact of what they release and were more than half the animals they release die very shortly afterwards so it’s not just irresponsible but quite cruel in reality , be nice if someone from there group was willing to come on and answer some of the points here, but as usual it’s just questions loaded in the direction they want the outcome to go so basically they will just carry on regardless ??

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Got room for a grey wolf shoulder mount in the porch and a lynx on the stair well .

Im with you on the polecats greyman ,never seen so many run over on the Newbury ,Hungerford road .They weren’t there a year ago .

Lot of keepers I know report catching polecats in traps recently and releasing of course ?

Pine martins would never run out of squirrels here though ,grey feckers everywhere at moment .

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  On 26/08/2019 at 09:47, randombadger said:

Never come across this before, which river with no fish has had otters released in it?


It’s just a land drain near me, don’t even know if it has a name, runs alongside a main road and I find dead otters on there every few years have pushed a few live ones out the reeds as well, but when I,ve seen the ea doing electro fishing surveys they say it is totally devoid of fish life ?? It would be very hard for them to get there through natural means as it drains a small valley that is surrounded by main roads and motorways and goes out to sea through a town ??? I,ve also found quite a few dead ones in the G and S canal which is a shipping canal with metal sheeting along the banks which makes it impossible for animals to get out once in the water,  there are a few native otters that live near streams that flow in which they use to come and go through but when they rust release ones which have no ideal were they are they just keep swimming until they find a way out by luck or drown , they also put a lot of pressure on the native ones as they are very territorial, they done something similar years back with the barn owls released a load of captive bred ones to boost numbers but they just stole nest sites and had a detrimental effect on the population, loonatics running an asylum springs to mind ??

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  On 27/08/2019 at 18:32, foxdropper said:

Got room for a grey wolf shoulder mount in the porch and a lynx on the stair well .

Im with you on the polecats greyman ,never seen so many run over on the Newbury ,Hungerford road .They weren’t there a year ago .

Lot of keepers I know report catching polecats in traps recently and releasing of course ?

Pine martins would never run out of squirrels here though ,grey feckers everywhere at moment .


Fly through that road pretty regular cant remember ever seeing any on there lol see alot of badgers alongside the wall though. 


Regards otters i dont think there as scared of people as some make out i seen one come up a bank through a fence takes ya onto an industrial estate no bother. 

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  On 01/09/2019 at 13:41, C.green said:

Fly through that road pretty regular cant remember ever seeing any on there lol see alot of badgers alongside the wall though. 


Regards otters i dont think there as scared of people as some make out i seen one come up a bank through a fence takes ya onto an industrial estate no bother. 


They are not scared of people because they are hand reared, the few really wild otters I have encountered vanish the moment you spot them, the releases are usually in a group (not natural) and not shy of human contact to the same degree, if you ever travel into Bristol down the m32 they are swimming about in the river frome that disappears under ikea just turned up there a few year back they even swim out into the harbour in the city centre ?

Edited by Greyman
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 30/07/2019 at 13:50, Greyman said:

Don’t work in any of the sectors you mention to qualify as a viable entrant, but as a casual observer of wildlife may I suggest you start rewinding prey animals such as rabbit or find cures for its many diseases and stop focusing on predators, I have seen otters released in rivers with no fish and polecats are popping up all over the place which I assume is another of your re wilded animals, there is no consultation with local interests such as releasing otters out side of fishing lakes or polecats near pheasant shoots, in my own experience nature thrives on neglect and each time you add another predator to an unbalanced environment you create problems rather than solve them, from my own observations I assume the pinemartin  is your next addition to the list of re introduced animals which is another predator, so with all this extra predation were is the extra food source coming from  and why didn’t you carry out any consultation before you started ??? 


I agree with you 100%,why the f**k these idiots want to release things like pine martens is just total stupidity,the lad up the road from me lost over 100 chickens,ducks and geese in three visits and another lad down the road from me lost 100 chickens in one night with these pine martens,but when these idiots (back from the brink) are asked why they have released such predators there answer is it’s for people to see them in the wild,if people want to see them go to the f***ing zoo and that way no wildlife or poultry will be preyed on and the way they go on it’s as if all they eat is grey squirrels,they won’t run past a red squirrel to kill a grey squirrel ,anyway have a nice day 

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The fact is , most people won’t “see them in the wild “ or give a shit if they are there or not . The only people it will effect are livestock owners , and also the species that will be preyed upon . Another example of well meaning but misguided academics . They have probably had an expensive education “paid for by mum and dad “ .... failed to get to study medicine and now they are into zoology and are trying to justify their meaningless existence and secure funding for yet another lame-ass project.....yawn . I bet they will read this and think , how does he know ???

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