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Dog behaviour

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She said the dog is brilliant around food,kids etc but he started growling then snapping about getting out his bed for a piss at night and getting out the car.the pup has boundries and discipline its just those 2 occasions.they've kept spaniels and german sheppards before.

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What type of dog is it? Mate had a dog that would snap if it didn't want to do something he ended up having the thing put down. I'd wack the f****r soon as it made a sound towards me let it know that it's not ok to do that and see if it changes the thing if it dosnt change or gets worse pts as if the kids tell it to do so one day it may not just growl abit. Also like has been said try a treat or something make it so it's worth it for the dog for a week or so then faze it out again and hope that it's sorted 

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i wouldn't risk my kids safety with a dog showing such issues at 6m old....put it in a kennel if it's for working and go back to basics.....if it's a pet then sorry I'd pts personally or find it a good home with no children?my 8 and 9 yr olds walk all my dogs after school for me and often come back out when I get home from work....even the Wheaton donkey don't pull when kids got the lead .

I chuck all mine in the motor as pups,even if I'm just popping to the shops quickly, sorts out any separation issues and travel sickness......open a car door or boot and all my dogs are straight in......don't matter who's motor?pain in the arse when you walk past some cnut and they suddenly try and dive in some 50 k motor ?

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  On 18/07/2019 at 18:00, Daniel cain said:

i wouldn't risk my kids safety with a dog showing such issues at 6m old....put it in a kennel if it's for working and go back to basics.....if it's a pet then sorry I'd pts personally or find it a good home with no children?my 8 and 9 yr olds walk all my dogs after school for me and often come back out when I get home from work....even the Wheaton donkey don't pull when kids got the lead .

I chuck all mine in the motor as pups,even if I'm just popping to the shops quickly, sorts out any separation issues and travel sickness......open a car door or boot and all my dogs are straight in......don't matter who's motor?pain in the arse when you walk past some cnut and they suddenly try and dive in some 50 k motor ?


Mine dose that just jumps on into people's cars it is a pain 

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from the very 1st growl , it should have been nipped in the bud as they say, all dogs will try it on at some point, but you got to meet them with full dominance  straight away . i had  pit bitch pup, she was fookin only 10 weeks old, and she started to growl if you walked past her when she was eating  , she was outside but i thought  you want do that again , i stopped her , took few feeds to let her know i was  the  boss in that yard not her , it worked i could take her dinner of her, she knew she get it back, but didnt do anything else regards showing aggression  , me mom had bloody Yorkie   that was worse than her lol .

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  On 18/07/2019 at 18:00, Daniel cain said:

i wouldn't risk my kids safety with a dog showing such issues at 6m old....put it in a kennel if it's for working and go back to basics.....if it's a pet then sorry I'd pts personally or find it a good home with no children?my 8 and 9 yr olds walk all my dogs after school for me and often come back out when I get home from work....even the Wheaton donkey don't pull when kids got the lead .

I chuck all mine in the motor as pups,even if I'm just popping to the shops quickly, sorts out any separation issues and travel sickness......open a car door or boot and all my dogs are straight in......don't matter who's motor?pain in the arse when you walk past some cnut and they suddenly try and dive in some 50 k motor ?


I remember one of my old bull xs Charlie jumping in a police  traffic car that stopped after seeing us lamping left his door open so full of shit and claret he jumped straight in the  front seat ? copper had a melt down was going to charge me clean up costs ? back to the pup I would show it who's boss straight away I would of done it the  first time it growled it would either make it or it would be a cull there's no second chances here I have grand kids 

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Top nd bottom of it if a dog shows that much  aggression to an alfa Male female of its pack cos it dosnt want to do something it dosnt want to do its testing  the boundaries  like a teenager cos it hasn't found its place in the pack  but then you got a untrusted dog on your hands hand but  

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People reading aggression, I’m reading fear , how does a dog show fear ?  

Read  fear in body language, when a dog is fearful of something it’s noticeable through the space given  and its movement , when it can’t express movement like on a lead , in a pen in a car , a dog can’t just do nothing,  whatever it’s feeling has got to be expressed somehow 

if it’s a leash or hand issue I would only hand feed in those circumstances , no bowl f**k the bowl away I only ever hand feed pups and have into adulthood 

I don’t create space between myself and a highly prised item like food from an early age the pup has to make contact with me to get what he wants  , he can’t hold onto fear and desire at the same time , something has to give 

too many heavy handed fuckers will destroy their dogs retrieve , you see fear in the amount of space a dog puts between you and a highly valued item , that’s the tell not the amount of tail waging and face licking it does 

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  On 01/08/2019 at 08:29, Casso said:

People reading aggression, I’m reading fear , how does a dog show fear ?  

Read  fear in body language, when a dog is fearful of something it’s noticeable through the space given  and its movement , when it can’t express movement like on a lead , in a pen in a car , a dog can’t just do nothing,  whatever it’s feeling has got to be expressed somehow 

if it’s a leash or hand issue I would only hand feed in those circumstances , no bowl f**k the bowl away I only ever hand feed pups and have into adulthood 

I don’t create space between myself and a highly prised item like food from an early age the pup has to make contact with me to get what he wants  , he can’t hold onto fear and desire at the same time , something has to give 

too many heavy handed fuckers will destroy their dogs retrieve , you see fear in the amount of space a dog puts between you and a highly valued item , that’s the tell not the amount of tail waging and face licking it does 


someone who has a good understand of dog behaviour few and far between on here sometimes

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