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people putting in for fac

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on lots of forums not just this one you hear people saying im putting in for my fac,one or 2 tell you they got it but no body ever puts up they never got it and the reason why they never got it,it could help others out before they fill the forms inn

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When people get refused FACs it's normally because of some skeletons in their closet. Perhaps they don't want to air their dirty laundry in public and I don't blame them. There's plenty of knowledgeable folk on here and other forums just a PM away that would happily give advice. They can only help streamline the process though. No amount of advice will let someone get a FAC if they aren't fit to have one. 

The only problem for the new guys is weeding out the genuine FAC holders from the dreamers who read too much on google. 

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Every police force is different and everybody told me know way I would be allowed a open ticket until after five years, but got a open for fac air straight away and  applied for a variation for 17 HMR and . 22lr and that is open as well 

dont always believe what you read on forums or shitbook

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  On 11/07/2019 at 14:55, walshie said:

When people get refused FACs it's normally because of some skeletons in their closet. Perhaps they don't want to air their dirty laundry in public and I don't blame them. There's plenty of knowledgeable folk on here and other forums just a PM away that would happily give advice. They can only help streamline the process though. No amount of advice will let someone get a FAC if they aren't fit to have one. 

The only problem for the new guys is weeding out the genuine FAC holders from the dreamers who read too much on google. 


Thats why then, don't keep your skeletons in your closet, bury them where they can't be found like the rest of us!

Honestly though I've met plenty of people where I have doubted if they should ever have been issued with an FAC at all.

If you have good reason to own a firearm the onus is on the force to prove your not fit to have one, I can see this changing for the worse, as more forces legal or not, are getting us to do the donkey work, and paying through the nose too, medical reports from doctors been the one.

I've always been lucky and have the experiance over many years, I think a lot of folk these days don't get the experiance we did in the 70's etc

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...and some need a mentor and can't find one!

Anyway, as it happens I have been approached today to be a Mentor yet again, this time for a guy who has only applied for a .22LR.

I thought TVP had actually done away with mentors, but is seems not! :hmm:

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often wondered how hard it was to get it as like I said saw loads of people on different forums saying putting in for my fac then nothing else said,i know my mate lost his after his wife left him and he got put on pills for depression that was enough to revoke his

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  On 11/07/2019 at 16:53, j j m said:

often wondered how hard it was to get it as like I said saw loads of people on different forums saying putting in for my fac then nothing else said,i know my mate lost his after his wife left him and he got put on pills for depression that was enough to revoke his


A young lad (in his 30's) down the road here is on anti depressants and anti psychotics, he's a .223win and a .22wmr, I really try and keep my distance, he's asked to come out with me but I'm always busy!

I've only done variations and renewals over the years and never had any trouble at all. I was in trouble as a teen (just theft and burglary of non dwelling) and its still on my record as a juvenile, a few FEO have questioned why its still on my record, and I don't know? Comes up on any disclosure I do so just declare it, but its never been a bother.

Edited by Gav
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My brother has an FAC,he had quite a troubled past as a kid,few spells inside etc.Got a friend with an FAC who has a very colourful past including ramming a plod car once as he tried to escape from a situation,long time ago however.

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like people say different forces deal with it in different ways,i know my mate lost his because his ex was a bitter twa, and made a call saying he was suffering from depression and should not hold a licence they acted on that which is fair enough

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  On 11/07/2019 at 15:14, villaman said:

Every police force is different and everybody told me know way I would be allowed a open ticket until after five years, but got a open for fac air straight away and  applied for a variation for 17 HMR and . 22lr and that is open as well 

dont always believe what you read on forums or shitbook


Turned out better than you might have expected then vm. My region new certificates are open for section one shotguns and fac air. Live firing rifles however, closed for the first five years. I’ve been told that Derbyshire don’t like .30 cal airguns....they may all follow the home office guidelines, but that’s all they are, guidelines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think how your interview goes with the F.A.O. counts for a lot. If you don't seem very knowledgable he might refuse your requests or limit them. If you seem extremely knowledgable chances are you'll get what you ask for as there is no reason to refuse.

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