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She's finally here!

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  On 31/12/2019 at 18:30, ryaldinhio said:

8 month now. I haven't worked her as such. Took her ferreting once for a quick outing. Them from other night was just a general late walk off lead. 2 of em she disappeared and caught with no lamp on. 3rd one I saw but basically kicked it out its seat and she had it in 2 yards. One other one got up and made it to a burrow. 

I have been well impressed with her but she is my first runner so not really got anything to compare her to.

She didn't wana give em up tho, sort of circling me about 5 yards away, so need to work on that! Other than general mooch and maybe another ferreting trip or two I won't be working her till next season. 


Sounds just the job

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Been on second 500mileish round trip, this time to bring the pup home with me. Cracking little pup. Lovely wi kids and other dogs. Good day, let the fun begin! 1/2Grey 3/8Whip 1/8Beddy

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Got invited out ferreting this weekend with a mate I met on here. Took pip for her first go at proper ferreting and my mates little ferreting dog. Not guna do a big write up on whole day, she missed a couple early that slipped nets because she wasn't looking then was watching me getting excited as I tried to catch em! To start with she wasnt sure what to do when they hit long net but by end of session she was grabbing them. Her marking was unmistakable and spot on which I was over the moon with. I was scanning up and down line and she was up to her arse down a hole pulling back so went over and she had one that had back netted so again I was over moon with that!

All in all great day out, good experience for the pup while not being physicaly strenuous. She showed some very good signs of another step forward in her development.

Thanks again for the invite pal, if you see this you know who you are!



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  On 06/01/2020 at 19:04, gaza said:

Good going mate can’t ask for more than that ?. How’s your mates rough dog bred? 


Mainly beddy whippet I think, will find out. She is a machine in cover. One of the rabbits got under a big pile of cuttings full of brambles and thorns. My pup was on its arse as it got there and she pulled up with a 'ah well, never mind' look. I shouted my mate over coz I knew his bitch was good in cover, she just dived in smashing through brambles and thorns like it was dancing though summer grass and came out with the rabbit. Top dog.

My pup was watching, could see her thinking, 'Eh? What the f**k? Whats she doing?!.........f**k THAT!' ?

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She’s ok mate and good retriever but can be hard getting her sighted on rougher ground. Can get straightened a lot as well but can’t have it both ways a 26tts running machine isn’t going to ferret hedgerows the same in and out of cover. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had another great day out today.

Got there this morning and it was crisp and fresh, sun was shining and it wasn't pissing down like last week! Worked perimeter of a field we had done reccy on last week. Got long nets out, started well picking a couple rabbits out of 4/5 holer sets as we worked round. Ended up on 9 by end of first hedge line. Up to the top of the field where there was a mound of earth that was covered in holes. Long nets again. Took 10 from here. Had about 40mins of light left dropped onto side hedgerow with purse nets on a few holes and a dog either side. Picked another 4 up there and we were losing light so time to call it a day on 23.

As we were lifting the nets and clearing up out the blue Pippa bushed one to herself! First and only real run of the day, tried to turn her a few times and make another Warren but had no chance she nailed it.  So ended on 24.

She definitely knows what a rabbit is now.....recall and retrieve again weren't great, oh and she decided this week she wanted to try pulling the rabbits through my mates long nets ??‍♂️ so work to do still. But the signs are good.

She is turning into a cracking ferreting dog but lots to learn still.




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