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Been on second 500mileish round trip, this time to bring the pup home with me. Cracking little pup. Lovely wi kids and other dogs. Good day, let the fun begin! 1/2Grey 3/8Whip 1/8Beddy

I spent a long time reading and researching different mixes and breeds. Spoke to a few on here over PM about theirs to get some more info.  99% of what I plan on doing will be bunnies either ferr

Cheers fella Was talking to the lad and he said someone who was due to view rang him at last minute and said they had found summat closer. One of the main traits in a lurcher that, locality! Bonk

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1 minute ago, W. Katchum said:

Showing that much commitment to go see litter then return to collect a pup at them sorts a drives says a lot,  an I’d be willing to bet you’ll do it all the justice it deserves now ?

Cheers fella

Was talking to the lad and he said someone who was due to view rang him at last minute and said they had found summat closer. One of the main traits in a lurcher that, locality! Bonkers!!! Way I see it it's only a day and then a decade and some of service and fun hopefully.

Looking forward to it!

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22 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Showing that much commitment to go see litter then return to collect a pup at them sorts a drives says a lot,  an I’d be willing to bet you’ll do it all the justice it deserves now ?

What's happened to you man

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4 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

It’s been a long day in the sun? 



I may be a lot a things pal but I savvy enough to know when somebody had thought summat throo asked folk questions done a bit research an waited it out for the right pup? an folk like deserve a pat on the back an the folk that see a run on fb or a pic of summat dead an go buy an adult dog an flog it, ruin it an sell it on still deserve a pat on the head, with a dyke hammer ?? 

Yeah I'm liking the style on ya fair play 

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40 minutes ago, ryaldinhio said:

I spent a long time reading and researching different mixes and breeds. Spoke to a few on here over PM about theirs to get some more info. 

99% of what I plan on doing will be bunnies either ferreting or lamping/mooching so was looking whippet and beddy whip but then I fancied summat that could have a go at the other 1%.

Spoke to a few different lads with litters but got things from 'be ready at 5-6wks' or even as far as 'mother isn't here anymore' so didn't bother looking.

Then a chap on here put me onto em. He had grandsire and also the mother's sibling I think. Right mix for what I wanted and speaking to the lad I knew he was right with em. Went down to see em and had a few hours there, his uncle had the sire to litter so he brought him round aswell for me to see. Left money there and then. 

Been keeping me updated wi progress and kept her with mother till 9weeks, most are rushing to get rid.

Tried my best to stack the odds in my favour, now it's down to me to make it into a proper dog!

I'm sure you will ry and best of luck look forward to reading about her progress 

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Mentioned this in a previous thread but for me getting a pup was crucial rather than an older dog, the early days bonding time is absolutely crucial IMO. When you form a relationship with a dog it is a different level.

She has had half hour mad dash round garden, now bonding time sat on back step listening to the owls and different sounds.


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Cracking looking pup mate, and a very handy mix...as others have said fair play for putting the effort in, too many never do...

Good luck with your new companion...

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