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A friend of mine has recently bought one and is over the moon with it but not actually seen it yet. I used to see a chap every now and then at the range who shoots with one and his comment was that all his other rifles can go if needed but that is one that will go in the box with him.


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That's an air rifle that I always wanted but never got around to owning. Particularly with the walnut thumbhole stock, the Olympus I think Theoben called them. Had a mate who got one of the original siroccos with a deluxe walnut stock. He always seemed to have money even in the days when everyone else was skint. I think he won a little bit on the pools or spot the ball but never let on. It was a lefty but I always found it easy to shoot. Maybe something to do with the quick lock time but was probably just an inherently accurate rifle even in the 1st version that they made. Very nice rifle you have there.


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Nice man. Properly. It is a Fenman init? ? I only ask as it could be a Fenman in an Olympus stock or a mk2 Evo in fact... ya don’t see many Fenmans wearing Olympus woodwork ya see and Theoben never made the Fenman in a thumhole version, nor the Evo. 

Whatever it is, it’s proper mint.

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The cs800 and Olympus stocks will be similar in many ways. They both come from custom stocks Sheffield. They did all the Theoben stocks, so similarities will be seen. I believe that different stocks could be ordered when buying direct from Theoben. I specified a hyedua sporter stock on my sirocco carbine when I ordered it direct from Theoben.

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