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Kelpies as a stud,

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My pup today ......  

Few recent pics of my pup, looking more lurcher like now, picks everything up very quickly 

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  On 26/12/2019 at 12:57, socks said:

My main working bitch is mostly sight hound with grey saluki being predominant and she will work day and night 7 days a week and will drag herself of off her bed if she thinks there’s work to be done. Obviously you better your chances by breeding And entering right but I think a lot to do with how much a dog will put in is down to that dog and how much it wants to work. I would happily graft this bitch against any dog on any terrain over any amount of time and be very confident she will still be working when others have fallen away. 




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  On 26/12/2019 at 12:57, socks said:

My main working bitch is mostly sight hound with grey saluki being predominant and she will work day and night 7 days a week and will drag herself of off her bed if she thinks there’s work to be done. Obviously you better your chances by breeding And entering right but I think a lot to do with how much a dog will put in is down to that dog and how much it wants to work. I would happily graft this bitch against any dog on any terrain over any amount of time and be very confident she will still be working when others have fallen away. 



All your dogs are in cracking condition, fair play to ya :victory:

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this bitch here was only about 1/8 collie she was out of chuck arrowsmiths collie she done very well for me day/night an didn’t lack in the stamina department The collie in there being 1/8 was still highly potent in the mix I think the problems with lack of stamina is down to people keep adding straight greyhound as a easy fix rather than racy bred lurcher to try an prep things up but end up loosing to much per generation adding straight greyhound  I’m a believer in type breeding I believe that after you get to 3 quarter bred straight greyhound shouldn’t be added as a continuation on it should always be lurcher to lurcher Unless you breed to heavy base blooded to heavy base blooded your potentially Ironing out an starting again then go back to greyhound or long dog your useing the over base blood lurcher as a base to start a lurcher then next time if you breed back to a racey lurcher just my theory any way 


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  On 27/12/2019 at 16:28, two crows said:

most people thlnk speed ls everythlng, no greyhound after flrst cross, lurcher x lurcher all day long.or use one of these no greyhound ln that slnce ballyragan bob 6 gens best to best.

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Nice that I'm also of the opinion that going 2 close 2 the greyhound is not the way forward a grew can be a good thing if u need to go there 

But what do I know, did he get a new titfor 4 xmas?

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I dont like mine, he gets beat up off jack russells, eats any chicks that get out, robs my shoes all the effin time and has now realised that when my hens start clucking theyve made a tasty little snack and he always seems to take a shit where i walk. But bar that hes grand, different to what im used to but variety is the spice of life so they say, already putting a lot of older dogs to shame with his scenting ability, no speed machine but i knew he wouldnt be. Bit sensitive as well but living with me isnt easy so i forgive him for that

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