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  On 22/06/2019 at 19:22, billhardy said:

Told yas before offer still stands back off the lad so it was your weekend off good hope ya had a nice day ya feck pig ya don't like a it sarcasm back do ya katchum up its all good then atb bill




Why didnt you put your name forward for PM? ? You would have done well in the TV debates  ?

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There you go lads. Cheers, D.  

Hard to beat natural remedies walking and saltwater on the beach as well

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  On 23/06/2019 at 04:52, Big Ron said:

Why didnt you put your name forward for PM? ? You would have done well in the TV debates  ?


Ron that fecking useless cu t don't do fe k all only feck about on that bit wayside betwer. Him and his workplace there's a offer for hi. Back end come wTch the useless shepherd run and the malls ba k end I'll pay his fuel. Atb bill

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  On 23/06/2019 at 08:18, billhardy said:

Ron that fecking useless cu t don't do fe k all only feck about on that bit wayside betwer. Him and his workplace there's a offer for hi. Back end come wTch the useless shepherd run and the malls ba k end I'll pay his fuel. Atb bill


Oh and Ron fa what it's worth I reckon boris got iti.n the bag atb bill

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Sore quicks/nail beds is a common problem with some dogs other dogs never suffer from it ever no matter how hard or where their ran. Running on crop fields makes the quicks really sore on prone dogs. It usually cant be eliminated completely just kept under control, cleaning the quicks thoroughly after every running session keeps the problem from getting worse. There are all sorts of concoctions to harden a dogs feet none stop a prone dog from getting sore quicks. The author of running dog maintenance put a good topic up with pictures years ago on how to tape the quicks to stop them getting sore, it works to a certain extent but also doesn't stop the problem completely. Walking dogs daily at a beach on the tideline in the soft wet sand keeps the problem under control better than any other method, but not an option for those who live no where near a coast, cleaning with salty water helps but is not as good as beach walking.  


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Soft toothbrush and gently clean around nail beds with salt water when back from running on muddy ground as a preventive. With damaged area rinse with plain cold water after the salt water, dry then rub a little sudo cream on. Road work, keep nails to a sensible length and if your near a beach go regularly. 



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  On 23/06/2019 at 16:00, W. Katchum said:

Are we jis making insults up now bull, shall I start throwing dodgy names like that at you, Iv never grassed in me life an you know fcuk all, you silly ole cnut your telling folk I do nowt, an Iv actually been out with them folks, your the Fcuking laughing stock of this place you silly angry ole man, go pop a blue pill an have a wank ffs or take ye allygetya out for walk ???


Are has coming down back end yas dirty fecker,you I'll introduce ta to a few of those fellas in your fecking tiny filthy brain I would not sell Neva mind gift you a jukel ,reason you ain't got the time knowledge or inclination ta do a good welp justice ya stuck on that little place yas need ta travel and get the mileage in with a jukel ta give it. A chance I just got back from a walk had me dinner ,bets are you would be milking or his ya week end off.this silly ole c**t has you say wil give you a lesson on age don't matter come find out weekend were it be with handling the jukels or going toe ta toe ,silly fool you are thinking old age got ta do with ought .you repeatedly want ta press the report button ,God forbid if you were under real pressure when it really mattered ya would bail out and look ta ya self .scummy c**t you. Atb bill

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  On 23/06/2019 at 15:29, Black neck said:

You sound a bit angry bill 


Nay angry blackie Faust bit banter giving him some surplus the lad got plenty offa him,he got abut back he could even come down ta Shropshire if he wants two we can meet there he can see the lads jukels run if he got any left by back end and he ain't either given or sold em all lol there's feck all interesting in katchup spread worth running .chasing just Conies these days ain't fa me ,he needs ta get down here then he can make a the valuation of genie she shepherds  hearer types,he won't even with fuel paid he just spouts crap of the back of very little all round experience running teeth and game all over.he seen abit but nothing over decades and decades of running all in all he a chancer that's seen and done very little and that's a darn fact let's hope he don't preess the report button or threaten me with it.atb bill

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  On 23/06/2019 at 16:43, W. Katchum said:

Real pressure? You’ve lived in your bull shite bubble all your life,Iv actually travelled an done my bit for me country ye daft cnut? I don’t make lies up about body guard an special forces matesX I don’t need to ??  all you got me is milking???j do a lot more than milk but hey you wouldn’t know that would ye, you wouldn’t know reality if it cocked it leg an pished up your back ? your a kennel blind know all, with a Walter Mitty tendency’s, threat an make up your verbal diarrhoea all ye want,  I find ye funny big remember  I’m laughing at you, not with ye ???


Come down here then katch lets see what ya got I know ya won't I'll put all sorts in front the jukels then ya can make ya own assumptions and ds the special forces guys etc if only you know but has you say it's all bullshit ,but then everything I write in your tiny his just that ya fecking living in a desolate area catterick the doom of gloom fa fecks sake .i know your capabilities with a jukel in that's a darn fact stop throwing e seven for my country bit at me .yas still back where yas passed out fecking around with collie dogs and vows.atb bill

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