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There you go lads. Cheers, D.  

Hard to beat natural remedies walking and saltwater on the beach as well

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Lurcher Lad, in answer to your original question, I've run dogs for a lot of years now and I've tried most of the foot hardeners and pad tougheners and none of them were the cure I was looking for. You should try every possible cure you come across and find out for yourself but listen to me now 'cos here's the bit that matters. Learn everything you can about treating sore and injured feet because that's the only thing that'll keep your dogs running. This is form a man that runs rough, hard, rocky ground on a regular basis. Nothing will keep your dogs always sound so learn to deal with the injuries and problems that occur. We all get them.

PS. I got a great laugh out of the first few pages.?:(?

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Katchum ya skated the lad in about every topic he on ,if yas need ta press the button do so your o ly open

ynshowing what you are a flute,ta fecks sake get a grip yas got an aging jukel a terrier or two,the lad shows his hand he ain't in fear of selling a hound gifting a hound a believe you ain't got the time ta make a jukel yas fecking a milking boy,. Press the button who cares .only but you .atb Bill 

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  On 22/06/2019 at 17:52, W. Katchum said:

Like them best ever shepherd crosses you have yet you won’t even line it with another after spouting ye bullshite for years???


thats me home after a nice family day out bull, if ye want some home truths crack on, an if ye that simple ye can’t tell sarcasm then that says it all about ye, as tho id class you as bully???, bullshitter maybe but deffo no bully your a daft ole man ??


Told yas before offer still stands back off the lad so it was your weekend off good hope ya had a nice day ya feck pig ya don't like a it sarcasm back do ya katchum up its all good then atb bill



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  On 22/06/2019 at 17:52, W. Katchum said:

Like them best ever shepherd crosses you have yet you won’t even line it with another after spouting ye bullshite for years???


thats me home after a nice family day out bull, if ye want some home truths crack on, an if ye that simple ye can’t tell sarcasm then that says it all about ye, as tho id class you as bully???, bullshitter maybe but deffo no bully your a daft ole man ??


See katchum I me all but done but there ain't no room back here for half hearted attempts at making a jukel has they should be you tole along and put in a poor show on your next jukel like I say driven types need work and like you milking how it his in that job one don't have near enough time ta find ta do a one justice has for the shepherds how would you noy

t no I ain't hot half a ozen maybey seven under her now  you wouldint would you  but hey she ain't fa me getting the last bit off work from a jukel before breeding his a must even if it didn't happen the malli xs we have don't forget we only breed for replacements in off that mean a bitch misses a breeding in that decade so be it , we have malli bixs bitches that can run all night any night on everything full spectrum we don't need ta breed yet and there his also a male put away Jazes brother sibling ,so don't get thinking all his lost for us  thing his katchup.  Folk go about there breeding activities how they please that's there perogative we prefer ta work ours over seasons because they change over season and age some fall by the way side others thrive on the extra work .from me ta you now feck off busy boy atb bill

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  On 22/06/2019 at 04:15, billhardy said:

Lad   taping don't usually hold out fa a good nights lamping or a few nights a week. Keep the nail beds clean washing off every day and drying off salt water plenty good enough  con dies crystals was an old foot wash  but good attention to the foot of the jukel ,plus the added breed types lends a hand to good foot construction that look to there selves.get them back ta basics some herding blood may needs adding in the mix ,atb bill


Would you consider bad feet as a major fault Bill and would you breed of such a bitch and how many lining before the problem solves it self obviously herders and saluki spring to mind  

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Black magma me the structure of a jukels feet his a huge thing n.o hoof  no                   horse etc same da jukel a lesser jukel being sound can out perform a faster type if that said animal on the bench regular with toe foot injuries da me a good stud can put feet right in some cases but it comes back and bites usually in the odd welp if not immediately next generation ,the odd injury on a bitch over a good five easing can be at times inevitable but a weekness in a jukels feet his different toes go when wrenching blown toes regular we all seen had a few ,would I breed from a consistently known week footed jukel in fairness I cull them types they don't get down ta several seasons work with me,running a single jukel maybey two his all I keep no room da all that pussie footing affair  a lamping man fa me don't need massive amounts a top end speed acceleration yes ,the herders I have found these malli xs the coursing type have strong tight feet small tight in nails much the same has a pure type collie herding dog nails keep good on here own no need fa clipping even through the lay off summer mths.these malli coursing types have better recovery than our alsation types no surprise the saluki and the malli have a high resistance to heat and overheating have these got a better tank I don't know yet the alsation I got had a very good stamina at four yrs old ,I find climate change warmer winters the recovery bred in em has big pluses back ta the feet the shepherds we have can run roads no damage to feet or stoppers they learn quickly and float over the land running style complimebpnts rough ground.atb bill

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