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As above, everything I can find on the specs of this rifle states, overall length 995mm, 39.25 inches.

I bought one brand new about six weeks ago, it's 38.5 inches long.

Not a major concern, but what's happening here? Lol

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5 minutes ago, j j m said:

had a couple of these great guns ,but a tad heavy

Everyone says that, but I find the weight and balance fine for me ?

But, I average around 16 -17 stone.

Was only 14 1/2 a few years ago, when I was still recovering from a major accident nearly 20 years ago. Went down to just under 9 stone whilst I was in hospital. Looooong story, so won't go into it. But my weight and strength is steadily creeping back up now ?

Edited by shaaark
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10 minutes ago, j j m said:

im 17 stone and there a good bit of kit but did mot like lugging it a\round the fields

You not put a sling on it it j? Haven't yet on mine, but will do this weekend. Finding it great to shoot accurately ?

Sorry mate, j sounds a tad familiar I suppose, hope you don't mind ?

Edited by shaaark
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