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trying to trace a pup/dog in scotland

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Also the fact that some are comparing a living animal to a car speaks volumes about them and their mentality towards their dogs and the dogs they breed. I wouldn’t hesitate in selling any of my cars to anybody but I would definitely think several times over before gifting or selling anyone a dog. 

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You sold the dog .. it is no longer anything to do with you , I sold a car last year i don't get regular updates on that FFS   

if you sold the man a dog.....then you don't have a say on what he does with it imo.....just let it go...

Cannot get my head around all this, I sold a dog ten months ago or whatever amount of time it was. I don't wish to sound disrespectful to anybody, but if I buy a dog from anybody once you have taken m

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  On 14/06/2019 at 22:16, Setenta said:

Also the fact that some are comparing a living animal to a car speaks volumes about them and their mentality towards their dogs and the dogs they breed. I wouldn’t hesitate in selling any of my cars to anybody but I would definitely think several times over before gifting or selling anyone a dog. 



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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:30, D Lloyd said:

Given or sold with or without conditions meens nothing to some gifted plenty and got shit on plenty afterwards.hope dog as got a good home and you find out put you brothers mind at rest


So this puts you in this category  type ,yas sella fecking dog yas sell it yas don't fecking own it thereafter  yas make an assumption when selling  if your assumptions turn out nit ta your liking that's your fecking bad judgement, get a grip  one has to realise that if your breeding for ones self leave two welps on bitch and cull. If yas ain't got it in yas ta do that stop fecking whinging like a two yr old  feck me somewhere a you lot on here not all but a large handful,ain't from my kind a background do not breed buy in saves all the drama issues when things don't go ta ones plan and outlook ,remember this people like animals bred da performance we get differences in humans one needs ta realise this why would one be shit on if yas sell a dog or gift a dog for that matter and buyer don't conform to your control and outlook yas not fecking God yas two bit lurcher much like the rest of us no better no worse get a fecking grip.atb bill

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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:22, Setenta said:

I’ve not been on the forum long but always seems to be the same type of comments from the same people. Wether the pup was sold or gifted it’s common courtesy & respect to keep the breeder posted with its development, standard of work as it gets older or if there is any kind of issues and it has to be re homed. Especially when it was agreed before the pup was sold!


I I believe this if ones lucky enough to get updated on the progress of a welp that's fine some do others don't that's  there perogative ,not  a must do kind a thing I believe this to many fecking a those on there high horse need ta get a grip .atb bill

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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:22, Setenta said:

I’ve not been on the forum long but always seems to be the same type of comments from the same people. Wether the pup was sold or gifted it’s common courtesy & respect to keep the breeder posted with its development, standard of work as it gets older or if there is any kind of issues and it has to be re homed. Especially when it was agreed before the pup was sold!



  On 14/06/2019 at 17:42, W. Katchum said:

If you’s cares that much yous should have gifted with conditions, where I’m fae if you charge the guy you’ve passed the pup on an guy can do what he wants, shit what’s happened but like Iv said if you cared so much you wouldn’t have sold it to a stranger.


Ya right katchum bad judgement on the sellers behalf fa me if a man spends money on a welp he desires I automatically presume its his responsibility thereafter  no ifs no butts none a this  whinging that's fa fecking pussies if the man culls it a week later that's his business simples has that .atb bill

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  On 14/06/2019 at 21:30, D Lloyd said:

Given or sold with or without conditions meens nothing to some gifted plenty and got shit on plenty afterwards.hope dog as got a good home and you find out put you brothers mind at rest


Th this his how I see it if I had a animal stolen then I would feel the need of the welfare or outcome of that said animal ,that's normal . Not getting  upset about a dog yah nay own no more it's a habitual controlling kind a  trait in a man  I have fought over jukels ,but they allways been mine not some mans a sold one two lol . I believe this men with these kind a traits are above them selves  and best steering a wide birth ,they can bring the worst out in a very sydillic plain straight thinking man ,atb bill

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  On 15/06/2019 at 10:34, billhardy said:

Th this his how I see it if I had a animal stolen then I would feel the need of the welfare or outcome of that said animal ,that's normal . Not getting  upset about a dog yah nay own no more it's a habitual controlling kind a  trait in a man  I have fought over jukels ,but they allways been mine not some mans a sold one two lol . I believe this men with these kind a traits are above them selves  and best steering a wide birth ,they can bring the worst out in a very sydillic plain straight thinking man ,atb bill


That's deeep 

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  On 13/06/2019 at 13:14, worldruler said:

the guy was asked to come back to us if he had any problems and didn't and is now cagey with my brother when asking how he is getting on, we have kept in touch with all the other owners only this guy has been awkward and difficult, so in my opinion he is being a c**t, he could have got back to us he had our number and our email, but he never did any of that, he punted him and wouldn't tell my brother anything until today. 


You sold a dog in good faith,ill warrant you put a little effort,time and energy into raising the litter,now you would like an up-date on how the pup is getting on,fair play to you son.The facts are mucker that the majority of lurcher folk do not have the same attitude as you mucker,they believe you have no responsibility just because you took dollar for one of your charges and as soon as you do that you relinquish all responsibilities for a pup you may have a little affinity for.I totally agree with you mucker,when the buyer refuses to keep you up to date then thats piss poor form.Most folk on here breed shit for dollar and have little interest in how the progeny progress,well done for attempting to keep in touch with one of your pups pal,i wish more folk had your attitude to lurchers.

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  On 15/06/2019 at 17:43, W. Katchum said:

Who breeds shit for money in this forum Morton? Cos other than you I can’t think of any the regulars that breed often an charge?? ? Iv never in me life took any kind of payment for a pup or ferret or any other animal Iv had, how many of you concerned breeders can say the same? ?


peddlng cnuts?


Its deluded egos like yourself that have taken lurchers to the level many wish to see them at,the fecking gutter and guttersnipe ownership.Ive bred once in the last 8 years,the bitch had 13 pups and i left 5 on her,kept 2,gifted 2 and sold 1 that i failed to find a decent working home for.That may make me a "concerned breeder" in your eyes,in my eyes it underlines the level you will sink to in an attempt to get your pathetic ego in print.

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  On 15/06/2019 at 17:43, W. Katchum said:

Who breeds shit for money in this forum Morton? Cos other than you I can’t think of any the regulars that breed often an charge?? ? Iv never in me life took any kind of payment for a pup or ferret or any other animal Iv had, how many of you concerned breeders can say the same? ?


peddlng cnuts?


Here we go Saturday night under way ?

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  On 15/06/2019 at 18:02, W. Katchum said:

So out 5 pups you had to sell 2 to complete strangers?? Must have been real good oupsx Iv need 2 litters in me life an all we’re gifted to mates an family an all free an all in same home, all my lurchers come here an stay here never sold any. So don’t try an make out it’s folk like me that ruin the game when there’s folk like yous selling pups to strangers ffs???


many terriers you sold? An you don’t need me to get my point across, let’s hear yours ?? Who is that breeds shite for profit on here, other than you am thread starter?


The last litter of terriers i bred was about 5 years ago,gave them all away apart from 3 retained between me and my lad,my lad bred a litter of 7, 2 years ago and gifted all but 2 he bred for me.Work it out better than you did from my last post einstein.I keep telling you that the fecking nuggets feeding you info are of the same ilk as youself,the sort ive little time for.

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  On 15/06/2019 at 18:12, W. Katchum said:

My points proven, you seek to sell pups from every litter you breed an breed of young dogs, yet I’m a wrong in for laughing at yous ??? Carry on ye peddling fcukers I hope karma catches yous quick ?


Im glad you are of the opinion you have proven "your" point,it undermines my belief that sites likes this are the domain of feckwits,chancers and egos,on the whole,decent folk give this site a wide berth now because of the likes of you and the folk that seek comfort from your drunken rantings.Ive not been on here for about 6-7 weeks,ill be back about august.Little heads up mucker,ill be at the FMWTC show at the Causeway Inn,start drinking earlier and pluck up the courage to introduce yerself.

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