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New member - bullet grains ?

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Good morning, new to your forum so a little about my experience so far. Did my DSC in April 2018 and have been stalking on half a dozen occasions since then. Use a Sauer .308 and have been firing Winchester Super X 150 grain ammo. Generally  all good. All roe deer killed cleanly with most dropping on the spot. But On the range I find the accuracy less than I hope for in terms of sub MOA type groups. This is all about my experience and consistency, but I have been told that the recoil May be effecting my accuracy. I’m more than happy with .308 but wonder if bullet grain might improve the situation ?



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My .308 lives almost exclusively on PRVI 150g SP.

That works for me on 3 fronts, it delivers circa 1" at 100 yards, its well priced...and it does the job!

Mine is a Remington 700  SPS, and frankly is a pussycat to shoot compared to most .308/7,62 I've fired!


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