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FAC renewal - Medical Report

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12 minutes ago, Sausagedog said:

That's my point friend.

They, despite having our consent do not check up ( I tested them on this by not giving my consent and then when they got in touch I asked if they checked last time, I also asked my doctor if they ever checked and I was told no) so to get a report signed by your doctor but paid by you saves them of not just some work but also from some responsibility!

It smells of lawyers to me and did from day one!

Public safety has nothing to do with this. It's purely the old boys protecting their positions when or if something goes wrong!


Good point, the person I knew definitely slipped threw the net he had Bipolar ! ,  I wonder if they did ask the doctor for medical reports would they have to pay or would that be passed onto the applicant.

All in all its not consistent from county to county every one should be on the same playing field.

And as for people protecting their positions and arses I work for the Railways my whole working life is one big arse covering exercise so I’m very aware how that all works. 

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This is exactly what I hate about the firearm licensing of this land. The police have been given authority to make it up as they wish. Despite there being no basis in law. If basc were

I know they can charge for it but most do it for free.... must be one of Chris packhams mates!!

There is no basis in law to do anything other than to give the police access if they wish to approach your GP and medical records. Because they don't take a look they are just trying to cover the

I know a guy down the road and he has several firearms yet he is on antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, I've often wondered how he got his FAC or even if they know.

I did ask him how he got one and he said that he'd declared all his medication, its beyond me and bloody scarey!!

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You can register with gp online services, access your medical records that way. You should be able to then print them off and send them in with your application forms. Otherwise, you can request a copy from your doctor, and under normal circumstances they can’t refuse, but there is a charge. It was £50 maximum, but might have changed.

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On 08/05/2019 at 07:42, Sausagedog said:

This is exactly what I hate about the firearm licensing of this land.

The police have been given authority to make it up as they wish.

Despite there being no basis in law.

If basc were any use what so ever they would of got this abuse of power quoshed!

Personally I would rather sponsor a lame duck to represent me!


On 08/05/2019 at 13:28, Sausagedog said:

That's my point friend.

They, despite having our consent do not check up ( I tested them on this by not giving my consent and then when they got in touch I asked if they checked last time, I also asked my doctor if they ever checked and I was told no) so to get a report signed by your doctor but paid by you saves them of not just some work but also from some responsibility!

It smells of lawyers to me and did from day one!

Public safety has nothing to do with this. It's purely the old boys protecting their positions when or if something goes wrong!


This is the crux of this problem the whole licensing system is a total shambles. No government wants anything to do with this. They palm it off onto plod who has an out of balance opinion because on one hand they are responsible for overseeing and implementing the process which costs a lot of money. And as far as they are concerned want to remove all guns from public ownership.  Where all of this falls down is that they make it up as they go along and our so called representation doesn't protect our interests and vigorously oppose and fight stuff like this,  basc profess to fight for, and protect sporting shooters rights.  Poor performance all round. This is why for some years now I have not joined basic because I  consider the organisation to be a complete waste of time and money.

Ps. I just looked on the basic website and there does not appear to be any mention of doctors certs anywhere.

Edited by Meece
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  • 1 month later...

Got my medical report completed a few days ago for my FAC renewal but it took three weeks of constantly asking after I gave to my GP before they finally sorted it,cost for that service £18.00 I think that I got of likely compered  to some reports.

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8 hours ago, goldfinger said:

Got my medical report completed a few days ago for my FAC renewal but it took three weeks of constantly asking after I gave to my GP before they finally sorted it,cost for that service £18.00 I think that I got of likely compered  to some reports.

Why have you paid anything for a medical report on a renewal? I've had numerous renewals and never paid a penny. Tick the box where it says you give consent for the police to access your medical files.........job done. 


Oops just realised how old this thread was, found myself giving the same answer as I did months ago.

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10 minutes ago, delswal said:

Why have you paid anything for a medical report on a renewal? I've had numerous renewals and never paid a penny. Tick the box where it says you give consent for the police to access your medical files.........job done. 


Oops just realised how old this thread was, found myself giving the same answer as I did months ago.

It's ok, I started repeating myself too.

Some folk just don't see a trap when it's put even under their nose.

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13 minutes ago, delswal said:

Why have you paid anything for a medical report on a renewal? I've had numerous renewals and never paid a penny. Tick the box where it says you give consent for the police to access your medical files.........job done. 


Oops just realised how old this thread was, found myself giving the same answer as I did months ago.

TVP sent out a bulletin a few weeks ago saying they require medical reports for renewals and grants now!

PITA, and they concede it isn't law but their specific requirement, and no report no ticket!

Edited by Deker
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8 hours ago, Deker said:

TVP sent out a bulletin a few weeks ago saying they require medical reports for renewals and grants now!

PITA, and they concede it isn't law but there specific requirement and no report no ticket!

Instead of folks paying through the nose for reports, simply get a  copy of your medical records which you are entitled to, and send a copy to the police instead of paying these stupid prices.

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1 minute ago, delswal said:

Instead of folks paying through the nose for reports, simply get a  copy of your medical records which you are entitled to, and send a copy to the police instead of paying these stupid prices.

I need to look into it deeper, I get the impression they (TVP) have a form they want your doctor to complete......I may be off the mark here, not read it all yet, I have a few years before renewal.

I think this "may" apply to variations as well.

Please don't quote me on the detail yet, I don't want to send the rumour mill into overdrive.

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Thames Valley Alert Logo
Thames Valley Police
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Important Changes To Medical Information

Information notice - Changes to Medical Information
You are now required to provide medical information verified by a GP for all firearm and shotgun applications - this includes renewals. This applies to any application, whether declaring a medical condition or not.   The change is being implemented to enable the Police to make informed decisions which will protect both the shooting community and the wider public. The change will mean a consistent and fair process for all applicants, and will assist in improving application processing times. The fact you have a condition may not necessarily mean your application is refused. However, a false declaration could result in your prosecution, or your application being refused, or your existing license being revoked and your firearms or shotguns being seized.
This change will affect any application submitted from 1st August 2019.

When will this new medical process start?

The introduction of a pre application medical screening will come into effect on 1st August 2019.
What does this mean for you, the applicant?
On applying for the grant or renewal of a firearm/shot gun/RFD application (online or paper) all applicants will be required to submit with their application a completed GP pro forma that has been agreed between Thames Valley Police and the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Local Medical Committees (LMCs). This pro forma can be found on the Thames Valley Police website or can be obtained direct from your GP.
Who contacts my GP?
Applicants will be responsible for contacting their GP for this information.
What happens if I do not submit the pre medical screening information?
Applications received without the applicant’s medical information (GP pro forma) will be returned to the applicant with a request to submit this information. If the application is received again without this supporting documentation the application may be refused.
Why are Thames Valley Police implementing this change in policy?
The Firearms Act 1968 (as amended) and Home Office Guidance states that before granting or renewing a firearm/shot gun certificate the Chief Officer of Police needs to be satisfied that applicants can be permitted to have the firearm(s)/shot guns/ammunition without danger to the public safety or to the peace. Details that are required in order to make an informed decision on an applicant’s suitability, includes information relating to their medical history.
The current medical process in place may leave a substantial gap in the available information and intelligence assessed at the point of grant or renewal. Medical evidence is pivotal to police decision making.  
The introduction of a pre application medical screening will ensure that the firearms licensing department has all the relevant available information as to the suitability of the applicant prior to grant or renewal. This will help to mitigate risk as far as reasonably practicable. This single process will also make the process more streamlined and quicker for applicants, as the police will no longer have to contact the GP and await a reply.
Why is Thames Valley Police not complying with Home Office Guidance on this matter?
Whilst Home Office Guidance is intended to assist with consistency of practice between forces it is Chief Officers who are ultimately responsible for the administration of firearms licensing in their force area. Home Office Guidance acknowledges this and understands that it may be necessary for forces to depart from the guidance when each case is assessed on its merits and the circumstances justify such a course of action. Home Office Guidance also has no statutory footing and our legal advice is that if harm was done as a result of the police issuing a certificate the responsibility for failing to properly manage the risk, would from a legal perspective, fall to the police.
Will there be a fee from my GP?
Guidance from the BMA and LMC is very clear that this type of work falls outside of the NHS remit and as such surgeries will request a fee from the applicant.

Message Sent By
Zoe Powderly (Police, Manager, Firearms Licensing )

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The first thing that jumps out is "mitigate".

They want to be free from responsibility as we all know they never check once you give them permission to check your records. It's a cost cutting and responsibility cutting exercise that will prevent zero crime anyway!

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I wonder if this is going to be put out nationwide as at the minute it’s still the old tick the box way up here, my FAC is due in a couple of months, I’ve already had my letter from firearms with the date for a visit, I don’t have to give a medical report just permission for them to have a look, the only way I need to get a medical report is if I suffer from or have suffered from any of the problems listed or something flags up on my medical record, it all just looks like another case of pass the book and squeeze a bit more cash out of the common man, I can’t imagine any GP wanting to put their name to anybody’s FAC, These forms will give no more information than allowing the police to check your medical history, if they can be bothered to

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Just being pinickity here, but the GP doesn't produce a medical report in a traditional sense ie a report that contains an opinion. He isn't permitted to express an opinion. What he does is check your history and make a factual "report" of any condition that may affect your suitability to possess a firearm.  eg On the 28th May 2001, Gollam attended the surgery and reported feeling depressed and had suicidal thoughts. There are 3 further instances of this between 2001 and 2003, linked to the fall of Middle Earth. The GP is not permitted to make conclusions or pass opinions on suitability.

A £120 charge is ridiculous. Most doctors charge around £28 for a letter. Additionally, after your initial application, the fact you are a firearms holder will be flagged on your file and any relevant facts in your initial report are there for every subsequent report, so the doctor have nothing more to do than copy the contents of the last report and check any new history in between for anything  of interest to the FAO.  Depending on how many times you go to the doctor in 4 years, that could be anywhere between 1 or few, but nothing very time consuming.

I've recently had a renewal, and I wasn't charged.

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