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Three new general licenses released

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Providing proof of damage is easy , open up the crop of the bird you have just shot , the proof will be starring you in the eye  

Just been advised by my pal that a new GL for woodpigeon (GL31) and one for canada geese (GL28) have been released. Plus the use of traps and decoys (GL33) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.u

We won’t be back to normal until we are out of Europe 

I was just about to post in the big thread about this... 

Anyone know where we are then? As soon as I tell me land owners about the corvids and pigeons they’ll ask me what I’m waiting for... farmers told me ‘the f’kin branchers need thinning out, ya comin over this weekend?’

We good to go then or not? ?

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  On 03/05/2019 at 21:12, Rez said:

I was just about to post in the big thread about this... 

Anyone know where we are then? As soon as I tell me land owners about the corvids and pigeons they’ll ask me what I’m waiting for... farmers told me ‘the f’kin branchers need thinning out, ya comin over this weekend?’

We good to go then or not? ?


You will have to read it Jamie because I have not done so but I can only assume it is a 'GO' situation unless of course it says something different.


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The pigeon license reads well, it’s a crop protection licence the line in it that in my opinion you should take notice of is “ if serious damage is occurring or is reasonably expected to occur in the absence of licensed action “ the Canada license is a public health issue, nothing about them grazing fields off so in that respect they would fall under the wildfowl season for me, I can understand why the are doing species specific licensing it makes sense to me not to put them all under the same license as a lot of them create an individual problem, I’d  be interested to see what the jay and magpie license reads like when that’s released 

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  On 04/05/2019 at 07:30, timmytree said:

Read it very carefully. There is enough in there for a shooter to come seriously unstuck if challenged.

Especially the bit about non lethal methods still being tried even when you are shooting to kill.

Also the very last paragraph about providing proof of the damage if required, that could prove interesting. 


Providing proof of damage is easy , open up the crop of the bird you have just shot , the proof will be starring you in the eye  

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