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  On 27/04/2019 at 20:45, timmytree said:

He's doing what he thinks is right. 

Lets imagine that you are campaigning for a crackdown on drug addicts in your area, drug addicts say you are a tosspot, wanker, snitch, etc because you expose that they are breaking the law. Does that make you wrong or right? Does it make them right?

The BBC can't sack him because they don't employ him. They can choose not to use him again but that would be stupid because he has huge support from the public who like what he does. 

The only way we will beat him is to understand his agenda and comply with all the rules and regulations so he has nothing to complain about. I'll say it again, for the last time. The reason we are here arguing now is because Natural England screwed up and too many shooters ignored the law or were too bloody thick to understand it. Simple rules, simple to understand but still we had idiots posting about shooting birds for the most ridiculous reasons.



YEAH... Matt ?

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Whilst heads should potentially roll lets be clear, NE and the Welsh, Scots, and as far as I'm aware NI General Licences had similar wording and conditions. You can bet they will be changing ther

His whole campaign has left him with egg on his face. He temporarily got pest control halted but his campaign was counter productive to his conservation ideas. That, in my book does make him a knob he

At least nobody has blamed it all on Brexit yet!  

  On 27/04/2019 at 20:59, timmytree said:

Don't worry about paperwork, the GL will continue with slightly different wording, no need for paperwork.

What we do need is shooters to abide by the law and that is the problem because many of them are bloody idiots who don't understand and couldn't give a toss if they ruin it for everyone. We see brain deads in all walks of life but some of these will lose you something that you value and enjoy. Are you going to blame Packham or crack down on the numpties? In the next few days I hope to post a whole list that proves that some shooters aren't fit to use an elastic band let alone an airgun or shotgun because they are complete and utter twats that bring our sport into disrepute. These are the prats that need banning from anything sharp or remotely risky because they are a menace to society and a danger to the public as well as themselves.


Ahhhh. That’s fab news about the GL.

To be honest timmehhh, over the past few days ya’ve been bangin the drum on this and that, (though it’s the first time I’ve seen you post in the AG forum for a while) but your just saying the same thing in every post... in a different way. It’s not that we don’t agree with you, we can’t not agree with you for the sake of a long winded reply that we can’t be bothered to read ? please don’t make that list to long... for god sake. 

We can all see you have your points and that are valid, but jeez, I’m surprised you can see your keyboard being so far up the Packhams poo ring ?

Dangled the bait now aint’ah...

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  On 27/04/2019 at 21:09, Rez said:

Ahhhh. That’s fab news about the GL.

To be honest timmehhh, over the past few days ya’ve been bangin the drum on this and that, (though it’s the first time I’ve seen you post in the AG forum for a while) but your just saying the same thing in every post... in a different way. It’s not that we don’t agree with you, we can’t not agree with you for the sake of a long winded reply that we can’t be bothered to read ? please don’t make that list to long... for god sake. 

We can all see you have your points and that are valid, but jeez, I’m surprised you can see your keyboard being so far up the Packhams poo ring ?

Dangled the bait now aint’ah...


Oh dear.......your for'it now sir?

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As has just been said tim, im with you on most accounts, im not saying your wrong about why this has happened. Im saying that its only been done to massage CP's ego and hes hes a bell end for not thinking it through better and maybe gaining some of our support in the process if it wasnt so poorly thought out and rushed to make himself look like a national treasure?

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Whilst heads should potentially roll lets be clear, NE and the Welsh, Scots, and as far as I'm aware NI General Licences had similar wording and conditions.

You can bet they will be changing there's PDQ in a similar fashion to NE.

Packham should go from the BBC because of his overall  self indulgence, self importance, bias, propaganda, and two faced hypocrisy!  The BBC should not be associating with someone who actively supports breaking the Law as he has on his own website with regards the recent Extinction Rebellion debacle!


Edited by Deker
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  On 27/04/2019 at 21:21, timmytree said:

If that's how you see it, then fine, I just see that the bloke has a valid point because NE and shooters have broken the law. I've had a lifetime of shooting anything and everything when I wanted with no restrictions because I was sensible. If it all gets stopped now I couldn't care less because I'm handing over all my permissions to a younger bloke who is still keen and not disillusioned by the attitude shown by some. I've tried to help but actually I wouldn't give a shit if all live shooting was stopped permanently because some people are their own worst enemies


Ya still got ya Pro Sport? 

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  On 27/04/2019 at 22:32, timmytree said:

Something close to 160,000 shots and still deadly within 70yards. PCPs come and go but the PS is still here because it's the best  pest control tool I've ever had. Now she'll only ever get to hit targets and paper or get handed to my son as an ornament because I'm completely f****n hacked off with the wankers that are ruining our sport. 

If anyone in my area wants some rabbit shooting and maybe some pigeons, let me know, maybe up to 100 acres for the right person, more may be available.


What area is that mate 

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