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Whilst heads should potentially roll lets be clear, NE and the Welsh, Scots, and as far as I'm aware NI General Licences had similar wording and conditions. You can bet they will be changing ther

His whole campaign has left him with egg on his face. He temporarily got pest control halted but his campaign was counter productive to his conservation ideas. That, in my book does make him a knob he

At least nobody has blamed it all on Brexit yet!  

All 3 of them on the same day. All dickheads.

They have all dropped huge bollocks that make them all look very stupid in the past and are not fit for their roles. 

Over here you are more likely to see a unicorn than a grouse because snowdoinia doesnt manage their predators so i guess they would rather see none than a well managed grouse moore.

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  On 27/04/2019 at 15:19, timmytree said:

Will someone please explain to me how Packham can be sacked? He's not employed by the BBC, he's freelance, self employed.

As for what he's done? Well he's exposed the fact that a government dept hasn't got a clue about the law concerning the wording of their own documents. He's taken issue with the FACT that many shooters don't understand or abide by the existing laws and along with a lot of other like minded people he's done something about it.

He campaigned for what he thought was right and he's proved his case against government and made them back down. I can't stand the bloke but I admire the fact that he's got off his arse and done something about it rather than just spout off a lot of hot air. That's something a lot of shooters would do well to take notice of. 

Calling him names or insulting him won't make any difference, he couldn't care less because he's proved himself right before it even got to court. Some people need to grow up, most of us left name calling and insults in the playground when we left infant school.


His whole campaign has left him with egg on his face. He temporarily got pest control halted but his campaign was counter productive to his conservation ideas. That, in my book does make him a knob head. He didnt think hard enough he just dived in to be the great man that stopped hunting pest birds and now he looks like a twat.

We are talking about an educated, knowledgeable man when it comes to species identification and habitat but when it comes down to common sense im afraid he is rather lacking and his contract with the bbc should be revoked like his stupid campaign.

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  On 27/04/2019 at 16:56, timmytree said:

If he got it so wrong why is it that Natural England pulled the GL with 2 days notice?

NE screwed up and have been for years. Packham may have done us a favour in one way because the law will be made clearer, so no excuse for numpties not to stick to it and stay legal?

The opposition parties couldn't beat government, Packham took them on with a small budget and a legal team that could understand

the law and where it failed. How has he done compared to the campaign for Brexit or to control immigration? A lot better, he got things done and it hasn't come out of the taxpayers pocket. We will still get some shooting but with clearer rules on what and when. Now it's up to shooters not to screw it up again.

WJ have already said they don't have a problem with shooting to protect crops or livestock so what is so difficult to understand? Shooting to protect crops, ok. Shooting to protect livestock ok. Shooting to protect flora and fauna will be passed. All WJ want to stop is those that shoot GL species for no other reason than they are in range, on bird feeders, or they want to eat them.


If these laws hadnt been re written, wouldnt he have looked like a real twat with the lapwings and wading birds eggs getting taken and the farmers pockets suffering. And lets face it, he is the face of stupid comments in the past like suggesting farmers and hunters killing lapwings was the cause of their demise. Thats why i have no time for him. He didnt think about the consequences of his actions while trying to be the nations saviour. A complete dick in my book.

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I agree hes made NE look like fools for sure but hes as far from dangerous as you can get. His campaign worked for 5 minutes because of the detrimental flaws it has on the English countryside. THAT is the part im picking at. Thats not a clever or dangerous man. That is the work of an egotistical public creeparse that has f****d up again because as you stated earlier on. This is now working in our favour, so really we owe him a debt of gratitude for being so desperate to be seen and heard that hes gone in with his eyes closed and copped one on the chin?

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  On 27/04/2019 at 17:55, timmytree said:

No, dangerous because this is only his first attempt. Do you think he will stop now? He's beaten NE, he will be on their case for evermore, and ours for every single misdemeanour that people post up. Give him a couple of years and it will be game bird shooting and after that rabbits. He's clever enough that I think he will never oppose grey squirrel shooting although he may work on stopping airgunners doing it.

He's a devious and intelligent man. He's proved it.


I agree his a big enough toss pot to not let the matter drop and will try to find something else to oppose yes. So thats why removing him from the bbc wont eliminate the damage he can cause, more damage limitation. Out of sight out of mind and all that. 

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Like you Tim, I don’t think he’ll loose any job or contract with the Telly, so I’m a bit unsure what all that partition was about really. Whatever happens with the GL, it’s more the airgun industry in particular I’m a tad worried about. If, for example, he does get on to the review of all pest species, it’ll knock the “hunting life type” members. 

If the paper work is a pain to sort out too, most won’t even apply for it and be left just shooting target or HFT.

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