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Guest Lord B

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Guest Lord B
  maltenby said:
You all know what this is about? Oil is running out, it's $100 a barrel at the moment, and the Arab's wont play ball.




Get the farmers to stop growing food, and hey presto! A taxable commodity we can export.

You are right about biofuels. Been looking into that for a while. Its not as bloody easy as it sounds, with ths government you can't just go out and decide to do this or that, its crazy!


One thing we do do is farm worms (I know, sounfs daft) on a commercial scale. Not for fishing but for the recycling indusrty. They are used to process organic matter on landfill sites and to clean contaminated land prior to building, and it works, for us as a producer and the customer.


But I def want to look further into biofuel. Biofuel and worms for recycling, who could critisize a farm producing those?

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Guest Lord B
  flint said:
yeah but look at all the biulding land thr`d be . fill it all full of cheap housing get more poles over here :whistling:


Not on my land!!!


Mind you, most of it you couldn't build on but I see the point.

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  Lord B said:
Has anyone heard this?? On radio 4 earlier. A number of top DEFRA civil (not so) servants have suggested that we no longer need a farming economy in the UK, and that we should stop farming and import all our food from external global markets!!??


Just think about that for a moment.




At a time where the worldwide demand for food is growing hugely, a time where UK food demands are growing, UK's Just In Time delivery proccesses are under constant strain brom variables such as adverse weather, fuel price rises, the potential for technology break down....etc etc; they want to stop farming, all farming in the UK, and buy EVERYTHING in!!


Not to mention what a mess the countryside will be in!! Oh no; I've just got it, the penny has dropped, this is so they can then turn our farm land, our countryside, our rural villages into the :censored: theme park that they want!!


How stupid are they, DEFRA, are supposed to be the ministry governing the bloody countryside and rural business......



Sadly yes Eu subsidies favour the French and Irish for Beef production Grain production cereals will be the new east members of the Eu .Unless someone makes a stand where f****d.Ironic isnt it that this little Island only 20 years ago was self sufficient!!!!What happened?The countryside that the antis yogurt knitting townies love and admire has been shaped by Farmers and Shooting.

It is totally unbelivable that a government department can be so crass and short sighted.But hey ho a country with more coal {higher thermal unit}than Poland and Germany, now faces a shortage of energy production.Or another analogy we are an island race yet we have hardly a Merchant Navy .We will make nowt import everything and be a Service industry country.And the first industry to suffer in market slowdown or changes in markets are the service industries.

Edited by k9wpg
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Guest Macnas



You're quite right, Ireland punches well above its weight in the EU in terms of subsidies and favour. Our farmers get a better crack of the whip than yours.

Why? because our government did everything it could to get as good a deal from the very get-go. We had our most able people in europe, people like Ray McSharry and Albert Reynolds who wrung every penny they could from the various prjects and schemes down through the years.

I well remember the UK papers slagging Ireland off for begging and deal making, and all the while, UK farmers were being sold down the river, even before Labour were elected, UK agriculture was being left dangle.


Now we have Mandleson representing the EU, and he's selling us all down the river. At best he's a detached in-effectual hand wringer, at worst he's a devisive puppet of the US.


But at least our Dept. of Agriculture (yes, we still have one of those) is on the same side as the agricultural community, something "DEFRA" (how Labour loves acronyms) most obviously is not.

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Guest Lord B

Maybe we should all get out and buy from and support local producers, farm shops, local butchers and bakers.......and :censored: off the supermarkets, get back to shopping like we did 20years ago.


Growing the small rural producers, and letting the larger farms procuce the likes of biofuels, then the rural economy will be more self supporting with a customer base for all its produce.....

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i agree with the above 100%..... each country should have enough resources to support themselves and the people there..... and should do so.... unless you live in a desert or arctic wasteland.. but even those regions have ways to survive without imports!

Edited by BlueCoyote
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Guest Lord B
  maxhardcore said:
bio fules is only another option, scientists will still have to find other ways , methods ect to power our cars homes ect because even if every field in britain was planted for bio use it would still not produce enough for our cars . grow british buy british from british is the only way forward instead of multinational comglomarates getting richer by selling us tastless shite.

One problem we have is that legislation gioverning packaging alows us to use the Union Jack on supermarket produce from the UK.....................BULL $HIT What it means is that that is probably imported produce that has had its final process element done in the UK, so consumers buy it wrongly thinking its British!!!

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Guest Lord B



But at least our Dept. of Agriculture (yes, we still have one of those) is on the same side as the agricultural community, something "DEFRA" (how Labour loves acronyms) most obviously is not.


DEFRA is a pile of :censored:


Over funded, huge dtaff turn-over, can't help themselves when it comes to :censored: ing up (F&M, SFP's), and nodody in there has anything to do with the rural economy. Staffed by middle calss urbanites intent on a civil service career at the top with a slightly too liberal and "green" outlook as oposed to a "real" rural outlook.


Lets face it, most of this cr*p about "green" is rubbish, rural folk have been living a less throw away lifestyle for generations, generating fuel from wood to heat water and homes, eating more cleanly from local resources, using things twice three times and more..........


I'm no greenie or country hick either, but most of what these people puke about is how farmers and rural folk have been living since year dot!


My central heating (water too) is done by burning wood, its perfect, much better than oil or electric. cleaner and cheaper, and with a bloody big old empty house thats important!


I don't throw away much rubbish, we have a compost heap, a large bin for food waste that gets used up on the farm, and anything that will burn, does.


Most of our food is fresh and bought from two local farmers markest supplied by local farms, food has traveled very few miles to get into my belly........


Its not a huge amount, and its not done to be "green", its done to be practical, and it works, its cheaper on the whole, and happens to be more environmentaly sustainable too.


Who are they to tell my my Range Rover is killing the planet? Its them that live in a disposabl;e throw away society where its cool to pretend to be green and knitt yogurt....counting their co2 footpring as they drive to McDonalds for plastic food in plastic containers, drive to the gym to run on a plastic machine, drive to the brand named pub to eat more plastic mass produced processed food.......need I say more?

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  Lord B said:
  maxhardcore said:
bio fules is only another option, scientists will still have to find other ways , methods ect to power our cars homes ect because even if every field in britain was planted for bio use it would still not produce enough for our cars . grow british buy british from british is the only way forward instead of multinational comglomarates getting richer by selling us tastless shite.

One problem we have is that legislation gioverning packaging alows us to use the Union Jack on supermarket produce from the UK.....................BULL $HIT What it means is that that is probably imported produce that has had its final process element done in the UK, so consumers buy it wrongly thinking its British!!!

well i am shocked, i have always bought Products with the British flag, believing it had been reared here (or grown here), slaughtered here and processed here. I know many others, who do the same, but obviously we havent been fed British produce, rather we have been fed lies.

Edited by Andrea
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Guest Lord B
  Andrea said:
  Lord B said:
  maxhardcore said:
bio fules is only another option, scientists will still have to find other ways , methods ect to power our cars homes ect because even if every field in britain was planted for bio use it would still not produce enough for our cars . grow british buy british from british is the only way forward instead of multinational comglomarates getting richer by selling us tastless shite.

One problem we have is that legislation gioverning packaging alows us to use the Union Jack on supermarket produce from the UK.....................BULL $HIT What it means is that that is probably imported produce that has had its final process element done in the UK, so consumers buy it wrongly thinking its British!!!

well i am shocked, i have always bought Products with the British flag, believing it had been reared here (or grown here), slaughtered here and processed here. I know many others, who do the same, but obviously we havent been fed British produce, rather we have been fed lies.

Unfortunatly all that need done in order for the flag mark is that an element of the process be done in the UK. Take poultry for arguments sake, bread killed and butchered in Poland, flown over here, frozen and packaged up, marked as British and popped on shop shelved.


I "think" the only guarantee is with the Lion mark of eggs because that pre dates this whole messy legislation rubbish!

Although there are other British marks trhat are a guarantee, the only one commonly known would be the old Lion egg mark. Just because a packet of bacon has a Union Jack on it, do not take it for granded it is 100% British.


When it comes to such ;abeling, "Organic" is the only one where we can be certain of the facts, that is has to meet stringent open standards to be branded as such.

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  gareth_daniel said:
Im sorry but the country is in a state! Make me Prime Minister!!!! All hunting bans lifted, no importation of food stuffs, immigrants and none british to go home! Anything else?? Oh yeh stop building houses on countryside (happened at both my last adresses). Could rant about this all day im afraid.


Im only 18 (19 next month) im dreading this country when ive got grand kids. I bet they wont be able to shoot anything, have a gun, go fishing, not even course fishing (catch and release) they wont be able to own a 'bull breed', staffys will probably be outlawed due to bad press and british people will be the MINORITY in BRITAIN!!!


Its insane.



None british? will that include premiership managers, surgeons, chefs and some royalty?
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What values can we expect from a society who believes "Albert Square, and Coronation Street" and adopts their values and morals as typically British. While the same majority believe country equates to Emmerdale and "Green, Greengrass!"

As for "buy British" that went out when Mrs. Thatcher axed the uneconomic industrial might and made being a selfish individual "the type to aspire too." Also convinced us to embrace global markets.

No Lord B. you cant have your cake and eat it.....The consumer wants cheap food same as cheap clothes, cheap motoring, cheap holidays etc etc....no way can UK produce "cheap" anything but they can market cheap foriegn products too themselves.

Maybe DEFRA is just telling it how it is.?

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Who gives a f##k what DEFRA has decided this week?


It has reached the point where our government has become so incompetent and corrupt that we now have to start taking more responsibility for ourselves and regard their edicts as a nagging nuisance to be ignored at every opportunity. That includes planning our own financial futures on sound factual grounds, rather than relying on fake 'markets' which are sold to us as being 'safe'. Stop and think about the world around you- especially locally. From the farmer' s perspective, that means finding and establishing opportunities that actually supply genuine demands, rather than relying on subsidies and supplying cartel controlled markets. It would be financially crippling to start with, but the more such thinking gathers momentum, the easier it would get. If that means a blase attitude toward the books and books worth of regulation that govern farming, so be it. If farming is in your blood, its a risk you have to take- in the same way that anyone who works their dogs has to.


Take our country back for ourselves- I suspect it nearly started to happen with the fuel protests.


Would farmers have the nerve to take a risk and break away from their 'safe' zone?

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