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Aviary mesh painting black

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  On 14/04/2019 at 16:53, Elchapo said:

Plastic leaves are fine in avairys , I’ve had plastic leaves and old xmass tree branches in mine , especially good for nesting goldies , goldies love as much cover as they can get and having to keep removing old died off cover just keeps disturbing them 


I guess things have moved on .My uncle bred British birds and took as much care of the real trees and shrubs within the averies as he did the birds .I hate plastic leaves or flowers .

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  On 14/04/2019 at 18:30, sid g said:

you pack yours up then gnash ..


Yes mate i gave the aviary and shed and everything to my nephew he,s loving it all.....i always knew id get back into it at some point when life settles down a bit its a cracking little hobby i really enjoyed it.

Should i recognise your name Sid there was only a handful of lads on here into the birds your name doesnt ring a bell though ?

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  On 14/04/2019 at 16:53, Elchapo said:

Plastic leaves are fine in avairys , I’ve had plastic leaves and old xmass tree branches in mine , especially good for nesting goldies , goldies love as much cover as they can get and having to keep removing old died off cover just keeps disturbing them 


We have loads of conifers in the garden so i used to put bits in the aviary,the birds loved it but it gets so unsightly when they turn brown i ended up sticking bits of fake xmas trees in but that plastic stuff looks fine....i always wondered about growing Ivy up the back wall of an aviary it would look nice and be natural for the birds.

Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is that corrugated sheeting you have over the front of that aviary Taffy ?

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 16/04/2019 at 12:03, gnasher16 said:

We have loads of conifers in the garden so i used to put bits in the aviary,the birds loved it but it gets so unsightly when they turn brown i ended up sticking bits of fake xmas trees in but that plastic stuff looks fine....i always wondered about growing Ivy up the back wall of an aviary it would look nice and be natural for the birds.

Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is that corrugated sheeting you have over the front of that aviary Taffy ?


The plastic will be for a wind/weather break and hops are a quick growing and good looking insect attracting plant to plant in aviaries,but the thing about any natural plants in aviaries with native birds in them is the birds pick them to bits and you need a fast growing plant to keep up with them or wire over them which defeates the object a bit..

How is nephew T doing with his bird keeping? and cracking to hear he's stuck at Gnasher:victory:,my aviaries are all dismantled but i just can't bring myself to get rid no matter how much she moans about it:laugh:.Who knows it might be needed again one day eh :thumbs:

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It's my first attempt trying natives lads. I split my big flite into 4 rough looking 2x6x5 I know it's rough as I used some old voting signs last minute job. Birds seam happy I'm running 3 pairs goldies and pair bullys.. I added this thinking it mite make em more calm and feel bit safer.... Do yous think this good or bad in sense could make em skittish cheers del....... IV just flaps made up quick as not to Evan enter there space




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  On 16/04/2019 at 20:23, fireman said:

The plastic will be for a wind/weather break and hops are a quick growing and good looking insect attracting plant to plant in aviaries,but the thing about any natural plants in aviaries with native birds in them is the birds pick them to bits and you need a fast growing plant to keep up with them or wire over them which defeates the object a bit..

How is nephew T doing with his bird keeping? and cracking to hear he's stuck at Gnasher:victory:,my aviaries are all dismantled but i just can't bring myself to get rid no matter how much she moans about it:laugh:.Who knows it might be needed again one day eh :thumbs:


Thats right bless ya you gave him a pair of birds didnt you im terrible around names if i dont hear them regular ....he,s doing great with them mate he did try to contact you a few times but could never get hold of you i ended up giving him my whole shed,aviary,birds the lot he really enjoys it all he,ll be my entry back into them when the times right ?

No get them back up mate women are easily replaced ?

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  On 17/04/2019 at 10:33, gnasher16 said:

Thats right bless ya you gave him a pair of birds didnt you im terrible around names if i dont hear them regular ....he,s doing great with them mate he did try to contact you a few times but could never get hold of you i ended up giving him my whole shed,aviary,birds the lot he really enjoys it all he,ll be my entry back into them when the times right ?

No get them back up mate women are easily replaced ?


That is pleasing to hear and he was a proper gent when he visited and chose what he needed rather than what he could have had and that showed something about the man :thumbs:,i lost my phone book with his number in and funny as it might sound when i drive to Portsmouth to see my mum i go past on the motorway W.A. where he lives and think of him and how he's doing with the birds,W.A. was a place i lived as a kid before the motorway was built so i do notice the place anyway as such and not just a odd thinker about members of your family :laugh:..

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  On 17/04/2019 at 14:09, fireman said:

That is pleasing to hear and he was a proper gent when he visited and chose what he needed rather than what he could have had and that showed something about the man :thumbs:,i lost my phone book with his number in and funny as it might sound when i drive to Portsmouth to see my mum i go past on the motorway W.A. where he lives and think of him and how he's doing with the birds,W.A. was a place i lived as a kid before the motorway was built so i do notice the place anyway as such and not just a odd thinker about members of your family :laugh:..


He,s a good chap who knows his manners mate i wouldnt have him around if he didnt family or not ?

If and when you get back into the birds Fireman he,ll sort you out some birds no question about it.....its a smashing little hobby i found it really enjoyable watching how nature works close up it was almost a privilege to keep them.

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Yer the plastic sheets just a wind break will hopefully get them off this weekend weather meant to be getting warmer it's nice to chill with a beer and watch them going about there business no better way to relax after a day out wit ferrets and lurchers and the singing they do is great to listen too it's one of the only things that makes me sit still for hour when I get chance atb taffey 

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