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Tell you what,he's got a point. Cows over here are milked to the max and then given the bullet after 3 calves/ lactations. It's truly factory farming so we can enjoy dirt cheap milk. Mind you I'm a big softy leftie.?

Deep litter chicken farms really are like Auschwitz, but I'm a hypocrite because I eat the stuff.

Edited by jukel123
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Google average lifespan of dairy cow. 90% of cows are allowed 3 lactations and then slaughtered.They are often lame, covered in shit and have udders which are hideously expanded to allow them to produce far more milk than nature intended. Pastures are bombarded with nitrates which encourage abnormal grass growth to feed these Sci Fi cows. The nitrates, in turn, f**k up the natural ecology of the our streams and rivers and contribute to the demise of fish; in particular trout and salmon. Oh and burping, farting, cows are a significant contributor to greenhouse gases. But I have to hold my hand up and say I am more than gulity of contributing to these gases in a similar way to cows.

Hill farmers are given lots of grants/benefits to keep sheep on the hills. This has been a major contribution to the extinction of our native forests which in turn has a major impact on lowland flooding and woodland flora and fauna.

My wife buys so called 'free range' eggs and 'compassionately reared' chicken but I haven't the heart to tell her there's not much difference in the way they are reared and the cheaper alternatives. They are all housed in overcrowded conditions and routinely dosed with antibiotics which, inevitably, end up in the human food chain and contribute to the  problem of antibiotic resistance.

The ruthlessness of the supermarket chains is the at the root of the problem. They drive farming standards down because they are only prepared to pay rock bottom prices to the farmer. The farmer, in turn, has to cut corners to compete and we therefore end up with less than ideal living conditions for livestock.

The RSPCA turn a blind eye to factory farming and prefer instead to demonise hare coursers and little old ladies with obese dogs.

I once collared a cop who was scanning the fields for hare coursers. I asked him if he was blind because, in the field in front of him, there were half a dozen limping sheep with foot rot. I asked him why he didn't charge the farmer with animal neglect as they had been suffering for weeks. He said it was a matter for the RSPCA. All they  do is send a "stern' letter to the farmer 'advising' him of his 'responsibilities'. It's a complete shitstorm folks. 


Edited by jukel123
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3 hours ago, jukel123 said:

Google average lifespan of dairy cow. 90% of cows are allowed 3 lactations and then slaughtered.They are often lame, covered in shit and have udders which are hideously expanded to allow them to produce far more milk than nature intended. Pastures are bombarded with nitrates which encourage abnormal grass growth to feed these Sci Fi cows. The nitrates, in turn, f**k up the natural ecology of the our stream and rivers and contribute to the demise of fish; in particular trout and salmon. Oh and burping, farting, cows are a significant contributor to greenhouse gases. But I have to hold my hand up and say I am more than gulity of contributing to these gases in a similar way to cows.

Hill farmers are given lots of grants/benefits to keep sheep on the hills. This has been a major contribution to the extinction of our native forests which in turn has a major impact on lowland flooding and woodland flair and fauna.

My wife buys so called 'free range' eggs and 'compassionately reared' chicken but I haven't the heart to tell her there's not much difference in the way they are reared and the cheaper alternatives. They are all housed in overcrowded conditions and routinely dosed with antibiotics which, inevitably, end up in the human food chain and contribute to the  problem of antibiotic resistance.

The ruthlessness of the supermarket chains is the at the root of the problem. They drive farming standards down because they are only prepared to pay rock bottom prices to the farmer. The farmer, in turn, has to cut corners to compete and we therefore end up with less than ideal living conditions for livestock.

The RSPCA turn a blind eye to factory farming and prefer instead to demonise hare coursers and liitle old ladies with obese dogs.

I once collared a cop who was scanning the fields for hare coursers. I asked him if he was blind because, in the field in front of him, there were half a dozen limping sheep with foot rot. I asked him why he didn't charge the farmer with animal neglect as they had been suffering for weeks. He said it was a matter for the RSPCA. All they  do is send a "stern' letter to the farmer 'advising' him of his 'responsibilities'. It's a complete shitstorm folks. 


A lot of the time it's down to the department of agriculture to send in their own inspectors for general farm inspections and it's out of rspca hands unless a serious case. The department will turn a blind eye to a lot of stuff because they would have to close 80% of farms and bring down the industry if they were to fully enforce the standards. 

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11 minutes ago, jiggy said:

A lot of the time it's down to the department of agriculture to send in their own inspectors for general farm inspections and it's out of rspca hands unless a serious case. The department will turn a blind eye to a lot of stuff because they would have to close 80% of farms and bring down the industry if they were to fully enforce the standards. 

Always found it funny when asking for permission and getting turned down because the farmer thought it was cruel but it’s alright to cram cattle into sheds with slots with barely enough room to move and lying on their own piss and shite for 5 months of the year. A lot of farming practices if they were to be carried out by pet owners they would be looking at jail time. 

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4 hours ago, dogmandont said:

Always found it funny when asking for permission and getting turned down because the farmer thought it was cruel but it’s alright to cram cattle into sheds with slots with barely enough room to move and lying on their own piss and shite for 5 months of the year. A lot of farming practices if they were to be carried out by pet owners they would be looking at jail time. 

I was called to a farmers yard years back by my cousin one day to shoot a bull with .270 rifle with the promise of deer stalking in return in a good area but rough farm.The bull was nervous he said and had a bad infection in a front hoove that spread up the leg. And could barely stand on 3 legs. It looked like there was 12 inchs missing off the leg with an infected ball the size of a football on the end where the foot should be. I said to the young farmer that it must of been a few weeks like that if it got into that state and why didn't he put it down 3 weeks earlier. He said that he had giving it antibiotics that didn't work and beast was badly lame but the factory won't pay you for a beast until the drugs are gone out of the system for 4 weeks. He said I would of gotten 1500 quid but now I've to pay to dispose of him.           (Miserable cruel c**t). I then asked him why he rang me instead of animal disposal and he said but it will only cost me €60 if he brought it over himself in tractor but if they had to collect it was an extra €50?. I muttered under my breath and climbed up on jeep roof to shoot the bull that was a bit out in the field. He then start saying are you not going to walk right up to it. I said no, you said it was nervous and I'm not walking over there risking more pain for the poor thing to bolt across the field on what was basically an upside down mushroom. I shot it between the eyes and then walked over and slit it's throats to make sure it's suffering was over. The farmer said to me you cruel Cnut cutting its throat! I replied! Your the cruel little Cnut that left that animal suffer for 4 weeks to line your pockets so fcuk off you prick and don't ring me again and I drove off leaving farmer, his wife and my cousin standing in field with their mouths open! ? I never did go back for that stalking permission and I even rang and told my cousin I would slap him if he put me in to that position again.?

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