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I have used the Imbra  trap for over 50 years and never found a fault with them they strike hard if the Rabbit is either going in or coming out and other than Hedgehogs I cannot recall a Foul  catch about five years ago my hands became so bad I could not open the Imbra  so I bought some  Juby traps which are set by foot and I was back in the game , like the Imbra the Juby gives the Rabbit a hard smack just where it is needed but with a lot more power. These traps were designed by trappers who knew what they were doing and made traps that KILLED RABBITS but not really practical for rats because if caught on entering they were often threw  through and caught by the tail  which all traps with angled Jaws will do including the SAWYER . Now we are left with the Fenn6 which  started out as a Rat trap [Mk 4 ] and got Beefed up with little or no thought on the practicalities of killing Rabbits , now the Imbras and Jubys have gone and we are left with the misshaped lump of Wire that is called a humane trap the Fenn ! I think the people who make these rules know nothing and I would like to see them doing their tests to decide what is good and what is not because I know what my money would be on .




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2 hours ago, micky said:

I have used the Imbra  trap for over 50 years and never found a fault with them they strike hard if the Rabbit is either going in or coming out and other than Hedgehogs I cannot recall a Foul  catch about five years ago my hands became so bad I could not open the Imbra  so I bought some  Juby traps which are set by foot and I was back in the game , like the Imbra the Juby gives the Rabbit a hard smack just where it is needed but with a lot more power. These traps were designed by trappers who knew what they were doing and made traps that KILLED RABBITS but not really practical for rats because if caught on entering they were often threw  through and caught by the tail  which all traps with angled Jaws will do including the SAWYER . Now we are left with the Fenn6 which  started out as a Rat trap [Mk 4 ] and got Beefed up with little or no thought on the practicalities of killing Rabbits , now the Imbras and Jubys have gone and we are left with the misshaped lump of Wire that is called a humane trap the Fenn ! I think the people who make these rules know nothing and I would like to see them doing their tests to decide what is good and what is not because I know what my money would be on .




Wonder what types think all this up, Micky ? ,...cause they obviously have the ear of those who have the authority to decide here . It also seems apparent that it is all conducted with very little (if any) consultation or input , from experienced old hands, at the rabbit trapping, such as yourself  ?

Edited by earth-thrower
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Like a lot of things they get consultants in who all ready have an opinion. On facebook i bumped into some woman who claimed to have to done the research paper on ecollars for defra. She was most definitely biased against them lol so why get her to do a paper on the pros and cons. Shambles 

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Perhaps they were banned because the amount of Foul catches on Rats and I have had plenty but as Rabbit Killers the angled Jaws  are deadly , going in or coming out , I have been there a few times when the Dog has put them up and they have run into the trap I have had them out in seconds but they are goners the first belt duz em .




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